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Featured Kushner .. UAE is in the final stages of getting the F35

Just here to say that neither the UAE nor Israel are making peace for F-35s and other deals, they are doing this so that Israel becomes more stable, Bibi gets popular and so that the UAE would be able to strengthen Iran in Syria, Iraq and in the future Libya to counter Turkey. There has been a report from Syria that an IRGC unit is looking for recruits that would go to Libya and then return back (the UAE is sponsoring them).
... coincidentally Hezbollah and Israel cooled down, along with Israel naming Turkey a serious threat.
If it was about the F-35 the UAE would have earned it without a peace deal, they have the money and PR to lobby against the ‘QME’. I don’t think the UAE is a puppet, but rather achieving its aims through Israel and Iran.
Perhaps Iran could not only bully Turkey, but also Qatar - after all the UAE pays...
Why is UAE so desperate for F35? What will F35 give them that they can't already do with their F16 and M2K?

Their AF is already vastly superior to Iran. What do they think they will achieve with F35s?

More than UAE, it's US who is desperate to Sell...that will give them Dollors in receding economy and save jobs at home....Plus Trump will earn brownie point and will en cashed in upcoming election campaign.
So i did google it and came up with this: " about 65km from Mecca, one of Islam's most sacred sites. "
Just because a missile was 65km from Mecca, doesnt mean that was the target. But would obviously be good PR for saudia to claim otherwise.

As it happens the target was the Taif / King fahad airbase

So you want it over Mecca before it is intercepted!???? Then you can say yes it was targetted..
Missile trajectories are known by air-defenses.. so there you go!
And KSA don't need any PR.. what for?

Saudi Arabia says it intercepted Houthi missiles in Mecca province

Zions first split the Muslim world into Shia-Sunni, very successfully, and now they are splitting the Sunni world to divide and conquer using the weak rulers who will sell their souls to stay in power. Divide them first and then bomb them is the motto of the Zions.
Zion8sm wasn't around when the shia sunni divide came. That was our stupidity and purely political. Later came religios changes
Shias were raised as a monster by the Zions after the Shah of Iran was over thrown and the Ayatollahs came to power. This conflict is a shield to protect Israel to weaken the countries within the region. So masterfully done with patience and diligence in one of the most complex games ever played out.
Are you kidding me ? Even one single Iranian city, the Bandar Abbas missile division can completely wipe UAE off the map.
That being said we know that this is not against us but rather against Turkey. But even Turkey is too much for them.

I agree. My point was that UAE already has an edge over Iran when it comes to fighter aircraft, and F35 doesn't really change that.

But I really didn't think of Turkey. These Emiratis have lost their minds.
All of them by first identifying them and then dividing them as you have just done.
My point is that my prophet(SAW) never ask or advice us to divide into firqas. We cannot be Sunni Shia Ismaili etc etc and further into more sects. Muslims should be one body as long as you believe in toheed and wehdanyat and kalma.

Aik ho Muslim harm ki pasbani k liye
Neel k sahil se tabakhak e kashghar tak.
Sold out Al-AQSA masjid, Jerusalem, and it’s Muslim residents

for a American plane F35 that will never allowed fly defence of Jerusalem city

just wow. You think they can not go any lower but these monarchs & Egyptians set new standards all the time

A beer well suited with F35 : very cloudy....

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