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Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

Surely Allah is with us in fighting the forces of evil. Pakistan government has all the proves of Indian involvement in FATA plz read what Rahman Malik has said yesterday.

This statement DOES not hold any ground, we've been hearing this for long time. Till now nothing credible has been presented to support the case.

On a serious note, Baitullah Mehsud has claimed responsibility of this attack and he is the person from same group once seen taking oath to support Pakistan in case of any retaliation by GOI. I cannot digest that the same person/ group shaking hand with Indian agencies to spill disaster on their on people.

Why do there are sections in GOP/ law enforcement agencies/ people of Pakistan have soft corners for these murderers? ..... Why there is always lot of noise/ emotions display after each incident but no actions?...... Why USA is adding more strings to financial aid? ...... Why do you support guys (politicians) who are like rats were the first to flee sinking ship, when county needed them most? ...... sorry if I was going off topic ...

Wake guys and see the reality.
Thats the problem, Pakistan has been so worried about the Muslim world ever since independence that we dont give attention to our own fellow Pakistanis.

When did Afghanistan ever help Pakistan? Afghanistan never helped Pakistan ever even when they were doing so well in 1947.

Look at what "the Muslim brothers" gave Pakistan today in Lahore. Its time we forget about this fake "Muslim brotherhood" with Afghanis and focus on Pakistan and the safety of Pakistanis.

By looking the saturation around us I would think the same but if we start giving hope to Muslim brotherhood then western countries succeed in their goals.
These all attacks carried around Pakistan and hate red among civilian and Pakistan military is done by CAI just to make Pakistan weak and when time is right to take Pakistan nuclear weapons. (This had been done in past with Iraq by making Iraq army looking bad in front of civilian and then destroying Iraq s army because to was strong military vise in middle east a thread to Israel)
Taliban’s in Pakistan is funded by US and Indians. Taliban are using advance weapons used by SAS where these weapons come from.
Hope the news below will be of some interest to people who are trying to say Ind & US are behind Taliban. Also, I saw a television interview of the Taliban's Swat Chapter spokesperson, Haji Muslim Khan anouncing openly that India is one of their prime enemy.

Qaeda, Taliban planning 9/11-like attacks in US, Europe: NWFP IG

* Navid says Taliban are spreading throughout Pakistan
* Claims five to 10 percent of country’s madrassas are involved in indoctrinating suicide bombers

By Muhammad Bilal

ISLAMABAD: Al Qaeda and Taliban are planning to stage terrorist strikes similar to the 9/11 attacks in the US and Europe, NWFP police chief Malik Navid told the National Assembly Standing Committee on Interior on Monday.

The briefing, on the law and order situation in NWFP, informed the committee that the extremists were spreading throughout Pakistan, adding they planned to destabilise the Middle East to have a launch pad for terrorist attacks on the US or Europe. He said Arabs and people from other countries had entered Afghanistan in large numbers between 1979 and 1995, adding some had expertise in making biochemical weapons. He urged the government to focus on curbing militancy in the country, saying the activities of militants were rapidly increasing.

Responding to question from Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) lawmaker Wasim Akhtar on whether the Taliban were moving towards the country’s major cities, including Karachi and Lahore, Navid said the Taliban were in every city and town. Most groups choose to operate secretly, he added. “Their people are present in every city and town. In some places they are active, in others dormant. The Taliban’s philosophy is to create pockets everywhere,” he said.

He said the Taliban were currently moving towards southern Punjab with intent to eventually reach the financial hub of the country, Karachi. He said the attack on the police academy in Lahore had proven that they were now established in the city.

The NWFP inspector general of police said there was a 1,000-mile porous border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, adding the neighbouring country was the major source of the weapons in the Tribal Areas. He claimed the Taliban were trying to turn the Tribal Areas into the Islamic Emirates of Waziristan.

Madrassas: According to Navid, Al Qaeda is expert in indoctrinating suicide bombers within a three-month period. He said five to 10 percent of the country’s madrassas were also involved in this. Al Qaeda operative Qari Hussain is training the bombers, he added. The police chief said the militants were composed of Pakistani Taliban, jihadis, local groups, criminals and Afghan Taliban, adding the major component was Al Qaeda. He said the Taliban choose to challenge the writ of the government and target army installations, law enforcement agencies, government buildings, schools, barbers, music shops, NGOs and Internet cafes. He said six suicide attacks had occurred in the NWFP during 2006, 125 in 2007, 62 in 2008 and five in the past three months. He said the Taliban had very sophisticated weaponry, adding police personnel required capacity building to match their opponents.

Condemnation: Also on Monday, the standing committee strongly condemned the terrorist attack on a police academy in Lahore and directed the Interior Ministry to present a comprehensive inquiry report during the next meeting. The committee also expressed its dissatisfaction over the inquiry report submitted on the terrorist attack against the Sri Lankan cricket team. The committee was also informed that there had been no progress in the investigation of the murder of journalist Musa Khan Khel in Matta Khel. Navid told the committee that the area was controlled by the Taliban and was inaccessible to police. However, he suspected the involvement of a third party.

Mods: Kindly move if found off-topic.
This statement DOES not hold any ground, we've been hearing this for long time. Till now nothing credible has been presented to support the case.

On a serious note, Baitullah Mehsud has claimed responsibility of this attack and he is the person from same group once seen taking oath to support Pakistan in case of any retaliation by GOI. I cannot digest that the same person/ group shaking hand with Indian agencies to spill disaster on their on people.

Why do there are sections in GOP/ law enforcement agencies/ people of Pakistan have soft corners for these murderers? ..... Why there is always lot of noise/ emotions display after each incident but no actions?...... Why USA is adding more strings to financial aid? ...... Why do you support guys (politicians) who are like rats were the first to flee sinking ship, when county needed them most? ...... sorry if I was going off topic ...

Wake guys and see the reality.

We need to realize the real scenario. It’s true that Pakistan has always considered each and every Muslim country as its brother but in return no one has supported Pakistan. Similarly we need to differentiate between Taliban and drug smugglers or war lords. We all know that Northern alliance has been the allies of India and since independence we are facing hostility from pro-India Afghanistan.

This all has a very long history. The first incident was the assassination of Quaid-e-Millat Liaqat Ali Khan which was a great set back. Martyrdom of Quaid-e-Millat was the first major foreign sponsored blow on Pakistan from Afghanistan. We know that Pashton nationalists were pro India.

Pakistan supported Taliban that’s a fact but after the tragedy of 1971 could we allow a hostile pro enemy neighbor??? That’s the reason why we supported Taliban so that we could focus on eastern borders.

We have our eyes open we know who is behind all this and that day is inevitable when we will eliminate these bastards and their foreign masters from our land (Inshallah).

By looking the saturation around us I would think the same but if we start giving hope to Muslim brotherhood then western countries succeed in their goals.
These all attacks carried around Pakistan and hate red among civilian and Pakistan military is done by CAI just to make Pakistan weak and when time is right to take Pakistan nuclear weapons. (This had been done in past with Iraq by making Iraq army looking bad in front of civilian and then destroying Iraq s army because to was strong military vise in middle east a thread to Israel)
Taliban’s in Pakistan is funded by US and Indians. Taliban are using advance weapons used by SAS where these weapons come from.

Even if CIA or RAW had something to do with this attack, the attack was carried directly by our "Muslim brothers". If they really cared for other Muslims, it wouldn't matter how much money US or India paid them they would never carry this kind of attack.

I'm a nationalist and to me Pakistanis come first, I'm thinking of how the relatives of the martyred Cadets would feel right now.

Whoever were involved in yesterday's attack directly or indirectly, muslim or non-muslim they must all be punished.

Right now we know these terrorists were so called "muslims" and they must be punished.
Mehsud claims responsibility of Manawan attack

Updated at: 1058 PST, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

PESHAWAR: The chief of Pakistani Taliban, Baitullah Mehsud, on Tuesday took responsibility for an attack on a police academy in Lahore.

"Yes, we have carried out this attack. I will give details later," Mehsud, an al Qaeda-linked leader based in Waziristan tribal region told foreign news agency by telephone.

On Monday, Interior Advisor Rehman Malik in a press conference point out the involvement of Baitullah Mehsud in Manawan attack.

Mehsud claims responsibility of Manawan attack - GEO.tv
Now is the time for Pakistani military to go to Waziristan and find Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistanis will support our troops 100%, we saw how many Pakistanis came out yesterday with bottled water to support Pakistani police army.
Now is the time for Pakistani military to go to Waziristan and find Baitullah Mehsud, Pakistanis will support our troops 100%, we saw how many Pakistanis came out yesterday with bottled water to support Pakistani police army.

And we also need to eliminate the roots of all this from Afghanistan as well.
Mehsud claims responsibility of Manawan attack

Updated at: 1058 PST, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

PESHAWAR: The chief of Pakistani Taliban, Baitullah Mehsud, on Tuesday took responsibility for an attack on a police academy in Lahore.

"Yes, we have carried out this attack. I will give details later," Mehsud, an al Qaeda-linked leader based in Waziristan tribal region told foreign news agency by telephone.

On Monday, Interior Advisor Rehman Malik in a press conference point out the involvement of Baitullah Mehsud in Manawan attack.

Mehsud claims responsibility of Manawan attack - GEO.tv

If a foreign news agency talked to Baitullah Mehsud over the phone, then how hard is it to find him.

There should be a public hanging of him in front of the Police training school for everyone to see after they find him.
just saw on bbc .Mehsud claimed responsibility for the attack they said that the attack was due to the drone attack on taliban
Manawan attack martyred policemen Nimaz-e-Janaza offered

Updated at: 1133 PST, Tuesday, March 31, 2009


LAHORE: The Nimaz-e-Janaza of the seven policemen, who yesterday were martyred in Munawan police centre, offered here today.

Punjab Governor, Salman Taseer, Federal Minister, Manzoor Watto, Punjab IG, Lahore CCPO including other high police officials besides the relatives of the martyrs and a large number of citizens attended the Nimaz-e-Janaza held at the police line.

Following the burial prayers, a guard of honour was presented to the ‘Janazas’ of martyred and Punjab Governor laid the wreathes on the ‘Janazas’

Seven policemen and one civilian were killed in yesterday’s terror attack on a police training school at Munawan here and the burial prayers of seven policemen were offered at the police line.

Heavy security arrangements have been made on the occasion of Nimaz-e-Janaza, as the policemen have been posted on the rooftops in the surroundings and all those coming to attend the prayers are being frisked.

The mourning environment at the training centre persisted today, as the shocked trainers didn’t hold the routine drill.

Manawan attack martyred policemen Nimaz-e-Janaza offered - GEO.tv
Governor Punjab announces compensation for martyred policemen

Updated at: 1218 PST, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

LAHORE: Governor Punjab Salman Taseer has announced compensation of Rs. 2 million for martyred policemen.

Talking to media after attending the Namaz-i-Janaza of policemen martyred yesterday in an attack on Manawan police training facility, Governor Punjab said the terrorist were highly trained but police personnel fight against them with courage and bravery.

Taseer, for the relatives of martyred, has announced Rs. 2 million compensation, salary and other benefits till the retirement age of the martyred police personnel.

Governor Punjab announces compensation for martyred policemen - GEO.tv
Hey i saw the footage of indian security forces i saw how disciplined they were,the pakistani forces are not that disciplined but they got the job done alot earlier than everyone expected.It was a very big accomplishment and they deserve to celebrate this victory.

earlier than what??
Mehsud spend R.s 3billion in pakistan in terror activities, and we have storng reports that RAW is feeding him,
and Pak army tells USA to attack mehsud millitants, and not attack local tribes, but US army never hear PAK army and always attack local tribes!!
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