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KJ-500- medum size AEW/C

No, I never said that stealth is useless. It could be very useful against countries that don't have Chinese type of radars. Countries like Japan, India and Vietnam for China. and countries like Pakistan, Iran, North Korea and the rest for USA.
All previous generation aircrafts can be seen on radars, it doesn't mean any country has stopped producing them because of that.
Now we see with these developments that stealth can be countered as well. It's a start, it's not the end.

India already operates phalcon AEWACs, which are the best in operational service today. And we have two indegenous AEWACs in the making, one of which is nearing certification.
Actually, that was real physics. 'Chinese physics' are what we are seeing HERE.

May be not forever, but long enough to make a great difference.

You think that just because China manufactures motherboards and assorted civilian computer doo-dads that it automatically means the F-16's Flight Controls Computer and its test stations were built in China? But let us grant you the latitude that some components were manufactured in China, what does that prove for China other than the fact that Chinese manufacturers can follow instructions? The phrase 'coming from China' is loaded and is meaningless.

Sorry, but you cannot 'see' data processing, other than eyeballing the radar scope display. Of course, when J-20 pilots saw missiles coming straight down their jets' intakes they will be the recipients of that data processing capability.
Whom you are responding to Gambit.... The Fanboyism, Patriotism and Nationalism of fellow Chinese forum Mates is so overwhelming that your professional knowledge would hardly make a little impression on them.
If it gives them a good sleep, let them have it...:azn:
By the way, have one question for you, amongst non US AWACS/AEW&S, which combo hardware and data processing is the best or at least unmatched in the egional senarios....
Thanx in advanced...
By the way, have one question for you, amongst non US AWACS/AEW&S, which combo hardware and data processing is the best or at least unmatched in the egional senarios....
Thanx in advanced...
The hardware is preferably ESA. Even so, given still how good are the non-ESA antennas, if supported by continuously updated data processing capability and operational changes, the non-ESA systems can still give excellent support for many years. I never have access to any non-US radar data processing capability so I cannot give you any definitive answer, but my take on the ESA systems right now for smaller air forces is that they are desirable because of their lightweight, which make them more mobile, and that they are less maintenance intensive than the larger US-style AWACS platform.
India already operates phalcon AEWACs, which are the best in operational service today. And we have two indegenous AEWACs in the making, one of which is nearing certification.
Phalcon is best? Who told you that? Can you give me the data on the basis of which you got to that conclusion.
Also did you even read what this thread is about? It's about radar capable of observing stealth aircrafts, currently there are only three countries in the world who have or are in the process of developing stealth aircrafts, and India isn't one of them.
Don't try to compare yourself to China, you are no where near them, in military R&D, and the gap is increasing by the day.
Stay tuned for more Chinese breakthroughs and more Indian delays.
Phalcon is best? Who told you that? Can you give me the data on the basis of which you got to that conclusion.
Also did you even read what this thread is about? It's about radar capable of observing stealth aircrafts, currently there are only three countries in the world who have or are in the process of developing stealth aircrafts, and India isn't one of them.
Don't try to compare yourself to China, you are no where near them, in military R&D, and the gap is increasing by the day.
Stay tuned for more Chinese breakthroughs and more Indian delays.

The federation of american scientists did:

IAI Phalcon 707

The world's most advanced AEWC&C system, the PHALCON, was developed and produced by ELTA

That was about Elta-2075, and what India purchased is an even more advanced version the El-2090. And about the rest of your post:

1) Whether India is developing a stealth aircraft or not has no bearing on my point, which is that India operates advanced AEWACs.
2) I did not compare one country to another, which is the favorite passtime of silly keyboard warriors who get all hot and bothered over such juvenilities. So take some sedatives and calm down. Or continue with your "We so great, you so low" posts, your choice.

But the fact is that India currently operates a better AEWAC than you do. So don't club India together with countries that don't have AEWACs, which is what you did. Same goes for Japan.
The federation of american scientists did:

IAI Phalcon 707

That was about Elta-2075, and what India purchased is an even more advanced version the El-2090. And about the rest of your post:

1) Whether India is developing a stealth aircraft or not has no bearing on my point, which is that India operates advanced AEWACs.
2) I did not compare one country to another, which is the favorite passtime of silly keyboard warriors who get all hot and bothered over such juvenilities. So take some sedatives and calm down. Or continue with your "We so great, you so low" posts, your choice.

But the fact is that India currently operates a better AEWAC than you do. So don't club India together with countries that don't have AEWACs, which is what you did. Same goes for Japan.

Nothing to be happy,

1) Don't bet your card on a 0.008 billion heads nation which in fact doesn't have ability to manufacture AESA radar core parts, especially you are from a 1.2 billion heads strong nation.

2) EI-2090 is far from most advanced AEWAC which is KJ-2000;

3) Radar bought from Israel are spayed by US;

4) You don't know what hidden devices are free gifted by FBI;
The federation of american scientists did:

IAI Phalcon 707

That was about Elta-2075, and what India purchased is an even more advanced version the El-2090. And about the rest of your post:

1) Whether India is developing a stealth aircraft or not has no bearing on my point, which is that India operates advanced AEWACs.
2) I did not compare one country to another, which is the favorite passtime of silly keyboard warriors who get all hot and bothered over such juvenilities. So take some sedatives and calm down. Or continue with your "We so great, you so low" posts, your choice.

But the fact is that India currently operates a better AEWAC than you do. So don't club India together with countries that don't have AEWACs, which is what you did. Same goes for Japan.

You don't know that.

The true capabilities of China's latest AWACS technology is unknown.
Save me from what? From your farts?

When asked where I got the info about phalcon being the most advanced AEWACS, I backed up my statement with a link to one of the most respected scientific organisations in the world.

You chose to skip over that fact, and made a personal assertion that yours is better, without providing any data point. Name calling does not substitute for evidence or sourcing. Back up your claim with proper sources, instead of name calling and rudeness, if you want to be taken seriously.

Your little FAS page was updated 15 years ago.

IAI Phalcon 707

Updated Tuesday, September 21, 1999 10:18:15 AM

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