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Kim Jong Un’s ‘monster’ missile could overwhelm US defense systems

Doesn't Russia use Sarmat which is liquid fueled and modern?

Solid fueled missile are expensive to maintain. liquid fueled missiles are much cheaper.
Russia does not have much money to support an extensive arsenal of solid fueled nukes.
Seriously? you do know that the first atom bomb was dropped on Japan during WWII in 1945 and not after.
Nazi Germany only got as far as a dirty bomb in Thüringia. They never achieved chain reaction.
The Germany idea of an Atom bomb was blowing up Plutonium with chemical explosives.

What did German scientists know?

Over the years, several authors have concluded that Heisenberg and his colleagues did not understand how an atomic bomb would work. These authors include the physicist Samuel Goudsmit, who in 1947 published the results of a US Army investigation – entitled Alsos – into Germany’s bomb effort. The historian Paul Lawrence Rose came to the same conclusion in his 1998 book Heisenberg and the Nazi Atomic Bomb Project 1939-1945. These critics argue that the German scientists did not understand the physics of a nuclear-fission chain reaction, in which fast neutrons emitted by a uranium-235 or plutonium nucleus trigger further fission reactions. Both Goudsmit and Rose also say the Germans failed to realize that plutonium can be a nuclear explosive.

In December 1932 Einstein decided to leave Germany forever (he would never go back). It became obvious to Einstein that his life was in danger.

The discovery of nuclear fission by German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in 1938, and its theoretical explanation by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch, made the development of an atomic bomb a theoretical possibility.

How many German scientists worked on the Manhattan Project?
Eight students, assistants, and colleagues of the Göttingen theoretical physicist Max Born left Europe after Hitler came to power and eventually found work on the Manhattan Project, thus helping the United States, Britain and Canada to develop the atomic bomb; they were Enrico Fermi, James Franck, Maria Goeppert-Mayer, ...
You wont credit CHina for providing the help to make this happen? we already know NK cant produce these things alone, NO WAY.
No boy Pakistan deserves the most credit for providing N Korea with nuclear tech in exchange of their missile technology.
Korea was already an industrial powerhouse before WWII under the Japanese rule.

It could manufacture locomotive and tractors back then, and perhaps even tanks. I guess it was more industrialized than most of Europe in 1930 (the like of Yugoslavia, Finland, Portugal, Greece, Turkey etc.). Specific data is rare, but what I have read and seen when living in Korea gave me the conclusion.

AFAIK, It inherited a very big tractor manufacturing plant from Japanese enterpreneurs after 1945 and had exported a lot of tractors, mostly to Eastern bloc countries.

And they are one of the most, if not the most, intelligent nation on earth, that will help.
I think military tech of china,Korea already surpassed US and Europe. That old hype of superior western tech no longer exists. This N Korean missile is a proof.
In December 1932 Einstein decided to leave Germany forever (he would never go back). It became obvious to Einstein that his life was in danger.

The discovery of nuclear fission by German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in 1938, and its theoretical explanation by Lise Meitner and Otto Frisch, made the development of an atomic bomb a theoretical possibility.

How many German scientists worked on the Manhattan Project?
Eight students, assistants, and colleagues of the Göttingen theoretical physicist Max Born left Europe after Hitler came to power and eventually found work on the Manhattan Project, thus helping the United States, Britain and Canada to develop the atomic bomb; they were Enrico Fermi, James Franck, Maria Goeppert-Mayer, ...

Einstein had nothing to with the Manhattan Project ..

Einstein played no role in the Manhattan Project, having been denied a security clearance in July 1940 due to his pacifist tendencies. After World War II, he worked to control nuclear proliferation. He later regretted signing the letter to Roosevelt, saying in a Newsweek interview that "had I known that the Germans would not succeed in developing an atomic bomb, I would have done nothing."

J. Robert Oppenheimer is known as the father of the Atomic bomb

Leo Szilard (from Hungary) partnered with Enrico Fermi to develop the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction

Hans Bethe (German born) moved to the US long before WWII
developed the formula needed for calculating the explosive yield of an atomic bomb, as well as assisted with creating the formula for calculating the critical mass of uranium-235

Ernest Lawrence invented the cyclotron, this device accommodated the acceleration of nuclear particles to velocities high enough to disintegrate atoms and form new elements without using high voltage currents.

Klaus Fuchs British citizen of German origin and a Soviet spy
Fuchs contributed many important theories to the development of the atomic bomb, such as helping develop the means needed to implode the critical fissionable core within the first atom bomb designs

Hwasong-16 could hold as many as four warheads.
4 is good but still not good enough. downtown of major US cities may no longer be high value targets in post corona age since many people are working remotely at homes now NK needs to keep working on its MIRV technology to see a massive increase in number of warheads per missile which is more fitting for a suburban-style demographic distribution
WRONG! americansc will only go after North Korea even more now cuz they are size queens, madam liberty likes em big, long & thick! :P
Disarmament of NK and keeping these missiles permanently in some peaceful countries is need of an hour.....

If India, Pakistan, France, Russia, China, Israel, Britain and USA can have ICBM missiles / nuclear warheads / WMDs why can't North Korea ? We should call for global disarmament. :)

And who are these peaceful countries ? The most irresponsible bunch of countries in the world since the end of WW2 has been the Western bloc, causing genocide, war crimes and destabilization across the world. For example, Tony B'liar and Barack Obomba should be arrested for what they began in Libya and Syria in 2011. One people's court in Malaysia has years ago called for arrest of George W Bush and Tony B'liar for the 2003 invasion of Iraq :
In Kuala Lumpur, after two years of investigation by the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission (KLWCC), a tribunal (the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, or KLWCT) consisting of five judges with judicial and academic backgrounds reached a unanimous verdict that found George W Bush and Tony Blair guilty of crimes against peace, crimes against humanity, and genocide as a result of their roles in the Iraq War.
In the same article is this wonderful section :
This vision of a revitalised struggle against war and post-colonial imperialism was comprehensively set forth in Mahathir’s remarkable anti-war speech of February 24, 2003, while still prime minister, welcoming the Non-Aligned Movement to Kuala Lumpur for its thirteenth summit.

Included in his remarks on this occasion were the following assertions that prefigure the establishment of the KLWCC and KLWCT:
“War must be outlawed. That will have to be our struggle for now. We must struggle for justice and freedom from oppression, from economic hegemony. But we must remove the threat of war first. With this sword of Damocles hanging over our heads we can never succeed in advancing the interests of our countries.?War must therefore be made illegal. The enforcement of this must be by multilateral forces under the control of the United Nations. No single nation should be allowed to police the world, least of all to decide what action to take, [and] when.”​
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