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Knee-jerk reaction by Imran Khan on Dera Ismail Khan Jailbreak

leader, jus like his leader has his head so far up his sphincter - it's useless to even try to talk to him, but I can guarantee that other people in the country - are putting the blame on the PTI.
Those freed are already on their way to Afg and Kashmir. And our fool nation is still looking for those absurd excuses. They had been put in this jail for a purpose, and has been freed to be used for that purpose.
Thanks but no thanks di dyou read teh whol etopic or just start jumping after seeing the name of imran khan. Accept the fault where you are on mistake.

Just show me any statement where PTI accept and said this is done by TTP even after acceptance by TTP. or do you want me to show you where PTI rep were so afraid to name TTP on media.

if the leader ship is afraid and confused about ttp. what you can expect from police so the fault of PTI leader ship even in ANP police was brave enough to fight with TTP suddenly what happen? its the time to think.

if nay thing happen in punjab you guys start abusing shahbaz or nawaz sharif. now what happen to you guys?

Be brave enough to accept and try to over come the issues rather than doing same as other "BLAME GAME"

Face palm for Naya Pakistan.

first of all imran khan is not showbaz ..he didnt ran to suadia to his masters when the nation was going though hard tyms...if condemnation can solve the problems we have alot of condemnations over the years .. it is nawaz sharif delaying the whole procedure ..he didnt gave anti terrorism policy to the armed forces and provenience

Security forces & police jointly raided house, retrieves suicide jacket, arms, hand grenade and 500 bullets in Dera Ismail Khan.

@Xeric THIS !!
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first of all imran khan is not showbaz ..he didnt ran to suadia to his masters when the nation was going though hard tyms...if condemnation can solve the problems we have alot of condemnations over the years .. it is nawaz sharif delaying the whole procedure ..he didnt gave anti terrorism policy to the armed forces and provenience

Don't make up stories now PMLN asked PTI twice first IK came up with the nutty reply that PM and CAOS MUST brief him first (condition for APC) then claimed that he will not take part in any APC even if PM and CAOS brief him. Asfandyar of ANP is already making noises that other parties from KPK must also be invited in the briefing. Its IK who is coming in the way.
BTW, i must tell you that i occasionally receive calls from a cell phone by a friend on is on death row in some jail. So much for security.

If that's the state of affairs inside our jails, no wonder the attackers had exact know how of the jail blueprints and the location of their 'friends'.

You know, you cant row a boat if two guys are rowing it in the opposite direction.
Imran Khan and CM KPK are not going to guard the prisoners and check posts with G3s and AK 47s . its the job of our security forces

instead of just sitting back and sulking over lack of policy or direction from Government, the leadership of our security forces (civil / military) should take the initiative and present its case and recommendations to the political leadership.

if police and army will continue passing responsibility and cant contain talian and cant confront them then say it out loud so that we stop wasting money on them and prepare conditions of surrender to taliban.

bloody jobsworth .. they will eat 100 onions and get slapped 100 times as well in the end.
BTW, i must tell you that i occasionally receive calls from a cell phone by a friend on is on death row in some jail. So much for security.

If that's the state of affairs inside our jails, no wonder the attackers had exact know how of the jail blueprints and the location of their 'friends'.

You know, you cant row a boat if two guys are rowing it in the opposite direction.

The plotters of the Justice Baqar attack had a laptop!!! A friggin' laptop!!!
The plotters of the Justice Baqar attack had a laptop!!! A friggin' laptop!!!

i once visited the guy in the prison. They inspected me so throughly that i was embarssed. They were doing it to every visitor.

Making us remove even our socks, the guy even measured my @ss and groin with his hands!!

Then they opened up my wallet, kept all the money, looked for SIMs etc, as that was their sore point.

But guess what, when i received a call from the guy the very next day from inside the prison, i was astonished!

And the guy would just laugh at my nativity.
i once visited the guy in the prison. They inspected me so throughly that i was embarssed. They were doing it to every visitor.

Making us remove even our socks, the guy even measured my @ss and groin with his hands!!

Then they opened up my wallet, kept all the money, looked for SIMs etc, as that was their sore point.

But guess what, when i received a call from the guy the very next day from inside the prison, i was astonished!

And the guy would just laugh at my nativity.

Ab visitor rishwat to nhn deta na...

A couple hundred by the prisoner to the guards ensures a VIP stay!

The situation truly is pathetic...
The plotters of the Justice Baqar attack had a laptop!!! A friggin' laptop!!!

Malik Ishaq who has over 100 shia murders under his name has class A treatment in Punjab Jails enjoying all the perks with full communication to outside world ordering regular executions of shia targets in a year.

Kayani gave him a helicopter to ride into GHQ to "negotiate with the TTP" when the terrorists made a "new one " into the pride of our army during their GHQ attack
Guess, it is not only me who is worried over PTI's behavior:

Who rules KPK; Terrorists or PTI? | Pakistan Express

Who rules KPK; Terrorists or PTI?

The shameless politicians of Pakistan have the audacity to blame intelligence agencies for their own failures. This was evident in the classic case of attack on DI Khan jail where the police virtually facilitated the attack yet the chief minister is adamant that his hands are clear and neither he nor his government was responsible in what could be termed as one of the worst jailbreaks in the history of the world.

According to various news sources, TTP terrorists attacked the Central Jail in Dera Ismail Khan on Monday night and freed more than 200 terrorists besides killing a handful of prisoners and security staff. DI Khan is a major city of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province and is close to South Waziristan Agency. The attackers sixty in number, who moved and charged unnoticed by the local police, overpowered security personnel deployed at the prison who did not even make an effort to offer resistance. According to initial investigations, the first prison gate was destroyed by the attackers equipped with hand grenades and automatic weapons, but the other two gates were let open by security personnel. The police personnel who were responsible for security of the prison’s outside building were not present at the time of attack and arrived there four-and-a-half hours later. It seems that the first and second defence lines of the jail offered no resistance leaving no room for the army to engage the attackers to protect the prison.

This is a clear example of collapse of governance in a province which is ruled by Imran Khan’s PTI who is perceived to be a sympathizer of the terrorists. The fact that intelligence agencies had forewarned the government of the imminent attack and there was no preparation to meet it head-on only substantiates the fact that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa administration was totally incompetent. As usual, the Chief Minister, Pervez Khattak attributed his government’s failure to intelligence agencies. This is a poor case of passing the buck on.

This could be an inside help provided to the attackers which would suggest that terrorists have not only ingress in the political hierarchy, but also the lowest level of administration. This would indeed, be very dangerous and would amount to ceding the entire province to the terrorists.
So far PTI has been failure and i supported them! It would have been better if ANP won even if they have anti-Pakistan past. At least they dont run away when it comes to terrorism, they know terrorism is destroying KPK and Pakistan with it.
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