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‘Kufr’ Fatwa to be issued against Imran Khan unless he publicly apologizes, religious group issues s

‘Kufr’ Fatwa to be issued against Imran Khan unless he publicly apologizes, religious group issues serious warning
by Hamza Rao | Published on January 2, 2017

LAHORE – Pir Muhammad Afzal Qadri, a religious scholar who issued Fatwa of infidelity against Shaan Taseer, has written an open letter to Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf Imran Khan over his speech regarding prophet Muhammad (PBUH), warning him of facing ‘dire consequences’ if he doesn’t render an apology.

The Fatwa alleges that Imran Khan, in one of his speeches, had said blasphemous sentences for the Prophet (PBUH) and ‘accused’ him of being mentally ill.


Talking to Daily Pakistan, Pir Muhammad Afzal Qadri said that if the leader doesn’t render an open apology, the organisation will formally issue a religious edict, declaring him a ‘Wajib-ul-Qatal’ (liable to death).

“If the state fails to execute Imran Khan, it wouldn’t be a crime if any ‘aashiq-e-Rasool’ (lover of prophet P.B.U.H) kills him. He will be exempt from Qisas and Diyat (blood money),” Qadri told Daily Pakistan, adding the blood of blasphemer – in this case, Imran Khan’s – has no worth compared to Prophet (PBUH).

Just recently, Qadri had also issued a ‘Kufr’ fatwa against Shaan Taseer, son of the slain Governor Salman Taseer, for allegedly committing blasphemy in his ‘Christmas special’ video message.

It is pertinent to note that under the National Action Plan (NAP), religious extremism and persecution was outlawed. Hate speech and threats under the label of religious beliefs were supposed to be dealt with high sensitivity. However, the majority of the hate speech has gone scot-free.

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These fcking lunnies are giving fatwas faster than they change their chuddies .. this kind needs serious bitch slapping to bring em in state control
@Khafee ..

@Zarvan .

I'm understanding this a bit that imran said prophet saww thought that he's ( nauzubillah ) mad and those all ayah he received were his own thoughts when the Revelation from Allah stopped . . This is what jamat found disturbing as it's said in quran that ' O Muhammad saww you're not a madman '.

Does this comes to blasphemy ? .

That is what im trying to discuss .

Let's be muftis for one day brother and study this all . :smart:

It'll help in future .

That is why there is a big difference in Islam of Arabia vs Islam of Indo-Pak...and Arabs practically laugh at us!
ok lets get this right, if you apologise to this mullah then all is forgiven. if you dont you are a wajab-e-qatal. what kind of madness is this. this mullah should be thrown in jail, giving ulama a bad name.
That is why there is a big difference in Islam of Arabia vs Islam of Indo-Pak...and Arabs practically laugh at us!

What kind of statement is this .
Islam is same in all world .
What do u mean by this ?
That is why there is a big difference in Islam of Arabia vs Islam of Indo-Pak...and Arabs practically laugh at us!
dude i have a question can arab muslims criticize constructive i meant Prophet Pbuh or islam is it allowed socially and culturally or does it become as big deal as pakistan?

What kind of statement is this .
Islam is same in all world .
What do u mean by this ?
There is no blasphemy law in the arab world " it has made us a laughing stock amongst muslims as well... whats so hard to comprehend here ?
There is no blasphemy law in the arab world " it has made us a laughing stock amongst muslims as well... whats so hard to comprehend here ?
What is so laughing about it ?
Just as in some countries there is a law which prescribes punishment for one who abuses their Emperor, .the muslim rulers in an Islamic State or Nation are well within their rights as a sovereign nation to make it illegal in the lands under their jurisdiction for anyone to abuse their Prophet saww nd prescribe a punishment they see appropriate for this blasphemy committed in their nations.
Oh please stop getting impressed from freedom of expression .
Seriously man, they are misusing the authority. If you have authority it doesn't mean you can do anything without Logic and evidence.
Oh wait, for what they are accusing Imran Khan a blasphemous is wrong. But the word Imran Khan chose in his speech, was not a right word.
I totally oppose his selection of this word "mad". This story is linked to one of my most favorite Surah of Quran, Surah "Duha". Yes for a long time, Rasool Allah saw didn't receive any Wahi. Shetan started coming with his favorite tactic to plant the seed of "waswasa" (suspicion) that Allah is angry with Rasool Allah (saw). So he stopped sending angel Gabriel with Wahi. Rasool Allah saw got really very upset. Then this Surah was sent to Rasool Allah (saw). The 3rd ayah of this surah says, "Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor is He displeased with You". That explains the entire plot.
This is extremely sensitive matter ,Islam does not allow any type of bad mouthing , writing or any other sort of disrespect in any manners against Any PROPHET. So I will be very careful but open too, Muslims in subcontinent (Pakistan + India + Bangladesh) are extremely emotional about Our Beloved PROPHET MUHAMMAD SAWW. And that's the Part of Imman too.
One will kill any one who do blasphemy , That's the right thing to do. But One is not in position to give fatwa against any one and kill any one and put blame of blasphemy (what if any personal grudge involved , what if any Land or Money matter or Issue).
So what can or What should One Do????????????????
For that I have a suggestion ! Govt should have to step in and need to establish a Fatwa Council that include Mufti's sahibans from all sects and Drs and Scholars, That council also have powers of high court and they can call or summon any one, and normal people can also go to council for any issue related to Blasphemy.
This council or court only for Blasphemy related crimes , people will see quick and visible action against culprits or against those who will put wrong or false claim or blame on any innocent .
All other Mufti Sahibans are not allowed to issue fatwa publically , they have to send there fatwas to council in the end let the council decide .
In IK case his wording is clearly wrong and bad , He have to come out in public and have to apologise openly . And that's what the Mofti ask from him .

This is not a Fatwa. They are not authorized to issue a religious decree (Fatwa). These people are just another example of how illiterate society is in almost every aspect.
Also, IK should have been careful for his selection of words.
And all those secular and undercover Mirzais on this thread, calm down. 295-C has nothing to do with it and it will never be abolished.
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