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Kozhikode twin blasts: Life sentences for guilty

Eventhough he is a terrorist, his actions never caused the death of anybody. May be that was taken into account by court when giving the verdict.

Also I heard that terrorists along with rapists and child molesters don't have an easy life in jails.

its not the fact about nobody died but the fact of his intentions was to get ppl killed if he is sentenced to life in prison then at least put under ADX Florence conditions or life in a work camp
So now we will be feeding them LIFE TIME.
Then what will be the difference between Terrorist & State

Means doesn't matters what matters is the goal.

If we continue to be lenient as we are for last may years from the time of traitor gujral to manmohan singh our golden decade will lost and there will be unrepairable damage.
I guess in India life sentence i for 20 years and then they count day and night different so it becomes 10 years and then there are holidays.. Can some one tell me how this system works??:what:
And why not 100 years of imprisonment? Like they do in USA etc??? :hitwall:
Then what will be the difference between Terrorist & State

A terrorist needs to be handled like a terrorist. There is no point in extending teh "benefits of a humane democracy" to hardened killers. It does not change them for good, but rather gives them the complaceny that even their most heinous crimes will be swept under the rug in the garb of "democracy" and "human rights".

When a person will fully kills civilians he looses all claim to being human and human rights must not be extended to him. He should be hung by his balls from the nearest lamp post.

p.s.:- It was because of this bloody leniency for terrorists that Kandahar happened and we had to release three hardened fcking terrorists who returned to create mayhem in the country.
A terrorist needs to be handled like a terrorist. There is no point in extending teh "benefits of a humane democracy" to hardened killers. It does not change them for good, but rather gives them the complaceny that even their most heinous crimes will be swept under the rug in the garb of "democracy" and "human rights".

When a person will fully kills civilians he looses all claim to being human and human rights must not be extended to him. He should be hung by his balls from the nearest lamp post.

p.s.:- It was because of this bloody leniency for terrorists that Kandahar happened and we had to release three hardened fcking terrorists who returned to create mayhem in the country.

You are supporting Taliban type of justice.
You are supporting Taliban type of justice.

Do I look like one who cares for the human rights of fcking terrorists ? :no:

If they are convicted of their crimes and their role was proved then I suggest give them a punishment more cruel than even the Taliban types - if there is one.
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