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Kulsoom Nawaz suffers heart attack - Condition Serious

They basically wanted to delay this news so as to release it only a week or two before the elections to get the sympathy votes but somehow this news has leaked.

I dont understand your way of thinking.

They already have the narrative they need even before her untimely death.

Please keep your political bias aside in a familys loss. Death is apolitical.
what if she has gone in a coma state and they are not disclosing the news.
I was in a dinner party couple of days back with few doctors and they are all unanimously convinced that she is unfortunately brain dead, life support can be r3moved anytime.
Once I read she was on the ventilator, I knew it was just a matter of time. RIP.


May Allah have mercy


I was in a dinner party couple of days back with few doctors and they are all unanimously convinced that she is unfortunately brain dead, life support can be r3moved anytime.
That's applies to the entire Pakistani parliament......can't we just have a power cut?
Every Life is a blessing Dude.

Even Religion teaches that Life is a Gift given and taken by God.

Let the dead be dead. Lets Talk of the living.

I always thought he was brain dead long before his wife passed away.....now who was NS a blessing to......certainly not Pakistan
I always thought he was brain dead long before his wife passed away.....now who was NS a blessing to......certainly not Pakistan

Nawaz is alive and expected to Go to jail. What Else do you want
life is gone- when death occurs.................. so what life is supported by the machine????

kulsoom Nawaz, the wife of Nawaz Sharif, is no more. She had suffered severe cardiac arrest on 15th June, 2018. Doctors were able to immediately control the situation and there was no internal bleeding. However, they couldn’t save her for long.

The news of the death of Kulsoom has been kept a secret. Her body will be kept ticking with the ventilator support. Since, she is already brain dead and suffered multiple organ failure; hence there is no hope for recovery.
Doctors have clearly conveyed this to the family.
Nawaz, Hasan and Marayam are deciding about the future course of action.
It is possible that they will ask the hospital to remove the ventilator support in the second week of July. There may not be any sympathy votes, if Kulsoom death is declared at this moment.
The family will try to get maximum possible benefits in the form of sympathy before the General Election scheduled to be held on 25th July.
It may be noted that Kulsoom is hospitalized since many months. She was operated for throat cancer.

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