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Lal Masjid cleric wants enforcement of Shariah

How shia implements shariah vs how sunni's implement shariah. Different version of islamic history out there of both sects. Both sects have their own version of Hadith books. Both sects have different articles of faith.
Both agree on the most fundamental Islamic laws. These are two sects, not two religions.

It's music to ear when they talk about implementing Sood free economy in Pakistan. Pray tell us. 100 plus countries Pakistan trade with or take loans from, how will we do that once we eliminate sood in our country and forbid to take or receive sood ? any alternative system developed in 1000 years ?
A lot of work has been done on this subject but the successive governments showed reluctance in its application.

Shariah was implemented in 3rd aur 4th Caliph of Islam. Did it prevent rebellion among muslims and emergence of Khawarij ? So come out of your naivety that shariah is a magic pill which would end injustices in society or crime would be rare
Lets be fair here. The emergence of Khwarij was an administrative failure of Usman and Ali and not of shariah (Islamic laws) itself. Please be careful in choice of your words here.
Both agree on the most fundamental Islamic laws. These are two sects, not two religions.

A lot of work has been done on this subject but the successive governments showed reluctance in its application.

Lets be fair here. The emergence of Khwarij was an administrative failure of Usman and Ali and not of shariah (Islamic laws) itself. Please be careful in choice of your words here.

Fundamental Islamic laws are already implemented in Pakistani constitution.

Lot of work, which is done, can only be implemented in a pure utopian society where trade system is based on gold and silver coins. All those scholarly works blames paper currency the root cause of current interest system

We are led to believe the Taqwa of those Sahabas were beyond our wildest imaginations. When such practicing taqwa Sahabas couldn't hold them back and transgressed against Allah orders, where is the rational logic, implementing Shairah of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) era on us mere mortals would lead us on to path peace and prosperity
MR PROPHET SAW hadees is applicable every where first thing and is SC will not go for shariah that one day people will and they will not be good with those who will try to stop it and LAL MASJID didn't caused Fitnah it was Musharraf who proved to be the biggest fitnah for Pakistan and Sir whole world knows our Army started war against Tribals on American orders and read Islam than tell me what it says about those Muslims who attack other Muslims on order from Kafirs

Pakistan army is not fighting war against its own people (Tribals) . Its fighting the terrorist hiding in FATA area,big difference.
Fundamental Islamic laws are already implemented in Pakistani constitution.
They indeed are the part of the constitution but not implemented in their true essence. If they were, Nawaz and Zardari -type were not riding on this nations neck.

Lot of work, which is done, can only be implemented in a pure utopian society where trade system is based on gold and silver coins. All those scholarly works blames paper currency the root cause of current interest system
I'll suggest you to go through this fairly recent publication that does propose a model while not denouncing the paper currency. Actually problem is not with the paper currency, but abuse of it.


We are led to believe the Taqwa of those Sahabas were beyond our wildest imaginations. When such practicing taqwa Sahabas couldn't hold them back and transgressed against Allah orders, where is the rational logic, implementing Shairah of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) era on us mere mortals would lead us on to path peace and prosperity
There is no question about the piousness of Sahaba; questions are on their administrative skills. It is not only Khariji that emerged, but the split of the caliphate (albeit illegitimate) i.e. Ameer Moawiah in Syria and Ali (and later Imam Hassan) in Hijaaz also happened during the same time.

Now we know that TTP or Lal Masjid folks are not struggling for Shariah, they are only fighting for political hegemony, however, using the name of Islam for they know it is very easy to get people lined up by using this excuse.
Look at Sharia Law in Syria and Iraq. If you want that in Pakistan then you are simply a traitor. The type of sharia Law that some Muslims want cannot be established in this day and age. Look Afghanistan had Sharia Law during Taliban law. They lived like cavemen. Their average morality rate was around 40. Mullahs want to forcefully drag Muslims backwards into ignorance, poverty,illiteracy and violence.
Look at Sharia Law in Syria and Iraq. If you want that in Pakistan then you are simply a traitor. The type of sharia Law that some Muslims want cannot be established in this day and age. Look Afghanistan had Sharia Law during Taliban law. They lived like cavemen. Their average morality rate was around 40. Mullahs want to forcefully drag Muslims backwards into ignorance, poverty,illiteracy and violence.
Look at Islami Jamhoria Pakistan, Islamic Republic Pakistan:rofl: Islami bhi hai Jhamori bhi hai:confused:
How shia implements shariah vs how sunni's implement shariah. Different version of islamic history out there of both sects. Both sects have their own version of Hadith books. Both sects have different articles of faith.

These sects were inevitable, it is aforementioned that there are to be 70 Sects before the day of reckoning. Whatever we do to dissolve them they will remain affirmed.

However, these factions were created after the time of the Prophet PBUH for various reasons including the race to throne and etc and i don't want to talk about them.

So what I believe that the Only time relevant, is the time of the Prophet PBUH. Never mind the later time. When the Prophet PBUH was Redeemed by GOD, all of the Quran, Ahadis and the laws of Shariah were completed to absolution. Anything or event after the time of the Prophet PBUH doesn't depict any addition, amendments or otherwise to Islamic laws of Shariah presented by the prophet PBUH.

Secondly when you talk about different versions of Hadith books, then only the authentic ones should be referred. Main focus should be on Quran.

Did it prevent rebellion among muslims and emergence of Khawarij

shariah is a magic pill which would end injustices in society or crime would be rare

Crimes and Conpiracies can NOT be wholey contained but i firmly believe it CAN make a positive different, if it had been implemented on the day PAK was born, i am sure we would have an entirely different position.
nevertheless never to late,
so do you care to embrace it?

It's music to ear when they talk about implementing Sood free economy in Pakistan. Pray tell us. 100 plus countries Pakistan trade with or take loans from, how will we do that once we eliminate sood in our country and forbid to take or receive sood ? any alternative system developed in 1000 years ?

Islamic Economic System - Bait-ul-Mal, have you gone through that?

If sharia was implemented from the starting point on wards PAK would not have taken any loans nor would it have allowed credit. There would have been no Interest and No Debt.

Govt would have been forced to utilize domestic potential Only (Domestic Land, Labor and other Natural Resources) which would have resulted in High rate of Employment, Better Utilization of Land and Other Valuable Natural Resources such as Coal = Better Domestic Productivity + Efficiency = Qualitative Production = Effectiveness = Much Higher rate of GDP = Appreciation of PAK currency


Trading would have been done on realistic existing Money or Exchange of Goods and Services = High Exports / No Credit / No Burden and Expansion of Debts = Balance of Trade Surplus = Much Higher Rate of GNP

==>Technological Advancement, Abundant Energy Resources, Utilization of Talent, Recognition, Currency Appreciation => Skyrocketing Economy => Wealth! => 2nd-- => 1st World Country.

That's all folks.

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