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Lahore High Court bars extradition of Mullah Baradar

ISi & GOP one time were in bed with Jehadis. However they underestimated Jehadis. Musharraf even boasted that he had them by their balls. But these Islamists have a different agenda, they want real Islamic state with Shariya, abolition feudals, Islamic banking, strict hijab dress code. They strictly believe Allah exists and Mohammad was his messenger and every word in Quraan must be strictly obeyed, and Pakistan as the name goes must a pure Islamic state. Many Jehadis like Baradar, Ilayas Kashmiri, Hafiz Saeed like AQ Khan know a lot of ISI secrets, and the GOP, ISI, PA do not want their dirty laundry exposed. Courts are not really independent. CJP after reinstatement has become impotent and is content by drawing salary and benefits and can not touch the President, corrupt politicians or military. So no wonder Lahore court was made to block the extradition.
You can sure hold an opinion against any person but please don't equate yourself with Taliban sympethizers by posting allegations without any evidence.

Majority believe that Pakistan judicial system is far independent now but the same judiciaryhas not seen any evidence of a such transfer.

For the record, during Gen. Musharraf's regime foreigners were transferred to the US custody only if their native govt. have refused to accept them.

No Pakistanis were ever transferred over to the CIA/ US custody from GoP's custody. If you have doubts then please quote no less than a court verdict showing that a Pakistani was transferred over to the CIA/ US custody from the custody of the GoP.

This debate has already taken place here

The AGP is to present "the list" in the SC next week. Everybody's doubts will be cleared by then.
This debate has already taken place here

The AGP is to present "the list" in the SC next week. Everybody's doubts will be cleared by then.

Thanks but this list is again by NYT, a news paper. I am looking for a vedict from a court saying that Pakistanis were transferred into CIA custody from the custody of the GoP.

Lets see if 'that week' ever comes.
^^^Not only Pakistanis but many other nationalities were transferred to Guantanamo bay and other places. The same took place in Iraq and Afghanistan as well. It was part of a rendition program and saying that has nothing to do with Taliban sympathizers.

Although that law can be a pain at times to prosecute the guilty, it is there precisely to have a procedure were the innocent are put under undue problems. It is better to err on the side of caution than punish an innocent person. That is how the justice system has developed.

I suggest you check out the documentary torturing democracy, where among other things the role of Pakistan in the secret rendition program is highlighted. It is based on declassified documents of the Bush era and interview with persons involved with it.

^^^Not only Pakistanis but many other nationalities were transferred to Guantanamo bay and other places.

I am not disputing that some Pakistanis are at G Bay but what I dispute is that Pakistanis were first taken into custody and then transferred over to a foreign agency. I will go through the link you have posted but again these need to proven valid in a court if law.

As far as foreigners are concerned, the rule was that first they will be offered to their resptive govts. and if they refuse to accept them, they will be transferred over to the US.
I am not disputing that some Pakistanis are at G Bay but what I dispute is that Pakistanis were first taken into custody and then transferred over to a foreign agency. I will go through the link you have posted but again these need to proven valid in a court if law.

As far as foreigners are concerned, the rule was that first they will be offered to their resptive govts. and if they refuse to accept them, they will be transferred over to the US.

The thread I referred to also dealth with this aspect. Most Pakistanis were in Gitmo were captured around Oct-Dec 2001 in Herat, Kabul and Mazar e Sharif. Many of these were innocent and were repatriated before the Combatant Status Review Tribunals were started.

The Pakistanis in Gitmo now are mostly who have been found to be "involved" in some way or another with Al Qaeda. There is little information concerning most of these people.

Asking for a court verdict? Did matters reach the courts? We know those despotic times, every matter was decided behind closed doors. As soon as the AGP submits before the SC, the list of Pakistani citizens "handed over", we might have some official word and something to say. Before that, it is kind of pointless arguing about this. The popular misconception is that we handed over "hundreds" of our citizens. That I feel is certainly not true. I might be proven wrong, but right now it looks like a stretch far from reality. A bunch of course have been handed over. We can argue whether handing them over was right or wrong but crying foul over arresting these guys (Taliban apologists do this all the time) is nonsense. There is no doubt that most people caught in Pakistan where Afghans, and most of them did not obtain Pakistani citizenship.

Let's see what does the MoI submits before the SC.

As for the NYT reports, they just maintain a databse. Check the McClatchy database as well.
There might 10s, 100s or 1000s of Pakistanis sent through the rendition program. We don't know because it was all done secretly. Infact, this had occured with the Ramzi Yousef in the 90s and Kalid Sheikh Mohammed as well.

What I am saying is if the GoP had followed proper procedures and laws, there would be no finger pointing. It will strengthen GoP position as well for example when they say the same thing to the GoA and US on Barader and to India on Dawood Ibrahim rather than know-towing to the US on their wanted criminals but stonewalling on Indian criminals wanted by India.
What I am saying is if the GoP had followed proper procedures and laws, there would be no finger pointing. It will strengthen GoP position as well for example when they say the same thing to the GoA and US on Barader and to India on Dawood Ibrahim rather than know-towing to the US on their wanted criminals but stonewalling on Indian criminals wanted by India.

Pakistan and other govts. will always maintain different approaches towards different countries. We can't compare how Pakistan responds to Indian requests with those presented by China or the US.

Stonewalling is not one sided and I would say that Pakistan has simply reciprocated the Indian attitude.

According to recent reports 'D' is in UAE and it is up to the Indian govt. to achieve such relationship with the UAE where 'D' can be sent back to India, so far India has failed completly.
Are people here forgetting Guantanamo Bay Prison? The Hallmark of Injustice in the 21st century?

And that's the most intellectually stimulating reply you can ever come up with....Denial. Denial. Denial.

Guantanamo Bay Prison is probably an order of magnitude more "just" than such "detainees" deserve or would grant THEIR enemies. It is not possible to make an intellectually stimulating reply to statements of abject ignorance; except, "tsk, tsk" ......
Guantanamo Bay Prison is probably an order of magnitude more "just" than such "detainees" deserve or would grant THEIR enemies. It is not possible to make an intellectually stimulating reply to statements of abject ignorance; except, "tsk, tsk" ......

in some cases, detainees who were released returned to a life of crime and violence.....some detainees ("enemy combatants" as I believe they are referred) have had no access to lawyers; many of them were just at the wrong place at the wrong time and are being detained needlessly

some countries are now beginning to take some of the detainees, but how will they be productive members of society? --especially the ones who were found innocent, but languished in prison with no access at all to the outside world?

when do you think this guantanamo will be shut down?

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