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Featured KF-X's New Customer May Be Egypt


Jul 25, 2013
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KF-X’in Yeni Müşterisi Mısır Olabilir

Mayıs 31, 2021


According to the Egyptian Armed Forces statement, Mohamed Ahmed Zaki, the country's Defense Minister, met with his counterpart from the Republic of Korea on military cooperation in Cairo.

According to the reports, the ministers aim to expand the strategic partnership between the two countries at various levels; took decisions to carry out a study that would involve Korean defense companies in particular.


In the Arab media, this meeting brought to the agenda that Egypt could purchase the KF-X (Korean Fighter-eXperimental) combat aircraft, of which Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) is the main contractor.

Korea has recently completed the prototype phase on the KF-X project. The prototype fighter aircraft KF-21, whose assembly was announced to be finished and introduced to the public, was named "Boramae". Korean Prime Minister Moon Jae-in said that mass production will begin after final tests and that Korea plans to produce 40 KF-21s by 2028 and 120 by 2032.


The missiles are European so BVR capabilities will be secured inshaAllah. The problem whether Israel will have some say (through US of course) that could block the possible deal. Of course many interested customers will wait until 2026 as the program will reach its mass production phase at that time inshaAllah.
The missiles are European so BVR capabilities will be secured inshaAllah. The problem whether Israel will have some say (through US of course) that could block the possible deal. Of course many interested customers will wait until 2026 as the program will reach its mass production phase at that time inshaAllah.
Man, how much are these people buying and for what?
Instead, why not focus on local economy, education, health and infrastructure.
Man, how much are these people buying and for what?
Instead, why not focus on local economy, education, health and infrastructure.

I suggest them to scrap Rafale order and wait for KF 21 mass production in 2026 inshaAllah and order them in early or middle 2030s to replace order fighters that need to be replace while the money intended for Rafale is better used for something more productive
I suggest them to scrap Rafale order and wait for KF 21 mass production in 2026 inshaAllah and order them in early 2030s to replace order fighters that need to be replace while the money intended for Rafale is better used for something more productive
Koreans are coming up leaps and bounds. It was US who was suppressing their efforts to make local weaponary for decades but now in a way, it is a blessing to see them ease off. However, as soon as it becomes a competitive threat, you may see challenges like Lavi program faced.
Koreans are coming up leaps and bounds. It was US who was suppressing their efforts to make local weaponary for decades but now in a way, it is a blessing to see them ease off. However, as soon as it becomes a competitive threat, you may see challenges like Lavi program faced.

Korean has long study in fighters since US allow them to manufacture KF 16 (which is Korean version of F 16). It is wrong to say US suppressed them to develop their weapon.

The engine technology is also coming from US, and it is why Hanwa Korea can manufacture jet engine, including F 414 intended for KF 21/IFX.
Korean has long study in fighters since US allow them to manufacture KF 16 (which is Korean version of F 16). It is wrong to say US suppressed them to develop their weapon.

The engine technology is also coming from US, and it is why Hanwa Korea can manufacture jet engine, including F 414 intended for KF 21/IFX.
correct, they were tacticly not allowed.
The missiles are European so BVR capabilities will be secured inshaAllah. The problem whether Israel will have some say (through US of course) that could block the possible deal. Of course many interested customers will wait until 2026 as the program will reach its mass production phase at that time inshaAllah.

If my nation gets the F-16 let's just say , I wonder if we could get the KFX since our President did state that we will or may procure 5th gen fighters.

KAI or Indonesia would have to do bidding to get KFX to my nation lol , KFX sorta does suit us if we do sign a certain agreement with the U.S.

But if BD does get the KFX will it hamper our relation with China though ?
Highly unlikely that this deal would ever reach any higher than negotiation. KF-X is directly in competition with F-35 USA would offer Cairo a similar package that UAE is purchasing with approval from Israel.
Korean has long study in fighters since US allow them to manufacture KF 16 (which is Korean version of F 16). It is wrong to say US suppressed them to develop their weapon.

The engine technology is also coming from US, and it is why Hanwa Korea can manufacture jet engine, including F 414 intended for KF 21/IFX.
Can Egypt buy that directly from Indonesia?
Is any completely indigenous engine project for that?
When this fighter able to carry weapons in internal space?
If my nation gets the F-16 let's just say , I wonder if we could get the KFX since our President did state that we will or may procure 5th gen fighters.

KAI or Indonesia would have to do bidding to get KFX to my nation lol , KFX sorta does suit us if we do sign a certain agreement with the U.S.

But if BD does get the KFX will it hamper our relation with China though ?

This is the best route to take if BD wants to get KF 21 and I think BD should wait the block 2 to come out. BD strategist will examine then between KF 21 and J 31 from China.

But I suggest to only buy 8 until 16 F 16 block 72, no need to buy to many and use state budget responsibly. Use it to learn and study to operate and maintain high technology. The avionics also needs maintenance that can give BD huge knowledge on the avionics technology as well. For Indonesia case, we are allowed to do the maintainance of F 16 block 52 avionics by ourselves where for Apache we are not allowed

I believe only KAI that will have export license, Indonesia is still under negotiation to get that right, but considering we only have 20 % stake, so the chance we have export license is small, but we still become part of supply chain for several components and manufacture the planes for our own order.

It is still huge business for Indonesian Aerospace since I predict our order for KF 21/IFX will be quite many, beyond that 48 numbers since we have law that forbid gov to buy weapon that we can produce ourselves

As I said, if BD see their nation as independent, there should not be any afraid whether you are going to buy weapon from either side. Indonesia has both US and Russian weapon, even we also buy missiles from China.
Can Egypt buy that directly from Indonesia?
Is any completely indigenous engine project for that?
When this fighter able to carry weapons in internal space?

Need to wait the renegotiation to be concluded in second semester of this year inshaAllah. Current deal doesnt allow that to happen and I think low chance we have that right, despite the possibility is still exist but rather small. We only have 20 % stake of the program

Yup the engine will be produced by Hanwa Korea but I dont know the level of local Korean content, but Hanwa Korea is important company in jet engine supply chain, particularly for commercial planes

The block 2 or block 3 will have internal bay inshaAllah, but even though you buy the block 1, it is upgradable to have IWB since the belly is made in modular system.
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Can Egypt buy that directly from Indonesia?
Is any completely indigenous engine project for that?
When this fighter able to carry weapons in internal space?

No. They need US permission. Very few countries can make jet engine. China, France, Britain, America, Russia, Germany can make jet engine. No other country can make jet engine.
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