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Kulsoom Nawaz suffers heart attack - Condition Serious

I dont understand your way of thinking.

They already have the narrative they need even before her untimely death.

Please keep your political bias aside in a familys loss. Death is apolitical.
What you mean is Death ought to be apolitical...
let the family officially announce.... till that time it will be considered rumour
بیگم کلثوم نواز کے اعضاء رئیسہ ٹھیک کام کررہے ہیں، طبی ذرائع

ڈاکٹر مسلسل بیگم کلثوم نواز پر نظر رکھتے ہوئے ہیں—فائل فوٹو۔

لندن: سابق وزیراعظم نواز شریف کی اہلیہ کلثوم نواز کی طبیعت کے حوالے سے مثبت خبر سامنے آئی ہے کہ ان کے اعضاء رئیسہ درست کام کررہے ہیں۔

طبی ذرائع نے جیو نیوز کو بتایا کہ وینٹی لیٹر پر جانے کے بعد ایک بار بیگم کلثوم نواز نے آنکھیں بھی کھولیں۔ ان کو وینٹی لیٹر پر آج چھٹا دن ہے۔

کلثوم نواز کی حالت انتہائی تشویشناک ہے، ڈاکٹروں کی نواز شریف کو بریفنگ

ذرائع نے بتایا کہ ڈاکٹرز 24 گھنٹے بیگم کلثوم نواز کی نگہداشت کر رہے ہیں جبکہ مریم نواز اور بیٹے مستقل کلثوم نواز کیساتھ ہیں۔ ڈاکٹر مسلسل بیگم کلثوم نواز پر نظر رکھتے ہوئے ہیں۔

ذرائع کا مزید کہنا تھا کہ سابق وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب اور نواز شریف کے بھائی شہباز شریف، سابق وزیر خزانہ اسحاق ڈار اور طارق شفیع نے کلثوم نواز کی عیادت کی۔

خیال رہے کہ کینسر کے عارضے میں مبتلا بیگم کلثوم نواز گزشتہ کئی ماہ سے علاج کی غرض سے لندن میں موجود ہیں جہاں ان کی کئی کیمو تھراپیز ہو چکی ہیں۔

کلثوم نواز کی حالت بدستور تشویشناک، نواز شریف اور مریم نے وطن واپسی موخر کردی

رواں ماہ 15 جون کو کلثوم نواز کی طبیعت خراب ہونے کے بعد انہیں ایک بار پھر اسپتال منتقل کیا گیا جہاں وہ اب بھی موجود ہیں۔

اب سابق وزیراعظم اور مریم نواز کی پاکستان واپسی بیگم کلثوم نواز کی صحت سے مشروط ہوگی،،جس کی وجہ سے دونوں گزشتہ روز احتساب عدالت میں پیش نہیں ہوسکے۔


For dying? ... Ok ... if you say so...

all those palaces and wealth are now worthless for her. dont know why humans cant understand this.

Exactly... Maybe someone should throw all that corrupt stolen money, gold, and silver in her grave... So she can decompose with dignity when the worms start eating her corpse.


Similar news was posted few days ago. Let the family officially announce as I believe it is just a rumour

May Allah grant him health and if her time has come... May Allah grant her Jannat ul Firdous and forgive her sin

Grant her jannat ul firdous??? Are you kidding me??? Lol.
Don't know the lady personally , many people die daily

It is their own private family matter make sure to show up in court to clear your cases

And stop publishing your family matter on News channel like it is Pakistan's number one issue it is not ....

SHAME on Pakistani private channels , who take money and run this story 24 hours a day on Pakistani circles to create a sense of need to forgive this family or let them travel out of country

I am disgusted every time they playfully call this bastard "Mian Sahib" or Sharif sahib or other titles of affection when the man is clearly a bastard, with a Ego as big as hills of grand Canyon

  • I don't care if your daughter is pregnant :pissed::nono:
  • I don't care if your wife is in hospital:nono::pissed:
  • I don't care if you Son has 10 wives :pissed::nono:
  • I don't care if you have 2 Brains :nono::pissed:
  • I don't care if you have Hip surgery :no:
  • I don't care if you have Flu virus :nono::pissed:

Ridiculous how much money Pakistani channels have eaten to constantly talk about someone in hospital while forgetting the main issue !!! Put the family in prison for theft

It is your family member , keep it private to yourself I don't need to see it on TV
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Its their family matter and we should wait till announced by the family.

On a different note the some of the comments posted on this forum and on other social media indicate how much hattered we have against a person or a party that does not agree or has different point of view. Also shows how much our moral values have degraded.
I rather have a functional Pakistan , which is 95% Honest and 5% In process of being honest

If it is their family matter

I don't need to see her face on my TV set every time I turn on TV, she is ill her immediate family should look after her , not broadcasting her face from hospital across Pakistan airwaves

It is shameful from Private TV channels to showcase this circus just to make money
the moral decay lies for these Private TV channels who take funds and run these news

If these Rich class tycoons were such high moral bearers they would not be involved in 99% of corruption related to money laundering

Compassion is deserved by people are lying on ground in Pakistani Hospitals or 3-5 people sleeping on 1 bed in hospital
Compassion is deserved by custom officer who stopped Ayan Ali , later he is shot ok he was doing his duty

They have factories and Business Empire running overseas what problem they got , Nawaz Sharif will run away making an excuse

Supreme court, is already been made into a mockery
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Its their family matter and we should wait till announced by the family.

On a different note the some of the comments posted on this forum and on other social media indicate how much hattered we have against a person or a party that does not agree or has different point of view. Also shows how much our moral values have degraded.
It's not a matter of agreeing or not, it's a matter of cirruption, that have eaten my money and that of 22 crore poor people, shouldn't we demand justice? Should this family be excused justice only because one family member is about to die her natural death after enjoying for decades on a wealth plundered from me?
Strange Drama Bazi , Corruption of Million + Dollars , and the whole family is giving speeches , and coming and going in Pakistan like it is their private property

Daughter is busy making forged documents and taking it to Supreme court , kabhi kehti hai property hai nahi , sometimes she claims she has not hit puberty othertimes she is owner of property

Today he is going to visit UK
Tomorrow he is going to be in UAE
His two criminal sons are enjoying life overseas overlooking massive financial empire
Nawaz is planning for new elections
Sugar mills are running in Pakistan
Raiwind is sold before confiscated by government of Pakistan

Ajeeb drama bazi , court says he is unworthy , and his party says he is a Fantastic man for Pakistan

Now new drama , meri wife is dying ok , so what can we do ? You should have a private gathering and morn in silence and secretly

How many people are in Pakistani prison who are in Jail and they do not see their family member who die or children who graduate or who get married , it is called being in Prison you give up your normal life

But this family is not in Prison

High moral standards need to be observed for the Rich the poor guys sleeping on floor in hospital or the family holding the drip in hand have no morals , the doctor or nurse comes to them and says , hold this drip in your hand we have no equipment.
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Inna Lillah e wa Inna eleh e rajeoon.

Rest In heaven. May Allah forgive yours and our sins.

As for as I remember she became PM and was healthy and normal, so what happened.
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