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KPK Govt Appoints Reham Khan As Ambassador for Street Children ... Isn’t It Family Politics?

Its a charity cause, and she will be helping kids and bring money from diff org to invest. please keep your stupid politics out of this.

ابتدائے غشق ہے روتا ہے کیا
آگے آگے دیکھئیے ہوتا ہے کیا

To all Bhatta mafia, Patwaries etc etc. If i am not wrong it was PTI whp went to court with petition against Marryam Nawaz. Why no go to court than making these stupid comments ? Let us know when u have filled petition else STFU and dont waste our time since we have to enjoy MQM drama on TV. Abi tu party shoro hoi hee :dance3:
To all Bhatta mafia, Patwaries etc etc. If i am not wrong it was PTI whp went to court with petition against Marryam Nawaz. Why no go to court than making these stupid comments ? Let us know when u have filled petition else STFU and dont waste our time since we have to enjoy MQM drama on TV. Abi tu party shoro hoi hee :dance3:
Party just started by khwaja asif in NA? Right ?:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Ambasador for street chidren of Pakistan LOL
What about the children of KP that are being trafficked into prostitution ? has anything been done about them ?? how long Imran Khan/PTI been governing KP now ???

Absolute zilch been done for them ,nothing zilch .
Waste woman but a legend in her head
Ambasador for street chidren of Pakistan LOL
What about the children of KP that are being trafficked into prostitution ? has anything been done about them ?? how long Imran Khan/PTI been governing KP now ???

Absolute zilch been done for them ,nothing zilch .
Waste woman but a legend in her head

If we go by your logic than no work should be done. Let's not judge others. There is a lot to be done. Not only in KPK, but entire Pakistan. Every province has its own problems. Should I start making a list?

IK isn't a prophet nor angel. Neither is Nawaz Sharif a prophet nor an angel. Frankly, both these leaders leave a lot to be desired.

The ambassador for children project in KPK needs to be commended. If Maryam becomes an ambassador for street children In Punjab it also ought to be commended. We need to stop this childish behavior of mudslinging. Call a spade a spade.
If we go by your logic than no work should be done. Let's not judge others. There is a lot to be done. Not only in KPK, but entire Pakistan. Every province has its own problems. Should I start making a list?

IK isn't a prophet nor angel. Neither is Nawaz Sharif a prophet nor an angel. Frankly, both these leaders leave a lot to be desired.

The ambassador for children project in KPK needs to be commended. If Maryam becomes an ambassador for street children In Punjab it also ought to be commended. We need to stop this childish behavior of mudslinging. Call a spade a spade.

Sita White for Ambasadar for street children .At least shes got experience in being abandoned .
zinda lashayain cant understand good will ambassador . its not paid post or had any powers .
Well out of 2.5 crore population of KPK she is more qualified and deserve this position.

Qualified in what exactly ?
Drinking Alcohol ,Eating Pork ,Nightclub dancing or is it lying ?

Naya Pakistanis have no shame
zinda lashayain cant understand good will ambassador . its not paid post or had any powers .
You said so perfectly can't imagine that ?
We are talking about PTIans ? Right cult members , any thing or everything IMRAN does is the word or act of god ?lolzzz

No Party which was started by petition against Marryam... Now stop wasting our let us know when u go to court.
Sorry , sir
But marryam is still the in charge , name or person may have changed but , she is still doing that ?
Which court are we talking about in what matters ?
You mean sits white & her daughter tiryan khan ?lolzzz
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