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KSA, Qatar funding terrorism in Jordan

Not just Jordan but all over Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

In Pakistan, it is Iran and his puppet ANA aka Northern Alliance, spreading terror.

Here is Pakistan's most wanted in Iran.

I actually answered you on the other thread, yet you had nothing to say I guess.

Another Saudi number plated ISIL pick up captured by the army | Page 3

All are pathetic excuses:

1- You managed to control you boarders prior to the Syrian crisis. At a time where you only had rookie trainees.

2- No body expects you to shoot down jets, which means, there is no point for using force, just deny them an entry like Turkey. Of course you won't.

3- If you couldn't control the civilians and the militias inside your own city, the least you could is to halt them on the boarders.

Iraq itself is playing a major role in terrorizing the Syrian people.

The Iraqis has little to say on this I guess.
Bottom line your regime is the worst one on the planet and the most evil one just wait one day you will pay the price for all your crimes.
Saudi Cleric Admits on TV that Saudis Form Majority of Takfiri Group Members in Syria
In an episode of a Saudi show on MBC hosted by Dawoud al-Shirian, a Saudi cleric called Ibrahim Mayman states that there is a huge number of Saudi young men who have gone and are still going daily to fight in Syria and that most of the leaders and members of the most extreme and radical groups - Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Qaeda) and the "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL) - are in fact Saudi nationals.

ISIL is Led by Member of the Saudi Royal Family: ISIL Fighter on Al-Arabiya
The Saudi-owned "news" channel al-Arabiya aired in its show "al-Hadath" (the Event) a report showing captured fighters from al-Qaeda's "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant" (ISIL). Then al-Arabiya made the mistake of showing, in one of the interviews with one of the fighters captured by the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA), him responding to a question as to why his group monitors the movements of the Western-backed FSA by stating that those were orders coming from the leadership of ISIL, specifically from Prince Abdul Rahman al-Faisal, who is the son of late King Faisal of Saudi Arabia and the brother of current Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal.

The original clip from al-Arabiya is no longer available and was taken down after the channel realized the mistake it made

US embassy cables: Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists raise funds in Saudi Arabia | World news | theguardian.com
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