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Lahore doctor held for ‘blackmailing women’ through obscene videos

"Will"? Hell is already here for the people, and by design, but there will be no revolution for a long long time to come.
#no that is only beginning real hell would be india, usa/nato,israel all combined attacking pak with nukes in the picture.
enemies dont have time n patient. or it could be pakistan finally throws out imf gets a great leader.

Throw out IMF? Please keep in mind that going to IMF to beg for a bailout is a choice made by Pakistan. IMF does not come unless invited. It is not the villain. The true fault lies in Pakistan's own financial mismanagement of the many to benefit the few.
Throw out IMF? Please keep in mind that going to IMF to beg for a bailout is a choice made by Pakistan. IMF does not come unless invited. It is not the villain. The true fault lies in Pakistan's own financial mismanagement of the many to benefit the few.

this what i am saying we have sell outs.
Salutations to the womenfolks as well who allowed that to happen to them. Women in Pakistan know full well how morally compromised/depraved men in this country who otherwise wear religion on their sleeves are. Some responsibility of these mishaps also lie on them for being so "loose" with men out of wedlock.

Yeah, let loose those angel-like Jamia Hafsa burqas on those "loose" women and teach them the correct way.

But tell me, how should a woman select her man by not being "out of wedlock" ? Don't talk like a Hindutvadi.
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Nope... unless he is selling videos to some illicit sites... Drs abuse their powers a lot... There are many cases I hv heard, especially when they give false promises/hope.
This a voluntary relationship gone bad from news i read..boyfriend revenge..what i am missing..what does it matter what the guy or lady work for living
This a voluntary relationship gone bad from news i read..boyfriend revenge..what i am missing..what does it matter what the guy or lady work for living
He apparently had over 50 videos of different Nurses and Doctors in his possession. I don't believe it is a case of a "voluntary relationship gone bad" rather a serial womanizer.

Here is the doctor, we should all name and shame such people so that they do not buy their way out from our criminal justice system and then continue with their illicit acts.

Here is the doctor, we should all name and shame such people so that they do not buy their way out from our criminal justice system and then continue with their illicit acts.

View attachment 784559

Doesn't quite look like a classic playboy. In fact a real playboy wouldn't do what he has. This one is a straight out criminal.
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