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Can anyone on this forum could provide links or proofs to support their statements regarding activities of RAW, KGB or ISI? :blah: :blah:

Useless thread just for :flame: and trolling :taz: :toast_sign:
There is a lot of discussion regarding Russian and Indian alliance. However, I have not seen any discussion regarding KGB and RAW.
Please shed some light on this issue..

and I personally think ISI somehow has some links with KGB as in that world doors are not closed even with the enemies...some sort of links are maintained for worst scenarios...

What kind of double games are being played between ISI, RAW, KGB if any...

The attacks on SAAD are unjustified if you read the subject of his thread. He questions the relations if any between KGB and RAW. He also suggests that the ISI has links with the KGB. He then goes on to query whether the secret services of Pakistan, India and Russia play "double games". Pure queries on his side and you guys rush off to attack him. Offcourse he is correct when he says that the scenario could change (use of 2017 as a year boggles my mind)

Previously Pakistan sided with the USA and the west during the cold war while India was more or less allied with Russia. The times have changed and India has also cosied up with the USA and Israel. The Russians do not have a blind interest in India and must be raising eyebrows in respect of their interests in India. Pakistan is an adversary of India and the anti USA sentiment in Pakistan must be a welcome to the Russians. What better way to start dialogue between Pakistan and the Russians than for their secret services to start co-operating with intelligence material. China's close ties with Pakistan will mean some co-op between the Russians and China. Which will leave India to be wooed by the west.

If that is the gist of his thread then the attacks on him were unwarranted :undecided:
The attacks on SAAD are unjustified if you read the subject of his thread. He questions the relations if any between KGB and RAW. He also suggests that the ISI has links with the KGB. He then goes on to query whether the secret services of Pakistan, India and Russia play "double games". Pure queries on his side and you guys rush off to attack him. Offcourse he is correct when he says that the scenario could change (use of 2017 as a year boggles my mind)

Previously Pakistan sided with the USA and the west during the cold war while India was more or less allied with Russia. The times have changed and India has also cosied up with the USA and Israel. The Russians do not have a blind interest in India and must be raising eyebrows in respect of their interests in India. Pakistan is an adversary of India and the anti USA sentiment in Pakistan must be a welcome to the Russians. What better way to start dialogue between Pakistan and the Russians than for their secret services to start co-operating with intelligence material. China's close ties with Pakistan will mean some co-op between the Russians and China. Which will leave India to be wooed by the west.

If that is the gist of his thread then the attacks on him were unwarranted :undecided:

But some people fail to understand!
"Do you really think Beijing trusts Islamabad as a blind cow?

Yes we do.

They have good relations but the friends can/are changed overtime..

We are not like Indians who change friends every now and then.

China is benefiting from Pakistan

So is it your problem?

Just saying.... Pakistan has to be more cautious.."

Thank you very much for your concerns.

See the same can be said about u and china...

wait now u will say ur friends are genuine and india's are money minded....:cheers:

Beyond any shadows of doubt.:pakistan:
ISA-RAW-KGB-"Double Games?"
the answer lies w/"Cooly Ignore America" AKA "CIA" ---
only one country in this world which can not be trusted and that is USA ....i hope our ISI realize this soon
Yes we do.

We are not like Indians who change friends every now and then.

So is it your problem?

Thank you very much for your concerns.

Beyond any shadows of doubt.:pakistan:

Did you see to which post he was replying to...he was replying to show it works both ways.and regarding changing friends you wish you where like India.
Certainly possible!

India has good relations with Russia not the best ones..
Chinese and Russian relations are different..

Russia is more dependent on China than China dependent on Russia.
India is more dependent on Russia than Russia with India...

I am not saying Russia will help Pakistan incase of war with India...
Its jut like fooling myself..

I know if you guys attack Russia will help you..


You guys fail to understand the scenario after 5 to 7 years..
You guys do not know anything about HIS THE CREATORS knowledge..

The reason West is the god is because their policies are consistently achieving their goals...
Once they are hooked they will know the smell of loosing as Russia did after Soviet Union's crash...
The International game is changing to an alarming situation. Central Asia will be the goal this time but this time West will loose...
Mark my words..
I have some knowledge of what U.S. DAD told me...

This time India will go in the West block whereas Pakistan will be with China thus getting support from Russia...big story...


All I am saying is wait and watch..
dont yak...

or you will be reported

I will put that in short for you...you wish India moves to west so that you can move to Russia and you want Russia,China and Pakistan as alliance so that you can feel as an important country.
Thing is very simple and straight.

All the intelligence agencies have contacts or co-operation up to some level.

It must not be surprising to know the Mumbai and Headley link was told by ISI to RAW or if not the case they would have never known. It was to prove that this attack was done by west using their assets and contacts in Pakistan.

ISI actually is a very diverse and open/cool minded Agency, They have links and contacts with every one even MOSSAD and Somali Pirates.

It must not be surprising that they have contacts with KGB as well and in recent times the relations of Pakistan and Russia have improved drastically.

Its interesting however what ISI's opinion is about RAW.:omghaha:

They actually define RAW in a most funnest way ever and really when we see the reality their definition fit on them.
Thing is very simple and straight.

All the intelligence agencies have contacts or co-operation up to some level.

It must not be surprising to know the Mumbai and Headley link was told by ISI to RAW or if not the case they would have never known. It was to prove that this attack was done by west using their assets and contacts in Pakistan.

ISI actually is a very diverse and open/cool minded Agency, They have links and contacts with every one even MOSSAD and Somali Pirates.

It must not be surprising that they have contacts with KGB as well and in recent times the relations of Pakistan and Russia have improved drastically.

Its interesting however what ISI's opinion is about RAW.:omghaha:

They actually define RAW in a most funnest way ever and really when we see the reality their definition fit on them.
:rofl:what's that opinion ...?? do share it :lol:
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;4890646 said:
:rofl:what's that opinion ...?? do share it :lol:
In one liner...........

Bandar k hath main Bandook.

They compare it with MQM and say they r like them Gali k local Ghunda type who r never been lover by their families and r crazy for cheap credits and publicity.:rofl:

My suggestion is to read the wikipedia page of RAW and its ''sex'' scandals with in its organization.
As an Indian, my opinion about RAW is actually pretty low.

Which is why I hardly take Pakistani allegations about RAW seriously.

I cannot bring around myself to believe RAW actually carries out any covert operations competently
As an Indian, my opinion about RAW is actually pretty low.

Which is why I hardly take Pakistani allegations about RAW seriously.

I cannot bring around myself to believe RAW actually carries out any covert operations competently
yr has improved dude in 2000s. It is being trained by KGB, MOSAD and CIA.

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