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Kingdom pressing Pakistan to abandon IP gas pipeline.

Totally agree. therefore the pipeline is going to hurt Saudi Arabia.

Well you are skipping questions a lot , but still the same is true for your defense deals and closer relations with our hostile neighbor !

filling your energy needs is not hurting at all but importing yes why? Implementing the pipeline will give iran source of income.

Why do countries import stuff , dear ? :azn: ... So be it , solving the energy crisis is our top most priority and Islamabad at this moment doesn't care what the Persians and Arabs have in mind about each other !
Well you are skipping questions a lot , but still the same is true for your defense deals and closer relations with our hostile neighbor !

Why do countries import stuff , dear ? :azn: ... So be it , solving the energy crisis is our top most priority and Islamabad at this moment doesn't care what the Persians and Arabs have in mind about each other !

Yeah could the Saudi be more generous when it comes to the back gold on both quantity and quality.
Yeah could the Saudi be more generous when it comes to the back gold on both quantity and quality.

You guys are giving India money with investments, you did not bother about Pakistani concerns when investing so why should Pakistan pause for a minute if the pipeline will hurt Saudi because Iran will make some money??
Yeah could the Saudi be more generous when it comes to the back gold on both quantity and quality.

That is why I said let us see what are you offering this time " Quid pro Quos " , all brotherhood and Ummah gone to hell ... We will take the best offer , rest assured ...
Well you are skipping questions a lot , but still the same is true for your defense deals and closer relations with our hostile neighbor !

Li your point tell me exactly how counter terrorism agreement affect pakistan and how are you so sure the saudi authority has not discussed such matter with Pakistan in the beginning.?
You guys are giving India money with investments, you did not bother about Pakistani concerns when investing so why should Pakistan pause for a minute if the pipeline will hurt Saudi because Iran will make some money?

No , there's a lot going behind , between Riyadh and New Delhi besides investments ... Do they think the Pakistanis are naive ? Do they think that we aren't aware what position will we be in after coalition departs in 2014 ?
Li your point tell me exactly how counter terrorism agreement affect pakistan and how are you so sure the saudi authority has not discussed such matter with Pakistan in the beginning.?

Learn to answer the question. What about the additional income and bi-lateral ties your country is having with a country hostile to Pakistan? You want Pakistan to be sensitive to KSA's concerns regarding Iran and want Pakistan to disband the pipeline deal, but have you reciprocated the same favor to Pakistan?


I hope you are able to understand this double-standard argument of yours, you simply have no right to complain about the oil pipeline deal between Iran and Pakistan, additional income or not it's none of your business.
Li your point tell me exactly how counter terrorism agreement affect pakistan and how are you so sure the saudi authority has not discussed such matter with Pakistan in the beginning.?
[25] Four agreements pertaining to transfer of sentenced persons, cultural cooperation, Memorandum of Understanding between Indian Space Research Organisation and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology for cooperation in peaceful use of outer space and joint research and information technology were also signed in presence of the two leaders. Four other agreements were also signed the day before, including one by Tata Motors to supply school buses worth $80 million.These licenses are for projects in different sectors such as management and consultancy services, construction projects, telecommunications, information technology, pharmaceuticals, etc. Moreover, several Indian companies have established collaborations with Saudi companies and working in the Kingdom in the areas of designing, consultancy, financial services and software development.[20]The 2010 Riyadh Declaration has been termed as ``a new era of strategic partnership’’’ between the two countries.

The height of hypocrisy ! So , basically it is fine if you do business with our enemies but a crime when we try to do the same ? :azn: ... Why exactly did you sign the counter-terrorism and extradition treaty in the first place ? What for ? I think the same agreements would have signed with my country too with far more generosity shown by our side ! If your answer is " Secur , its just good business " then my answer is the same :)
Mate , haven't I told you that I blame my countrymen and leadership equally for the radicalization that has hurt my country more than any enemy could ever dream of ?

Quid pro Quos ? Isn't it again ? Then why are you contradicting yourself by going over and over the things the Kingdom has done for us without even considering a single that Pakistan has done for them ? :azn: Honestly , I am not sure what is troubling you in understanding the " Umbrella concept " in which these countries provided money in return for a protection from Israel and Pakistani help in future wars ? It maybe temporary ( I do agree on that part ) but how is that not a return of the favor ? I cant think of any reason how exactly doing business with Iran is like making Riyadh an enemy , please clarify me on that ?

Exactly what help came from KSA that even USA couldn't provide ? The intense radicalization of my country and making it a battleground of Sunni vs Shia or more specifically Arab/Persian rivalry ? I am not portraying my forces help to disproportionate level , I am merely saying that they were there when they were asked for help ...

Not that I can read @WebMaster mind but what I deduce from his posts was that " the debt has already been paid " or " the favor has been returned " so there's no question of giving KSA any lunch money back ...

Yes, you did agree on the part of Zia era government's fault on letting the radicalization loose.

However, I mentioned it for an important reason - to highlight the favor of the Saudis. They stepped in to fill in the financial gap for educational infrastructure that was left wide open by the subsequent governments of Pakistan.

I am not contradicting myself. I am simply stating the fact that the lunch is over, but the money is yet to be paid, hence my mentioning of the significance of Saudi favors, esp when price of oil shot up in the early 70's.

I am not a very knowledgeable person, so I may not know what state official in KSA may have mentioned the Nuke Umbrella in positive light. Please do tell me about it, because as far as I know, the Saudis don't feel threatened by the Israelis. Syrians, Egyptians, Iranians, and Pakistanis do, but not the Saudis. The umbrella may be considered a favor, if it really does exist as an umbrella - I very much doubt that.

Doing business with Tehran will make Riyadh a villain, just as doing business with Riyadh made Tehran the villain in the past (you mentioned it yourself). When Iran is pressed to the hilt by the rest of the world, and is about to break down, Pakistan appears to be offering a respite. Why would it not make Pakistan a sore in Riyadh's eye?

The helps from the KSA... I mentioned them in my very first post in this thread replying to Webmaster. The oil subsidies, USA could not provide. It could provide money, but not oil. Educational infrastructure, you need even more money for that, and certainly it would rather be accepted from an Islamic country than from the US... just as weaponry coming to Pakistan from Israel was repainted to remove the Star of David.
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[25] Four agreements pertaining to transfer of sentenced persons, cultural cooperation, Memorandum of Understanding between Indian Space Research Organisation and King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology for cooperation in peaceful use of outer space and joint research and information technology were also signed in presence of the two leaders. Four other agreements were also signed the day before, including one by Tata Motors to supply school buses worth $80 million.These licenses are for projects in different sectors such as management and consultancy services, construction projects, telecommunications, information technology, pharmaceuticals, etc. Moreover, several Indian companies have established collaborations with Saudi companies and working in the Kingdom in the areas of designing, consultancy, financial services and software development.[20]

The height of hypocrisy ! So , basically it is fine if you do business with our enemies but a crime when we try to do the same ? :azn: ... Why exactly did you sign the counter-terrorism and extradition treaty in the first place ? Are you facing any enemy at home ?

so culture cooperation, food, and school buses post threat to pakistan. :D

Learn to answer the question. What about the additional income and bi-lateral ties your country is having with a country hostile to Pakistan? You want Pakistan to be sensitive to KSA's concerns regarding Iran and want Pakistan to disband the pipeline deal, but have you reciprocated the same favor to Pakistan?


I hope you are able to understand this double-standard argument of yours, you simply have no right to complain about the oil pipeline deal between Iran and Pakistan, additional income or not it's none of your business.

read my OP's
Yes, you did agree on the part of Zia era government's fault on letting the radicalization loose.

However, I mentioned it for an important reason - to highlight the favor of the Saudis. They stepped in to fill in the financial gap for educational infrastructure that was left wide open by the subsequent governments of Pakistan.

I am not contradicting myself. I am simply stating the fact that the lunch is over, but the money is yet to be paid, hence my mentioning of the significance of Saudi favors, esp when price of oil shot up in the early 70's.

I am not a very knowledgeable person, so I may not know what state official in KSA may have mentioned the Nuke Umbrella in positive light. Please do tell me about it, because as far as I know, the Saudis don't feel threatened by the Israelis. Syrians, Egyptians, Iranians, and Pakistanis do, but not the Saudis. The umbrella may be considered a favor, if it really does exist as an umbrella - I very much doubt that.

Doing business with Tehran will make Riyadh a villain, just as doing business with Riyadh made Tehran the villain in the past (you mentioned it yourself). When Iran is pressed to the hilt by the rest of the world, and is about to break down, Pakistan appears to be offering a respite. Why would it not make Pakistan a sore in Riyadh's eye?

The helps from the KSA... I mentioned them in my very first post in this thread replying to Webmaster. The oil subsidies, USA could not provide. It could provide money, but not oil. Educational infrastructure, you need even more money for that, and certainly it would rather be accepted from an Islamic country than from the US... just as weaponry coming to Pakistan from Israel was repainted to remove the Star of David.

Yes , I accept the faults and mistakes did by my people and leadership in the past culminating in the events of today ... Only through understand , can there be recovery ...

That is the problem , my friend ... The financial gap for the educational infrastructure wasn't that wide as you portray it to be , the Govt of Pakistan has made mistakes but this was a whole new thing ! Entire new interpretation of Islam was imported to develop a new generation of narrow minded , psychopathic killers and suicide bombers who were ready to enforce their version of the religion on everyone else ...

Sadly , you are mistaken ... The lunch is over - a long time ago and the money and favor were paid in full ... Nothing left to be paid ... The Soviet's are defeated and the Iran's influence in the region checked by Pakistan ...

Basically , there was a lot of money ( let say cart blanche ) provided by the Arabs specially KSA and Libya during the era Pakistan was busy fighting a war and developing nuclear weapons in return of some sort of protection against Israel ... No , they do not feel threatened now , they did feel it then ... The umbrella existed , it was a sort of open secret and widely reported in CIA declassified reports ...

Well , the kind of business we used to do with Riyadh is very much different than what we are trying to do with Iran now ... You are comparing apples and oranges here , mate ... Riyadh does business with our enemy , it shouldn't be a problem if we do the same that too merely importing Natural Gas to solve our energy crisis and by no chance not selling weapons to them or signing strategic defence partnerships ... Actually , the Arab Spring has more of a chance to hit KSA as Iran is to fall apart ... Pakistan is taking care of its own interests just like India and China are importing Oil from Tehran ...

Again , the lecture on the help from the KSA without any mention of the help from Pakistan ... Bravo ! :)

so culture cooperation, food, and school buses post threat to pakistan. :D

read my OP's

Nah , I think you need to read the whole paragraph I posted and then answer the question why similar deals were not signed with Pakistan just like you want now for your interest in isolating Iran ? :azn: What was the wisdom in going to our enemy to provide things which Islamabad could easily have provided ? Of course they do not pose a threat to us , but your defense deals and starting of a new strategic partnership sure does !

Its becoming boring ! Reading the same OP's of your's again and again so post anything new ...
@Secur, mate you are wrong at step one. You are supporting your arguments with logic. Stop. The almighty tried to teach that cursed land logic by sending majority of Prophets to that particular area, in the end he got tired.

If you continue till the universe collapses on itself, even then they'll not understand. Teach them in the language they understand. I won't get into the semantics of the language, but you get the drift.
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@Secur, mate you are wrong at step one. You are supporting your arguments with logic. Stop. The almighty tried to teach that cursed land logic by sending majority of Prophets to that particular area, in the end he got tired.

If you continue till the universe collapses on itself, even then they'll not understand. Teach them in the language they understand. I won't get into the semantics of the language, but you get the drift.

Haha, you are a crazy man.

There are many good men in Arabia, unfortunately their voices will never be heard.

We need KSA and Iran influence away from our lands. A friend is one that supports you when you have nothing, and these days nobody gives a flying **** about Pakistan.

I have an irritability when it comes to relying on someone. Myself, I always preferred to buy the cokes rather than take one.

I hope you understand what I mean.

I know Ticker would.
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@Secur, mate you are wrong at step one. You are supporting your arguments with logic. Stop. The almighty tried to teach that cursed land logic by sending majority of Prophets to that particular area, in the end he got tired.

If you continue till the universe collapses on itself, even then they'll not understand. Teach them in the language they understand. I won't get into the semantics of the language, but you get the drift.

Yes , I think I am ... What I am getting in return to my lengthy and detailed reponses is " Read my previous OP " ... :lol: As if I am not reading the posts but still he's better than Zarvan in debate ...

I have no plans on going that far :P Well , the Govt's doing a pretty good job in answering the language they understand after the GCC's support for insurgents in Baluchistan and closer relationships with our enemy ... There's a reason why the foreign minister is asked to visit the Kingdom at the earliest ... Right?

There are many good men in Arabia, unfortunately their voices will never be heard.

We need KSA and Iran influence away from our lands. A friend is one that supports you when you have nothing, and these days nobody gives a flying **** about Pakistan.

I hope you understand what I mean.

Well Said ! @RazPaK

Pakistan shouldn't have anything to do with Arab/Persian rivalry , should balance its foreign policy and do " just good business " without caring where it comes from ! If these people have shown their true faces , then its about time we make new friends ...
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If Saudi Arabia continue to behave childish, when will Pakistan bomb on them ?
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