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Kudankulam Nuclear plant safe: Kalam

i did not think that there are this many tamils in this forum. including me.
Nuclear power plant oru nal illana oru nal namaku aapu vaikum. so do reaserch in cleaner source of energy.

Appu vaikumna adu ungaveetu gas cylinder illa fan yen fridge kuda vikalam...

if nt nuclear then tell the alternative source for energy for 11000MV required for tamilnadu @ present apart from using. give some idea man....
Appu vaikumna adu ungaveetu gas cylinder illa fan yen fridge kuda vikalam...

if nt nuclear then tell the alternative source for energy for 11000MV required for tamilnadu @ present apart from using. give some idea man....

It should be MW not MV. nevertheless, stop talking in Tamil.. thats irritating in a eng forum
i did not think that there are this many tamils in this forum. including me.
Nuclear power plant oru nal illana oru nal namaku aapu vaikum. so do reaserch in cleaner source of energy.

Appu vekkaradhu na ethu venalum aapu vaikum..In Bhopal it was not a nuclear plant that killed many.

All the people getting worked over Fukushima should know that it was a early 70s design and the nuclear tech has grown by light years in these decades. What is coming up in KNPP is the latest state of art technology and there is nothing to fear.

I cannot afford to live in dark for 4 hrs a day (that is the down period everyday I guess) just because an earthquake will come or may not even come.

Moreover the Tsunami that came to Chennai ..did it destroy the Kalpakkam plant which itself is a very old design ? No. Because the Nuclear power plants are built to withstand severe natural calamities such as earthquakes and tsunamis (moreover if you see the geography a tsunami is impossible in Kudankulam due to Sri Lanka).

So understand these basic points before you give into the fear hysteria that is being generated by the ignoramuses who are protesting.
All the people getting worked over Fukushima should know that it was a early 70s design and the nuclear tech has grown by light years in these decades. What is coming up in KNPP is the latest state of art technology and there is nothing to fear.
The people fail to appreciate the fact that the 70's design withstood the earthquake and Tsunami. People only talk about what happened but not what did not happen due to some excellent safety measures at the plant. Now Kudakulam ha state of art saftey device.
i did not think that there are this many tamils in this forum. including me.
Nuclear power plant oru nal illana oru nal namaku aapu vaikum. so do reaserch in cleaner source of energy.
Thorium plant is another example which needs lot of research...... For now the country is power starved for which KNNP is much needed.
The people fail to appreciate the fact that the 70's design withstood the earthquake and Tsunami. People only talk about what happened but not what did not happen due to some excellent safety measures at the plant. Now Kudakulam ha state of art saftey device.

The protests have no meaning, they are based on essentially irrational arguments. We don't have earthquakes of the magnitude seen in Japan (if we did have one of that magnitude, the tsunami & the state of the nuclear plant will be the last of our worries- unlike Japan, no building will withstand that powerful an earthquake.). In any case how many people died as the result of the damaged nuclear plant in Japan? How many people routinely die in boiler bursts in India? Simply, a meaningless, political agitation.
The protests have no meaning, they are based on essentially irrational arguments. We don't have earthquakes of the magnitude seen in Japan (if we did have one of that magnitude, the tsunami & the state of the nuclear plant will be the last of our worries- unlike Japan, no building will withstand that powerful an earthquake.). In any case how many people died as the result of the damaged nuclear plant in Japan? How many people routinely die in boiler bursts in India? Simply, a meaningless, political agitation.

Actually its not even a political agitation like what happened in Jaitapur.

Its essentially spearheaded by some local NGO groups (with the active backing of a section of the church) who have whipped up mass fear hysteria through fake doctored photos and hypothetical worst case scenarios about fishing being completely damaged i n local channels and weekly magazines that the local fishermen folk have bought it hook,line and sinker. That some of the influential caste men stand to lose their lands have also not helped the case.

Dr.Kalam had taken up the wonderful intiative of educating the people and the Central,State Govt should throw their full weight behind him to enlighten the people of the absolute necessity of the nuclear energy, how it is safe and how their fears are largely baseless and wean away them from the protest organizers.
Commissioning of India Kudankulam nuclear plant delayed
BBC News - Commissioning of India Kudankulam nuclear plant delayed

Commissioning of a controversial planned nuclear plant in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu has been delayed by a few months, officials have told the BBC.

Kudankulam plant Chief Superintendent MK Balaji said that the delay was due to public protests at the site which had disrupted building work.

He said that the site had been subjected to a total blockade by protesters since 13 October.

Protesters say the facility is unsafe and in an earthquake area.

They fear a repeat of the disaster at Japan's Fukushima plant. But officials say it is in a low seismic activity area.

The nearly $3bn plant - which has been either under design or construction for two decades - is equipped with two reactors built with Russian assistance.

"Definitely there is a delay," Mr Balaji told BBC Tamil.

"We have completed hot runs in August and are in the process of completing inspection work. But the the public agitation has disrupted our work."

He said that there would be at least a "three to four months delay" in commissioning the first part of the plant, and because of that the second part was also likely to be behind schedule.

Mr Balaji strongly denied media reports that Russian scientists at the plant were planning to go back home because of the continuing protests.

He insisted that it was safe and that there was no possibility of a radiation leak, although still no decision has yet been taken on where to store nuclear waste. The government insists that no waste will be kept at Kudankulam.

On Monday former Indian president and scientist APJ Abdul Kalam - on a visit to the plant - said that it was fully safe.

He said it was equipped with "sophisticated safety features and there is no need to panic".

Mr Kalam said that he was neither a mediator nor a government envoy, but "a technologist".

"I support nuclear energy along with solar and wind power as it is a clean and green energy which is very much required for the country's rapid growth," he said.

But protesters said they were disappointed with Mr Kalam's support for the plant.

A small victory for the protesters who are afraid of a Japan-Style nuclear disaster.
There was another 30 year old reactor which was stable during the entire earthquake saga... and its gym was used as shelter for the homeless. Do the people spearheading the protests know the name atleast for the place ? NO .

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