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KP belongs to Afghans, no one can force them out: Mahmood Achakzai

I am sure you can guess where I am going. :p:
Afghan holocaust on Pak Sarzameen :o:

this wannabe roman senator with his desi shawl is too old to even construct a decent sentence.
Mate trust me you're going to be remembered in the genera of satire ----- these lines are ridiculously epic :rofl:
This guy has gone nuts! Seriously, the sooner afghans pushed back to their native land the better it is for us.
The spoilt votes are another clue, a third. Only the Muslim League (and the British Administration) had anything to gain by falsifying those votes. Did you note, btw, that precisely that number were defaced that allowed for a tiny League victory?
With 51 percent of votes (un-tampered), bagged by the League, it had already won.
A last ditch attempt by Congress which still didn't go as planned, would be a more valid point.
Two points: the original vote that put a Congress Ministry in was based on a very limited franchise, and those numbers are all visible.

The Khudai Khidmatgars themselves abstained, in spite of appeals from his brother to Bacha Khan, on a point of principle.

The spoilt votes are another clue, a third. Only the Muslim League (and the British Administration) had anything to gain by falsifying those votes. Did you note, btw, that precisely that number were defaced that allowed for a tiny League victory?

Why not? Anything is possible. However, I recommend reading through your own comment above; I think you have put it nicely, and the improbability of anyone but the League or the Administration having fudged the vote comes out clearly - from your own comment, to add to one's delight.

And where, and what is the contradiction? Let me put it in even barer terms, and without intention to annoy or to condescend:
  1. The Congress was voted to power to RUN the province;
  2. Subsequently, it was decided that whether the province should be in India or in Pakistan should be decided by a plebiscite;
  3. The Congress, led by Nehru in this matter, decided that it would NOT encourage NWFP to join India, and it would go along with the Anglo-Pakistani thought that the NWFP should be in Pakistan;
  4. Bacha Khan, on learning this, decided on principle to abstain, since his leadership had decided on the matter (his brother tried until the very end to enlist the KK);
  5. Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan decided to continue after the plebiscite vote, as his administration or the question of which party was to rule was not the subject of the plebiscite;
  6. Huge embarrassment followed, as Jinnah sought dismissal, and the British refused;
  7. The Congress Ministry was dismissed as an extraordinary measure once Jinnah was duly empowered to exercise such measures.

Let me get back to you on this, once I am a little free of mind. As you may have observed already, I am writing in distracted fits and starts.

Yes, I am pretty thick.

Don't you think you are wasting your time on me?
So all in all, the 51 to 49 is a mere acqusation, which can be debunked by bringing in the environment at the time, the standing of Congress (which knew it wouldn't win). And thus, the public sentiment of the people tilting towards Pakistan, can be seen as you stated earlier, with tribes picking up arms against India. Hence it is safe to deduce, that the portion of people who aligned with Pakistan, were far more than the "51".
The author who stated such, and then gave the conclusion that NWFP, would've been a part of India had forgotten to take into account the scenarios and the anti- Indian sentiment brewing within the native population.
Although I'm curious, does the author in the book state about the afore-mentioned things?. If so, I'd like to see how he has constructed an argument/ statement.
Let me get back to you on this, once I am a little free of mind. As you may have observed already, I am writing in distracted fits and starts.
Sure thing, I'll wait.
With 51 percent of votes (un-tampered), bagged by the League, it had already won.
A last ditch attempt by Congress which still didn't go as planned, would be a more valid point.

No, no, not at all. That is a far-fetched construction. An assembly was elected, a ministry was in office, and there was no call for it to resign, except that Jinnah wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible. There was no last ditch attempt; the Congress had surrendered the province to Pakistan, but the local Congress minister had not surrendered the local administration to some straw dummy sought to be imposed by the League.

So all in all, the 51 to 49 is a mere acqusation, which can be debunked by bringing in the environment at the time, the standing of Congress (which knew it wouldn't win). And thus, the public sentiment of the people tilting towards Pakistan, can be seen as you stated earlier, with tribes picking up arms against India. Hence it is safe to deduce, that the portion of people who aligned with Pakistan, were far more than the "51".
The author who stated such, and then gave the conclusion that NWFP, would've been a part of India had forgotten to take into account the scenarios and the anti- Indian sentiment brewing within the native population.
Although I'm curious, does the author in the book state about the afore-mentioned things?. If so, I'd like to see how he has constructed an argument/ statement.

I think you are making some fundamental mistakes. Neither I, nor any other comment or post, nor any author writing on the subject stated that the NWFP would be part of India. After the Congress had decided to surrender it to Pakistan, THAT question never arose. I'm afraid we are barking up the wrong tree. The point is that the inclusion of NWFP in Pakistan was due to a deal, and not due to the plebiscite.

Sure thing, I'll wait.

Thank you. I am back in Hyderabad on Wednesday evening.
local Congress minister had not surrendered the local administration to some straw dummy sought to be imposed by the League.
This actually sounds like a last ditch, desperate measure by the Congress (local ministry ) again, another point to back-up my claim.
I think you are making some fundamental mistakes. Neither I, nor any other comment or post, nor any author writing on the subject stated that the NWFP would be part of India. After the Congress had decided to surrender it to Pakistan, THAT question never arose. I'm afraid we are barking up the wrong tree. The point is that the inclusion of NWFP in Pakistan was due to a deal, and not due to the plebiscite.
I believe I made a mistake, let me rephrase my wording.
With the Congress associated with India, and League associated with the Pakistan, the people would generally tilt towards Pakistan, as of anti-Indian sentiments brewing.
Now as I said Congress being associated with India, this means that the local Congress government/ministry, would still face being sided with the Congress ( India ), in NWFP; thus a catastrophic decrease in their vote bank.

Finally, one must know the intensity of communal divide in the sub-continent and at the rate at which it grew, the support received by the Congress in 1946 devastatingly decreased by 1947 when tensions broke out.
Thus the 51 to 49 is not only debunked because of what I stated earlier, but it's leverage nullified by the intensity of the communal split.
Saying a person who have no political mandate in KPK not a single constituency. A baluchistan based local party leader speaking fate of KPK that is ruled by PTI. This is damn funny. SabkuchChakzai saab this is democracy. Get votes there first then speak out. You have no mendate in KPK
This actually sounds like a last ditch, desperate measure by the Congress (local ministry ) again, another point to back-up my claim.

I believe I made a mistake, let me rephrase my wording.
With the Congress associated with India, and League associated with the Pakistan, the people would generally tilt towards Pakistan, as of anti-Indian sentiments brewing.
Now as I said Congress being associated with India, this means that the local Congress government/ministry, would still face being sided with the Congress ( India ), in NWFP; thus a catastrophic decrease in their vote bank.

Finally, one must know the intensity of communal divide in the sub-continent and at the rate at which it grew, the support received by the Congress in 1946 devastatingly decreased by 1947 when tensions broke out.
Thus the 51 to 49 is not only debunked because of what I stated earlier, but it's leverage nullified by the intensity of the communal split.

Let me leave you with a parting thought (being antagonistic to violence): you might like to ponder over the motives of those exactly lesser than fractionally half of the voters who defaced their votes so conveniently.

If you have studied even elementary statistics, you might like to work out under what conditions, to what degree of probability would this happen with such precision.
Pakistan should stop settling down more Afghan refugees in Pakistan or they will claim KP in future as we are starting to hear voices now.

Afghans i have met hate Pakistan intencely, while Iran they have no issu with. In Iran afghans have never been alloud out of refugee area, while in Pakistan they have mixed up with rest of the population all over the country.
how they view India ?
I think illegal Afghans have become to Pakistan what illegal Bangladeshis are to India

basically a vote bank for small political outfits to use and create nuisance with
Once a traitor always a traitor
I still not understand why Govt or our Supremacist Courts did not take action against this lanati Insan
People like this haramkhoor only live in Pakistan.
if you have the guts arrest him for treason

Pakistan is in mess because of traitors like him who are more obsessed with ethnic nationalism than showing loyalty and solidarity toward Pakistan and protecting its interests. This idiot speak on behalf of KPK province where he does not even hold one seat

what are the interests of pakistan ?

Pakistan should stop settling down more Afghan refugees in Pakistan or they will claim KP in future as we are starting to hear voices now.

Afghans i have met hate Pakistan intencely, while Iran they have no issu with. In Iran afghans have never been alloud out of refugee area, while in Pakistan they have mixed up with rest of the population all over the country.

Pathans are on both side of the Durrand line. There are no Pathans in Iran

Is there valid evidence that people who supported The Congress and Khudai Khidmatgar were not allowed to vote? Or was that speculation? .

It could also be a last ditch attempt by Congress, to deface votes to stall the League's victory run in the region. Congress is not new to tyranny and foul play (refer to Congress Tyranny period ).

Suuureeee, here's what you've stated earlier:
The Congress had opted to abstain from the referendum in the NWFP, and its outcome was a heavy mandate for Pakistan but even after that the ruling Congress Ministry refused to resign

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/kp-belon...-mahmood-achakzai.437387/page-2#ixzz4DLIZP7Nf
Congress refused to back out.

I honestly can't seem to find where the 90 percent of people would vote for Bacha Khan. By that I mean evidence to back that statement.

Even if the NWFP votes against Pakistan joining India is not an option. They are separated from India physically.
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