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Lahore doctor held for ‘blackmailing women’ through obscene videos

So, if society/social life matters then one shd abstain to go in the opposite direction, and 'conform' to the norms.

Again, society dependent, with some some being more conformist than others.
Selection should not entail going out of social bounds and get into compromising situations as the ladies in question got themselves into in this case.

1. Instead of blaming the women you should blame the criminal who misused the trust of those women and blackmailed them. I don't see you blaming him.

2. What are social bounds and how would the women select a man ?

Everybody is quick to jump on mullahs, but situation is exponentially worse in Universities. FIA need to setup sting operations to clean up mess in Universities.

You say the authorities should set up sting ops and then you ask why are people jumping on mullahs. Contradiction. This is the kind of thought that encourages perverts like Jamia Hafsa.

Technically if she was in an illicit relationship and he made video with her consent, there is no law broke expect both are guilty of illicit relationships.

Again this phrase "illicit relationship". What is it ? And you declare both of them guilty. The women of what crime ? Did they snatch food from the hungry or set dogs upon people ?

ok.. illicit, right/wrong are majority opinion based. If half of Pakistan decides that karachi biryani is the best, and it is 'criminal' to eat it with raita, then it will be an offence to differ that.

One can say the same that it is personal choice to eat raita/chutney or not, but it wd be frowned upon in public. So, if society/social life matters then one shd abstain to go in the opposite direction, and 'conform' to the norms.

Well, in some societies what a significant majority thinks can be wrong. :)

And I agree with this :
What happens in people's private lives should stay there.
Well, in some societies what a significant majority thinks can be wrong. :)
yeah... but what can an individual do.. He should then keep it private if he is 'rebellious' to society norms. Now, its out so people will judge him, besides court.
yeah... but what can an individual do.. He should then keep it private if he is 'rebellious' to society norms. Now, its out so people will judge him, besides court.

Sure, but what is the fault of the women here except that they were foolish to not understand that he wasn't the classic playboy who would kiss but not tell ?
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Again this phrase "illicit relationship". What is it ?
It’s the Islamic law of the land. Pakistan isn’t Europe or US, where you can shag whoever you want.

Quite ironically Bigamy is still a crime on book in US. But screwing around isn’t.
1. Instead of blaming the women you should blame the criminal who misused the trust of those women and blackmailed them. I don't see you blaming him.

2. What are social bounds and how would the women select a man ?

You say the authorities should set up sting ops and then you ask why are people jumping on mullahs. Contradiction. This is the kind of thought that encourages perverts like Jamia Hafsa.

Again this phrase "illicit relationship". What is it ? And you declare both of them guilty. The women of what crime ? Did they snatch food from the hungry or set dogs upon people ?

Well, in some societies what a significant majority thinks can be wrong. :)

And I agree with this :
Obviously not by being loose. There are other ways in our social context to select mates. I blame both. Enough of this political correctness already. You can't leave your home's door open if there are gangs of robbers active in the area. If you do, and there is theft, both the robbers and you yourself would be blamed.
Obviously not by being loose. There are other ways in our social context to select mates. I blame both. Enough of this political correctness already. You can't leave your home's door open if there are gangs of robbers active in the area. If you do, and there is theft, both the robbers and you yourself would be blamed.
I think more suitable examples would be, you don’t invite druggies into your home, hoping druggy will hook you up with free drugs for life.
Obviously not by being loose. There are other ways in our social context to select mates. I blame both. Enough of this political correctness already.

I quote this Wikipedia page. Note the underlined :
The Quran (2:221)[9] also states,

"And do not marry Polytheist women until they believe, And a believing slave woman is better than a Polytheist women, even though she might please you. And do not marry Polytheist men until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a Polytheist men, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember".
Now how would this work in your opinion with the woman free to choose her man ? Without the woman being "loose".

And you are not at all blaming that criminal man. You did not call him loose.

You can't leave your home's door open if there are gangs of robbers active in the area. If you do, and there is theft, both the robbers and you yourself would be blamed.

Please stop talking like a mullah or a Hindutvadi.

It’s the Islamic law of the land.

You should elaborate what all are illicit relationships. Do they include forced ones like between a feudal lord and his workers ? Do they include the forced "ones" ( or voluntary "ones" ) between a mullah and his students / followers ? Do they include the ones between a ganglord and his henchmen ? The forced ones between an urban Capitalist and his workers ? The forced ones between a chief minister and his hungry and homeless citizens ? Are these relationships moral to you ?
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What is this "illicit relations" ?
Sex out of wed lock. Again a very society and culture dependent definition. Or what happens between modi and Amit shah :lol:
"These days" ? Baba ji, are you 5000 years old to know what went on then ?
Well previously women were not as open and daring as they are today. They were shy and conservative but these days they behave like men to fulfill their lust and desires. Even in the last few years in pakistan I've seen a big change with my own two eyes.
Well previously women were not as open and daring as they are today. They were shy and conservative but these days they behave like men to fulfill their lust and desires.

That is a modern understanding based on modern "moralistic" laws. If you read Tariq Ali's Islam Quintet you will see women too being desirous in various settings like Al Andalus, Italy and Turkey.

And in our very own desi lands there are such stories as Sohni-Mahiwal.
I quote this Wikipedia page. Note the underlined :

Now how would this work in your opinion with the woman free to choose her man ? Without the woman being "loose".

And you are not at all blaming that criminal man. You did not call him loose.

Please stop talking like a mullah or a Hindutvadi.

You should elaborate what all are illicit relationships. Do they include forced ones like between a feudal lord and his workers ? Do they include the forced "ones" ( or voluntary "ones" ) between a mullah and his students / followers ? Do they include the ones between a ganglord and his henchmen ? The forced ones between an urban Capitalist and his workers ? The forced ones between a chief minister and his hungry and homeless citizens ? Are these relationships moral to you ?
The please here does not mean please sexually. You mightn't understand. Those who have read Quran as its believers at some point in their life however can engage with the Quranic lexicon more effectively. Islam explicitly prohibits out-of-wedlock relations. My beef is on cultural/social stability grounds, though, not the religious ones. We do not have to mimic the West in everything. We see the consequences of this in your country where sexual violence against women is peaking.
The please here does not mean please sexually.

I am not talking about sex but just plain attraction. That is what those sentences mean.

Islam explicitly prohibits out-of-wedlock relations.

Proof ?

We do not have to mimic the West in everything. We see the consequences of this in your country where sexual violence against women is peaking.

Why do some Muslim people bring in the West when talking about man-woman relations ? In the post just before yours I mentioned the story of our very own Sohni-Mahiwal. Please read the rest of that post.
What a disgrace human being and disgrace he bring to such a dignified and honorable profession.
padosey mulk ki saazish. lol.
on a serious note, why wud the guy send the video to the "innocent" victim?
He apparently had over 50 videos of different Nurses and Doctors in his possession. I don't believe it is a case of a "voluntary relationship gone bad" rather a serial womanizer.

Here is the doctor, we should all name and shame such people so that they do not buy their way out from our criminal justice system and then continue with their illicit acts.

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Virat Kohli looks alike.
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