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KSA-PAK: A new strategic alliance emerging?

IK didn't do it. Nawaz publicly humiliated them.
NS era ties aren't relevant to the latest spats, earlier on during this current government we had great relations. IK's original visit to Saudi was successful, we received Saudi deposits in SBP, deferred payments on crude imports, Saudi FDI pledges, as well as some efforts by them to get IK in with Trump via Jared Kushner, IK even took MBS's own private jet on his trip to Washington, we also had some very friendly remarks made both publicly and privately by MBS at that time.

What followed were multiple blunders and mistakes from our side, IK out of the blue made comments indicating that he would like to mediate between Saudi and Iran.

This idea is pretty absurd on the face of it, how could we mediate when we have little to no influence or leverage over either Saudi, let alone Iran? Who were we, then asking every third country for bailouts, to mediate the biggest conflict in the Middle East, unilaterally? All while Saudi was actually quite content with the status quo with Iran and following Trump administration pressure on Iran via revocation of the JCPOA. Iran also sees us as unreliable, with a track record of easily caving to US and Saudi interests. How would we mediate from their perspective while bankrolled by Saudi and the GCC? IK's comments made it seem like we were perhaps asked to mediate -- plainly, we weren't asked by anyone.

Anyway, that wasn't well received by the Saudis. Then IK publicly signalled closeness to Turkey and Malaysia, he talked about making media outlets and TV channels to create a new Islamic narrative of sorts. It's not hard to see why this caused Saudis further alarm, TV channels are a big deal, just look at where Al Jazeera started and where it is now, it's a pertinent example here for more than one reason, I'll let you infer as to how. Then IK said he'd go to the KL conference, which was seen by some as a possible challenge to Saudi leadership. He again upset the Saudis, but this time they conveyed their discontent, and IK bowed to the pressure, causing himself and the state of Pakistan embarrassment, as well as further damaging ties. And last of all came SMQ's hotheaded and deeply stupid comments on live TV issuing scathing attacks on the OIC. You attack your allies and your creditors at your own peril, especially when you have no leverage or power, and all to lose.

So that's the whole story. Now finally those relations are being repaired, the army chief himself has led this effort.
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Israel is a reality. USA, Europe support it. So does Russia. The Chinese even have a good relationship with them. Whether Pakistan cries or screams makes no differance. What does matter to the Israeli's is Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Saudia Arabia, UAE, Morocco, Oman etc and they have very good understanding with them.

So i guess no pressure then. Better we keep our ego n policy and dnt recognize israel because it doesnt matter even if we do.
Okay after the recent visit by PMIK and FM Qureshi there is talk of building institutional relationship with Saudia that will cover across spectrum defence, economics and people to people contact. As you guys know I have always been bitterly opposed to Saudia. However if and this has to be seen, if KSA and Pakistan build up institutional relationship with actual secretariat to manage the compact this is fabulous news. I never like the idea of Saudia giving baksheesh or charity now and then making Pakistan look like a begger.

However if a legal, institutional agreement can be constructed like for example Europe built up over time and then included the poorer Eastern European countries to help them out this is fantastic news.

Examples are KSA gives Pakistani's first call on jobs, economic investment deals and defence. If this indeed is consolidated the realtionship with KSA will be strategic. Furthermore Pakistan then to advance it's interest must follow MBS with regards to Israel. If KSA recognizes Israel so should Pakistan.

The only caveat is Pakistan must chart a calculated path not to annoy Turkey or Iran. If that can be achieved then this is win win.

I love the way my Pakistani friends jump to conclusion so quick.....Mate all this is "discussion" besides there are some "MoU" signed (please note MoU is not an agreement, MoU was signed to invest $20 Billion to set up a refinery 2 years back, not a pence was given).

On so called strategic alliance here is the "token" received by us

In order to mend your ties with Saudi (middle east) here is what will be pushed to you to accept it

1. Recognise Israel
2. Hail KSA as supreme leader of Islamic world and quietly follow the rules and terms as laid by them if want to continue in OIC.
3. Don't expect OIC or KSA to say anything on Kashmir. They cannot afford to please you at India's cost.
4. Stop anti-corruption drama against Sharifs.
5. Don't span out towards Iran, Turkey.
I love the way my Pakistani friends jump to conclusion so quick.....Mate all this is "discussion" besides there are some "MoU" signed (please note MoU is not an agreement, MoU was signed to invest $20 Billion to set up a refinery 2 years back, not a pence was given).

On so called strategic alliance here is the "token" received by us

In order to mend your ties with Saudi (middle east) here is what will be pushed to you to accept it

1. Recognise Israel
2. Hail KSA as supreme leader of Islamic world and quietly follow the rules and terms as laid by them if want to continue in OIC.
3. Don't expect OIC or KSA to say anything on Kashmir. They cannot afford to please you at India's cost.
4. Stop anti-corruption drama against Sharifs.
5. Don't span out towards Iran, Turkey.
All points enumerated are acceptable except for number 1. No can do.
Unfortunately no Alliance is emerging; it is only another Bandage. Centuries of Master - Slave mentality does not change in a few months. Pakistan's Military and Civilian leaders are not pragmatic. They are self centered people who are incapable of long-term strategic planning, goals and outcomes. The biggest proof of this - just look around in Pakistan. There is destruction, carnage and corruption everywhere from Judiciary, Politics, Military and each and every part of the country. I am afraid a little chest thumping here and there does not change the realties on the ground. And the realities on the ground are terrible.
Okay after the recent visit by PMIK and FM Qureshi there is talk of building institutional relationship with Saudia that will cover across spectrum defence, economics and people to people contact. As you guys know I have always been bitterly opposed to Saudia. However if and this has to be seen, if KSA and Pakistan build up institutional relationship with actual secretariat to manage the compact this is fabulous news. I never like the idea of Saudia giving baksheesh or charity now and then making Pakistan look like a begger.

However if a legal, institutional agreement can be constructed like for example Europe built up over time and then included the poorer Eastern European countries to help them out this is fantastic news.

Examples are KSA gives Pakistani's first call on jobs, economic investment deals and defence. If this indeed is consolidated the realtionship with KSA will be strategic. Furthermore Pakistan then to advance it's interest must follow MBS with regards to Israel. If KSA recognizes Israel so should Pakistan.

The only caveat is Pakistan must chart a calculated path not to annoy Turkey or Iran. If that can be achieved then this is win win.

I think here qureshi sab turned millions into billions
oh, I dunno, Syria, Yemen, Qatar, iRan? saudis have developed a bad habit of picking fights with other Muslims while bowing to nonmuslims...that needs to change, by force if necessary.
Not applicable to Syria. I only mentioned Syria.
our idiot policy makers over played Iran’s importance to us. In return , disappointingly damaged our national interests in the gulf region permanently. Iranian on here tell it to your Pakistanis face there strategic friendship to India is none of your Pakistani business Iran giving Indian terror access to Afghanistan or to it ports. in return harbouring our enemy to our rear very shameful we ignored it . cowards here were talking up Iran while bashing Arabs who hadn't done anything then. Arab reprisal was UAE others getting closer to India. bajwa needs shooting a complete buffoon .
Okay after the recent visit by PMIK and FM Qureshi there is talk of building institutional relationship with Saudia that will cover across spectrum defence, economics and people to people contact. As you guys know I have always been bitterly opposed to Saudia. However if and this has to be seen, if KSA and Pakistan build up institutional relationship with actual secretariat to manage the compact this is fabulous news. I never like the idea of Saudia giving baksheesh or charity now and then making Pakistan look like a begger.

However if a legal, institutional agreement can be constructed like for example Europe built up over time and then included the poorer Eastern European countries to help them out this is fantastic news.

Examples are KSA gives Pakistani's first call on jobs, economic investment deals and defence. If this indeed is consolidated the realtionship with KSA will be strategic. Furthermore Pakistan then to advance it's interest must follow MBS with regards to Israel. If KSA recognizes Israel so should Pakistan.

The only caveat is Pakistan must chart a calculated path not to annoy Turkey or Iran. If that can be achieved then this is win win.

What a sickening proposition: "Furthermore Pakistan then to advance it's interest must follow MBS with regards to Israel. If KSA recognizes Israel so should Pakistan. "

As I said before our hearts and minds are intertwined with our Arab brothers and we will always be their to support them and celebrate our friendship.
Okay after the recent visit by PMIK and FM Qureshi there is talk of building institutional relationship with Saudia that will cover across spectrum defence, economics and people to people contact. As you guys know I have always been bitterly opposed to Saudia. However if and this has to be seen, if KSA and Pakistan build up institutional relationship with actual secretariat to manage the compact this is fabulous news. I never like the idea of Saudia giving baksheesh or charity now and then making Pakistan look like a begger.

However if a legal, institutional agreement can be constructed like for example Europe built up over time and then included the poorer Eastern European countries to help them out this is fantastic news.

Examples are KSA gives Pakistani's first call on jobs, economic investment deals and defence. If this indeed is consolidated the realtionship with KSA will be strategic. Furthermore Pakistan then to advance it's interest must follow MBS with regards to Israel. If KSA recognizes Israel so should Pakistan.

The only caveat is Pakistan must chart a calculated path not to annoy Turkey or Iran. If that can be achieved then this is win win.

Arabs are dead my friend. Even the prophet said woe to Arabs. There was a reason why so many prophets were sent to that region.
The differance is it's being institutionalized. And if it was "totalled" by IK/SMQ the logical question is while they were "totalling" it what was Bajwa doing? Sleeping.

Surely if he has the where with all to fix he he had the perspicacity to prevent it going up in flames. He is in regular contact with PMIK. GHQ and PMO are few miles apart.
Khan and Qureshi were the suicide squad, while Army is the batman, Qureshi was not fooling around on this subject, he has not done anything of this sort in his career. It was calculated move to control MBS and his expectations.
People are, dictator and his lot isn’t. Agreed upon by all.
and? how does that justify declaring war on the Syrian Muslim people just because they are ruled by a nonmuslim alawit dictator regime?

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