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Kohli and Raina, nhn tootay ga yeh dostana.

ehnu pyaar kehnde ne -


In school my and my best fren used to sit on one bench and we always opened one book for both to read, we used to wrestle and wrangle with legs.
why are we so homophobic ...?? Friendly Affection between 2 men is always fine.. why make such a big deal out of it..

See such a nice picture below..


I agree with you,
again you made a point very nicely and its appricated


thanks, I am saying the same thing not sure whats the confusion and what are you trying to imply?
why are you predicting that your post will be deleted?
avoid the one liners and add positively and all is good as long as done with good humour and in limits?

power to you guys dont feel to down
you make the threads alive.. just dont cross the red line :)

take post number 18 as a good example, come on will that not cheer us up and brighten the mood?
thanks to Gentle Typhoon
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