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Lahore Blast

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Gives me a sense of Deja Vu, I have seen these kind of statements by Indian minister without doing investigation. The same is been repeated, I sincerely hope we have nothing to do with this.

I think this blame game and short lived shot to fame is unnecessary in the part of the politicians (with some many readers hitting the site to read the news about these conspiracy theories).
The first and foremost thing should be to pray that the injured get the best treatment to prevent further casualties (heard there are shortages in blood supply in the hospitals). Then let the appropriate authorities do the investigation... I think these statements of blaming is not appropriate at this time.
let the appropriate authorities do the investigation..
I'm worried that Pakistan may lack the means (due to destruction) and will (due to terror) to carry out such things.

Am I right that leaves Pakistan with just two choices: humbly asking for assistance from other countries, or going to war? Pakistan will thus become the Lebanon of South Asia - but without a sugar daddy rich enough to keep it from becoming, and remaining, a war-ridden basket case.
I'm worried that Pakistan may lack the means (due to destruction) and will (due to terror) to carry out such things.

Am I right that leaves Pakistan with just two choices: humbly asking for assistance from other countries, or going to war? Pakistan will thus become the Lebanon of South Asia - but without a sugar daddy rich enough to keep it from becoming, and remaining, a war-ridden basket case.

Due to terror ? :rofl: we are not Americans to be terrorized by the acts of cowards.

You sure do want Pakistan to become another Lebanon but it will take alot more to deter this nation.

Ask for assistance? the way Americans are asking us for a safe exit from Afghanistan.

This is not the thread for your bitterness towards Pakistan.
Since its the faceless cowards of waziristan who are bringing in weapons and explosives in Pakistan through Afghanistan as a courtesy to indian consulates and kharzia ( and NATO and US are 'forcing their options' on us ) saying that india did it or TTP did it is one and the same thing!

Its the enemies of Pakistan who are doing this and we need to start killing them and start returing the favour , its quite simple.

My suggestion to residents of Lahore is to get your self a weapon and shoot an indian or a pakistan hating terrorist *** from waziristan. Its easy to find both these kinds in Lahore , do your country proud and join the fight

The side that kills all of the other wins , the maths is very simple in this

---------- Post added at 12:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

I'm worried that Pakistan may lack the means (due to destruction) and will (due to terror) to carry out such things.

Am I right that leaves Pakistan with just two choices: humbly asking for assistance from other countries, or going to war? Pakistan will thus become the Lebanon of South Asia - but without a sugar daddy rich enough to keep it from becoming, and remaining, a war-ridden basket case.

We need to raid the US Embassy in Islamabad
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I'm worried that Pakistan may lack the means (due to destruction) and will (due to terror) to carry out such things.

Am I right that leaves Pakistan with just two choices: humbly asking for assistance from other countries, or going to war? Pakistan will thus become the Lebanon of South Asia - but without a sugar daddy rich enough to keep it from becoming, and remaining, a war-ridden basket case.

clown the currrent 'war' is only limited to a few cities where the CNN , FOX and BBC can get their scoops , the Pakistani land mass is HUGE as are its Armed forces , the state has not even deployed 1/3rd of its ground forces in this 'war' so stop having wet dreams.

You Americans are just bitter that with all your gadgets and weapons **** all you have achieved in afaggotistan and like any imperial power , afrer getting bloddied up and defeated you are looking for a consolation victory by messing up Pakistan!
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Glad to hear your brother is doing well Bezerk, my prayers for a swift recovery for all those that were injured and my prayers and sympathies for all those who have lost loved ones.

A market popular for childrens toys a Mosque where children are praying.

I used to be regarded as a liberal amongst my friends, i belived in a fair trial, the posibility of rehabilition and found it hard to belive there were people so evil that there was no choice but to kill them.
Once again i am shown how naive i was back then, there is one solution to the TTP :sniper:
May God forgive all these innocent people who have lost their lives in this senseless act and give patience and strength to their families and a quick recovery to the injured.

Alhamdulliah, Glad to know you brother is all ok now Bezerk

Have there been any leads or claims on this attack yet? Isn't about time Rehman Malik should resign?
Well many Pakistanis said that this is genocide of Pakistanis.
America , Europe and their Pet dogs doing this and calling each others to do more against innocent people of Pakistan , Afghanistan , Iran , Iraq and other Muslim countries.
And we know that is true. US and NATO operations in Afghanistan and Iraq mostly killing innocent people rather their extremists.
Israel doing open terrorism now.

If you are a muslim you must know that scenario of Muslims. How you oblivious and regardless from teaches of Islam?

Confused ? Ok let me clear you......

ایک مرتبہ آپ ﷺ نے اس طرح فرمایا : لَتَتَّبِعُنَّ سُنَنَ مَن کَانَ قَبلَکُم شِبراً بِشِبرٍ وَذِرَاعاً بِذِرَاعٍ حَتَّی لَو دَخَلُوا جُحرَ ضَبٍّ تَبِعتُمُوہُم قِیلَ : یَارَسُولَ اللّٰہِ ! اَلیَہُودُ وَالنَّصَارَی ؟ قَالَ : فَمَن ؟( بخاری ومسلم)
تم ان لوگوں کی ضرور پیروی کرو گے جو تم سے پہلے گزرے ۔ جیسے بالشت برابر ہوتی ہے بالشت کے اور ہاتھ برابر ہوتا ہے ہاتھ کے ، یہاں تک کے اگر وہ ضب (سانڈہ) کی بل میں گھسے تھے تو تم بھی انکی پیروی کرو گے ۔ آپ ﷺ سے پوچھا گیا کہ اس سے مراد یہود ونصاریٰ ہیں ؟ تو آپ ﷺ نے فرمایا اور کون ہو سکتے ہیں؟

You people(muslim nation) will be follow those, Who were before you and it will be same as inch equals to inch , Hand equals to Hand even if they entered a lizard's hole you will be follow them as well.
Then people asked : O messenger of God you talking about Jews and Christians (people before muslims) ?
He said: Who else?


He said: They (Non-Muslims) invite each others against you.


رسول اللہ ا نے فرمایا: لَیَاتِیَنَّ عَلَی اُمَّتِی کَمَا اَتَی عَلَی بَنِی اِسرَائِیلَ حَذوَ النَّعلِ بِالنَّعلِ ۔ (جامع ترمذی)
یقینا میری امت پر بھی وہ حالات آئیں گے جو بنی اسرائیل پر آئے جسطرح ایک جوتا دوسرے جوتے کے مشابہ ہوتا ہے ۔

Muhammad (PBUH) said: definitely my nation will be get same circumstances that Israelites (Jews , Christians) gets. same as the shoe looks like another shoe.

So the example of shoe is necessary because Muslims doing same bad things as Israelites doing and circumstances of Muslims (Rise and fall) must be like Jews/Christians.
If you want to know the rise and fall then rise again of Jews/Christians you must read Quran>Surah Al-Baqra>Ruko 5 to 15.
And you amazingly know that the same situation going on muslim like Jews and Christians already had abstinent.

But this 500 or 550 years fall of muslim nation will be end soon as we found all hadiths and signs comes true but some are remaining.
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Since its the faceless cowards of waziristan who are bringing in weapons and explosives in Pakistan through Afghanistan as a courtesy to indian consulates and kharzia ( and NATO and US are 'forcing their options' on us ) saying that india did it or TTP did it is one and the same thing!

We know you have had a very hard night.

We hope that the relevant authorities will be able to carry out a meticulous and speedy investigation and quickly capture the culprits.
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I myself have had friends and family living in the vicinity of the bomb blasts. A few family members had all their doors and windows shattered but luckily escaped with minor cuts and bruises. A friend of my niece barely missed the second blast by a few hundred feet (which isn't that much).

Now I understand that this is making our blood boil. This is the point where we as citizens of Pakistan unite and become vigilant. Blaming other countries and calling for blood is not rational thinking..... but it is a normal human response.

The fact is that these barbarians are getting logistical and material help from our enemies. Let me tell you no one is going to help us in this fight... Mark my words NO ONE. We are alone in this fight.

I still remember one of the catalyst to this... the Lal Masjid. People were openly sympathizing with those terrorists holed up in the Lal Masjid. I would like to ask those same people if they still think the same.

This is my opinion... Pakistan is obsessed with conspiracy theories to conveniently blame things on other people. We fail to see the white elephant in the room.

My fellow Pakistanis now is the time to think straight and not get dictated by our emotions. Our brave men of the Armed Forces are doing their job and very well. I don't give a rats a$$ what western leaders say about "we need to do more." They are deflecting their failures on us to appease their own publics.

Let's stand united under our Sabz Hilali Percham with one resolve..... to rid our Pakistan of this cancer for once and all.
My suggestion to residents of Lahore is to get your self a weapon and shoot an indian or a pakistan hating terrorist *** from waziristan. Its easy to find both these kinds in Lahore , do your country proud and join the fight

The side that kills all of the other wins , the maths is very simple in this

---------- Post added at 12:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:21 AM ----------

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"-MK Gandhi.
I understand your frustration but if you do not give Judiciary of your country a chance what premise are you setting for your younger generation. If everyone who has suffered because of these terrorist attrocities takes up arms, however justifiable their deeds seem to them, and go on a killing spree, have you any idea what the consequences would be?? I'm sure, you don't.

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