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Kingdom pressing Pakistan to abandon IP gas pipeline.

Yara, I am even hesitant about taking a penny from my own dad, haven't done so since I was 17. I've always done things on my own, I don't even like anyone checking my temperature, if ever I have fever. I am allergic to sympathy, help or pity.

Additionally, I know all that is there to know about free lunches and the 'real' costs associated with it. Trust me when I say we got suckered into all this **** and paid it 100 times in blood.

You are wrong, there is no good man/woman or child in camel land. How we go about fixing this problem, is a different story. I say we fix it technically in the language they understand. It can be done. If Israelis can do it in four decades, we can contain their existence in one decade.

Peace to the rest of the world! :D

Haha, you are a crazy man.

There are many good men in Arabia, unfortunately their voices will never be heard.

We need KSA and Iran influence away from our lands. A friend is one that supports you when you have nothing, and these days nobody gives a flying **** about Pakistan.

I have an irritability when it comes to relying on someone. Myself, I always preferred to buy the cokes rather than take one.

I hope you understand what I mean.

I know Ticker would.
@Secur, mate you are wrong at step one. You are supporting your arguments with logic. Stop. The almighty tried to teach that cursed land logic by sending majority of Prophets to that particular area, in the end he got tired.

If you continue till the universe collapses on itself, even then they'll not understand. Teach them in the language they understand. I won't get into the semantics of the language, but you get the drift.

What is up with you are your rash declarations lately yaar?? You are trying to blame all the Saudis as if they even have a hand in govt decisions and on top of that you are questioning Allah's judgement. Cease and desist. :mod:

If Saudi Arabia continue to behave childish, when will Pakistan bomb on them ?

Great, now the Arabs will flock to this thread in anger. :lol:
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If Saudi Arabia continue to behave childish, when will Pakistan bomb on them ?

Actually , its about time that Islamabad confronts so called Qatari and Bahraini Amirs of involvement in the Baluchistan insurgency to harm the importance of Gwadar port in favor of their own , warm them of severe consequences and remind them of what happens where ISI hits !
I am late to respond. In fact have been away from this site for a long time. But back to topic:

this is exactly what international diplomacy all about. In fact, that's also what politics is all about. At the need of the hour, your friends do not seem to be friends any more and enemies are no longer enemies. European Union is a very good example. not too long ago countries within the union were at logger heads. Now they are pooling resources to bail out each other.

It is important to remember in this context that the people you call "all weather friends" now may actually be working for their own benefits an when the symbiosis is no longer apparent, you will see the truth. No country has permanent friends or enemies. It is all about what is good for the people. No ideology should block the path of people's progress. In this case, Pakistan needs energy and needs it immediately. Iran would take care of only a part of those needs. Pakistan cannot let go of its energy needs for an ideology. Its people are far more important. The Onus is on the Saudi's to realize this.
Mate, have you dealt with them personally, at governmental, military and intelligence level? I have to a certain degree and rest of the gaps have been filled by close relatives. Enjoy your clean third person view. :D

I can see where we are headed due to this proxy war. I rather have them blowing themselves up, than one citizen of my country.

What is up with you are your rash declarations lately yaar?? You are trying to blame all the Saudis as if they even have a hand in govt decisions and on top of that you are questioning Allah's judgement. Cease and desist. :mod:

Great, now the Arabs will flock to this thread in anger. :lol:
Yara, I am even hesitant about taking a penny from my own dad, haven't done so since I was 17. I've always done things on my own, I don't even like anyone checking my temperature, if ever I have fever. I am allergic to sympathy, help or pity.

Additionally, I know all that is there to know about free lunches and the 'real' costs associated with it. Trust me when I say we got suckered into all this **** and paid it 100 times in blood.

You are wrong, there is no good man/woman or child in camel land. How we go about fixing this problem, is a different story. I say we fix it technically in the language they understand. It can be done. If Israelis can do it in four decades, we can contain their existence in one decade.

Peace to the rest of the world! :D

I agree with most of your post, but I REALLY disagree with bolded line.

Correct yourself. You are my friend, and that is why I am advising you.

There are many good people in Saudi Arabia.
Haha, you are a crazy man.

There are many good men in Arabia, unfortunately their voices will never be heard.

We need KSA and Iran influence away from our lands. A friend is one that supports you when you have nothing, and these days nobody gives a flying **** about Pakistan.

I have an irritability when it comes to relying on someone. Myself, I always preferred to buy the cokes rather than take one.

I hope you understand what I mean.

I know Ticker would.

That's how we roll in nyc. :D
Yes , I accept the faults and mistakes did by my people and leadership in the past culminating in the events of today ... Only through understand , can there be recovery ...

That is the problem , my friend ... The financial gap for the educational infrastructure wasn't that wide as you portray it to be , the Govt of Pakistan has made mistakes but this was a whole new thing ! Entire new interpretation of Islam was imported to develop a new generation of narrow minded , psychopathic killers and suicide bombers who were ready to enforce their version of the religion on everyone else ...

Sadly , you are mistaken ... The lunch is over - a long time ago and the money and favor were paid in full ... Nothing left to be paid ... The Soviet's are defeated and the Iran's influence in the region checked by Pakistan ...

Basically , there was a lot of money ( let say cart blanche ) provided by the Arabs specially KSA and Libya during the era Pakistan was busy fighting a war and developing nuclear weapons in return of some sort of protection against Israel ... No , they do not feel threatened now , they did feel it then ... The umbrella existed , it was a sort of open secret and widely reported in CIA declassified reports ...

Well , the kind of business we used to do with Riyadh is very much different than what we are trying to do with Iran now ... You are comparing apples and oranges here , mate ... Riyadh does business with our enemy , it shouldn't be a problem if we do the same that too merely importing Natural Gas to solve our energy crisis and by no chance not selling weapons to them or signing strategic defence partnerships ... Actually , the Arab Spring has more of a chance to hit KSA as Iran is to fall apart ... Pakistan is taking care of its own interests just like India and China are importing Oil from Tehran ...

Again , the lecture on the help from the KSA without any mention of the help from Pakistan ... Bravo ! :)

Okay... the lunch is over... but how did you pay them back for it? That is all I am asking for.

I am not mentioning Pakistan simply because I do not find anything significant on part of Pakistan that favored the KSA.

You are a Pakistani and I am sure you can provide more and better details than I. And I seriously hope it is something concrete and well substantiated, not just some secret CIA files that you have read but cannot reproduce.

I asked you about anyone (just any KSA official's name) talking about the Nuclear Umbrella, and all you do is say they "feel" it? Sorry man, but the feeling things don't work in these matters. If you can produce copies of those CIA files (I suppose you read them) stating the nuclear umbrella useful for KSA, I will be grateful to you!

Pakistan was in Afghan war for the US, and not for the KSA. US paid you for that - in full and in advance... heck you went so far as to accept weapons from Israel... so let's not paint just about everything you do anywhere as a favor/return of favor to KSA.

So from what I see, if Pakistan did pay for that lunch money, then it was in the form of sectarian violence that Pakistanis engaged in, within Pakistan. And that too is not something that outsiders can make you do, unless you yourself are very eager.
Don't be foolish raptor. We will never bomb on the land of Muhammad saw.

Even though you aren't wrong , but this is the reflection of the same kind of mentality that Pakistanis follow , considering the defense of Arabs and specially Royal family even to the extent of their own interests as some sort of religious duty !
I am late to respond. In fact have been away from this site for a long time. But back to topic:

this is exactly what international diplomacy all about. In fact, that's also what politics is all about. At the need of the hour, your friends do not seem to be friends any more and enemies are no longer enemies. European Union is a very good example. not too long ago countries within the union were at logger heads. Now they are pooling resources to bail out each other.

It is important to remember in this context that the people you call "all weather friends" now may actually be working for their own benefits an when the symbiosis is no longer apparent, you will see the truth. No country has permanent friends or enemies. It is all about what is good for the people. No ideology should block the path of people's progress. In this case, Pakistan needs energy and needs it immediately. Iran would take care of only a part of those needs. Pakistan cannot let go of its energy needs for an ideology. Its people are far more important. The Onus is on the Saudi's to realize this.

Thank You, Pakistanis here it is plain as night as day. Time to wake up and cut the "higher than Himalayas" nonsense.
Even though you aren't wrong , but this is the reflection of the same kind of mentality that Pakistanis follow , considering the defense of Arabs and specially Royal family even to the extent of their own interests as some sort of religious duty !

Royal family has nothing to do with Muhammad saw.

I don't care who is in charge. Never will a bomb fall on this place by my blood.

Saudis, I don't like them.
how many Pakistanis live in Saudi Arabia.?
how much did the saudi invest in Pakistan so far?
how much does Pakistan buy its oil?
why does pakistan enjoy free trade with GCC? no tax/custom
how much did......mmm secret < military?

final question why is pakistan FM coming to saudi arabia and not the other way around.

So let be put it straight.

This project with not go on until we give the green light.
Actually , its about time that Islamabad confronts so called Qatari and Bahraini Amirs of involvement in the Baluchistan insurgency to harm the importance of Gwadar port in favor of their own , warm them of severe consequences and remind them of what happens where ISI hits !

By the way the Qatari involvement was brought up by myself on this forum. Similar stuff happened in 1997 as well, we sent them official warning, but then later on the fat **** came to power and he even pushed it harder. No problem. There are literally thousands of people in the armed forces and key positions, who have a high enough IQ and similar thoughts, they will all get even. Drop for drop.
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