What's new

KJ-500- medum size AEW/C

Ready for takeoff

And finally a serial !!! You really made my day !
PAF should look towards acquiring another 3-5 of these but at least 2-3 examples of simple Y-8 aircrat for training.
KJ-500 AWAC in service with the PLAAF.

KJ500 AWACS prototype

After a successful introduction of 11 KJ200 "Balance Beam" mid-size AWAC into PLAN-AF and PLAAAF service, the Chinese military is switching gear to a fixed rotodome based approach for housing their three ASEA radars.

Friday, October 29, 2010
Newly constructed KJ-200 AWAC spotted.

Notice the extra "antennas" on top of the cockpit.

The current KJ-200 service model. Notice there are no antennas in the "forehead"

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