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LAC face-off: Ladakh triggers Andamans build-up plans

What is this shit global power? India is way behind developed countries, Only thing we are good at is taking body bags home which western countries are so afraid.
Japan has no army but has global presence.

We need 20-30 yrs of constant development to become developed country. But remember other countries 2hich already developed will be even more developed by than.
This isn't an attempt to check China, this is an attempt to check Asia, and the Indians are too stupid to realise this.
The West is afraid of and opposed to any country or bloc with a substantial population or landmass potentially overtaking them and reversing their global hegemony. They are not afraid of or opposed to China per se.
The Indians have fallen into the American trap by putting itself forward as the counter to not only China but the whole Eurasian bloc which was and is threatening to overtake the West economically, technologically and eventually, militarily.
By engaging India as the spoiler, the Americans have killed two birds with one stone. Simultaneously, they have disrupted the Chinese while making sure the other potential player, India, is also engaged militarily and is forever reliant on the patronage and goodwill of the West.
India, for its part thinks, with the help of the West, it can beat down the Chinese and take their place as the economic giant of Asia. The West is never going to let this happen. They will let the Asians fight amongst themselves and reap the benefits by weakening both sides at the same time.
The only way to counter this was to do what the Chinese wanted and which they proposed to India, which was to create a bloc which included China, India, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, the CAR's etc. That would have been a formidable bloc that could have challenged the West. The Indians through their short sightedness and greed have rendered this not possible and in doing that have plunged the whole Eurasian region into a long and costly conflict which carries potentially existential threats to regional countries and not least of all, to India itself.
The corollary here is obvious. Either the Eurasian bloc will take on India and will destroy it or the India/West axis will prevail leaving India at the tender mercies of the West, who will then have a free hand to cut India down to size to suit its own interests.
This isn't an attempt to check China, this is an attempt to check Asia, and the Indians are too stupid to realise this.
The West is afraid of and opposed to any country or bloc with a substantial population or landmass potentially overtaking them and reversing their global hegemony. They are not afraid of or opposed to China per se.
The Indians have fallen into the American trap by putting itself forward as the counter to not only China but the whole Eurasian bloc which was and is threatening to overtake the West economically, technologically and eventually, militarily.
By engaging India as the spoiler, the Americans have killed two birds with one stone. Simultaneously, they have disrupted the Chinese while making sure the other potential player, India, is also engaged militarily and is forever reliant on the patronage and goodwill of the West.
India, for its part thinks, with the help of the West, it can beat down the Chinese and take their place as the economic giant of Asia. The West is never going to let this happen. They will let the Asians fight amongst themselves and reap the benefits by weakening both sides at the same time.
The only way to counter this was to do what the Chinese wanted and which they proposed to India, which was to create a bloc which included China, India, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, the CAR's etc. That would have been a formidable bloc that could have challenged the West. The Indians through their short sightedness and greed have rendered this not possible and in doing that have plunged the whole Eurasian region into a long and costly conflict which carries potentially existential threats to regional countries and not least of all, to India itself.
The corollary here is obvious. Either the Eurasian bloc will take on India and will destroy it or the India/West axis will prevail leaving India at the tender mercies of the West, who will then have a free hand to cut India down to size to suit its own interests.
What a flabbergasted concoction of cheap Chinese propaganda. India, for the longest time, and still so - remains neutral, refusing to align with any powers that be.

It was China that provoked India, attacked our forces with a pre-mediated, fully prepared force with brutal melee weapons that inflicted mortal wounds. It is the bully China who is famous for exercising expansionist salami slicing policies and getting into conflicts with all its neighbors over small chunks of lands or waters. It is the same bully China who has spread Covid that has caused so much suffering across the world, yet refuses to be accountable and even proactively blocks any investigation into understanding the origins of covid 19.

There is no Asian Block vs India, it's just China + Pakistan/N. Korea vs World and the entire world is watching very closely.
come on, what's this modi business? you are already a supa powa, TWICE, one in 2012, one in 2020, this year
Your childish mocking cannot conceal your underlying fear and insecurity.
So far China is successful in draining Indian economy and preventing foreigners in making India the next production hub. Conflict will put heavy burden on Indian economy. Even if not a single bullet fired China will drag this issue so they can reap the benefit of standoff.
This standoff and its repercussions will perhaps go down in history as the Modi governments greatest achievements in launching India as a recognized global power and becoming an important partner in taming the bully.
So far China is successful in draining Indian economy and preventing foreigners in making India the next production hub. Conflict will put heavy burden on Indian economy. Even if not a single bullet fired China will drag this issue so they can reap the benefit of standoff.

I don't think so, white race can't afford to loss bharat no matter how much cowardice they show. They will try their best to turn gangadeshi Sewer Rats into Lions with their propaganda and money but Yanks and west is ruled by corporate, i don't think they will like relocation order from western govt's.
This standoff and its repercussions will perhaps go down in history as the Modi governments greatest achievements in launching India as a recognized global power and becoming an important partner in taming the bully.

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What is this shit global power? India is way behind developed countries, Only thing we are good at is taking body bags home which western countries are so afraid.
Japan has no army but has global presence.

We need 20-30 yrs of constant development to become developed country. But remember other countries 2hich already developed will be even more developed by than.
Yes, we are far behind developed countries and far behind Japan, but we are also a giant of a country with the greatest young population in the world. Even if only 20% of our population breaks into the upper middle class, it makes a very big impact on our economy, purchasing power and GDP. When a small proportion of the country develops, it is practically like adding a small developed country to our nation.

We can only aspire to reach the development levels of Japan but much before that, we can surpass smaller nations in terms of influence even though we dont achieve equal HDI because of our sheer size and numbers.

It is wrong to assume that developed countries will only keep progressing, because development is not sustainable and always slows down as a nation reaches its potential.

Even today, India is recognized globally as a peaceful developing country with a large workforce of hard working and talented individuals who have proven their caliber in India and across the world. The good far outweighs the bad or negative perceptions.
Yes, we are far behind developed countries and far behind Japan, but we are also a giant of a country with the greatest young population in the world. Even if only 20% of our population breaks into the upper middle class, it makes a very big impact on our economy, purchasing power and GDP. When a small proportion of the country develops, it is practically like adding a small developed country to our nation.

We can only aspire to reach the development levels of Japan but much before that, we can surpass smaller nations in terms of influence even though we dont achieve equal HDI because of our sheer size and numbers.

It is wrong to assume that developed countries will only keep progressing, because development is not sustainable and always slows down as a nation reaches its potential.

Even today, India is recognized globally as a peaceful developing country with a large workforce of hard working and talented individuals who have proven their caliber in India and across the world. The good far outweighs the bad or negative perceptions.
Indians are brainwashing themselves again. You first prove that you are better than Africa
What are these idiots going to do in Andamans?? :lol: Every indian ship there is a sitting duck as all China has to do is use some of their long range Carrier-Killer missiles, even some of their Hypersoninc missiles and these indian ships will sink or float like tin cans. :lol: ... these little indians still don't realise that they are dealing with a Superpower called China, not some little Sri Lanka.
Yes, we are far behind developed countries and far behind Japan, but we are also a giant of a country with the greatest young population in the world. Even if only 20% of our population breaks into the upper middle class, it makes a very big impact on our economy, purchasing power and GDP. When a small proportion of the country develops, it is practically like adding a small developed country to our nation.

We can only aspire to reach the development levels of Japan but much before that, we can surpass smaller nations in terms of influence even though we dont achieve equal HDI because of our sheer size and numbers.

It is wrong to assume that developed countries will only keep progressing, because development is not sustainable and always slows down as a nation reaches its potential.

Even today, India is recognized globally as a peaceful developing country with a large workforce of hard working and talented individuals who have proven their caliber in India and across the world. The good far outweighs the bad or negative perceptions.

So you are saying what im saying but with so much convoluted way.
It will take 20-30 years of sustained development which will see our middle class to rise but more important our poor should turn into middle class , that would be the real development.
I dont care about few tata or reliance. They are just hording money and getting more rich.

And I was replying to the guy who said because of this china_india standoff, modi has done something which will turn India into super power. Lol

Every1 keeps developing even Africa also. And developed countries will find different venue to develop or take a lead. Like china is moving away from small scale labour intensive manufacturing. And Bangladesh Vietnam etc are taking its place.
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