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Kevin Rudd says China to rule the world

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Kevin Rudd says China to rule the world

The Sunday Telegraph
January 15, 2012 12:00AM

KEVIN Rudd has predicted China will overtake the US as the world's biggest economy by decade's end - but says there is nothing to fear in that.

The Foreign Minister addressed the Asia Society in New York yesterday and said whilespite China had problems with poverty and human rights suppression, there was no evidence it would face an Arab Spring or was looking at the collapse of communist rule.

And he told the rest of the world to accept that fact.

Mr Rudd was introduced to the Asia Society by former World Bank president James Wolfensohn who told the crowd: "All Australians are very proud of him".

Mr Rudd said while China was not joining the Asian trend to democracy, it wasn't intruding into other countries.

"There is nothing, repeat nothing, inevitable about some form of Sino-American conflict in the future," Mr Rudd said."Such conflict would undermine all our interests, and in all probability betray our most fundamental values."

Mr Rudd said China's rise to the top of the global economic ladder was almost complete, if not already there.

China owns $2 trillion in foreign assets while the US owes $2 trillion in foreign debt.

"This will be the first time since the rise of the Spanish Empire 500 years ago that a non-Western power will be the dominant global economic power," he said.

"It is therefore a subject worthy of the most serious reflection and analysis, not just in Beijing and Washington, but across Asia, across Europe and across the world."

He said Australia's location meant it had felt the winds of change coming from China before many other nations.

Despite China's active charming of nations in Australia's immediate region, Mr Rudd argued China was not exporting ideology as part of its international relations program.Instead, it was using its influence on the widespread Chinese diaspora to help build the motherland economically.

But nor did China seek to import Western ideology, and would continue to decline to be held to account for this.

Mr Rudd, who speaks Mandarin and has studied China for 35 years, said it was grounded in Chinese philosophy to seek harmony and avoid chaos.

He said China wanted global peace so it could grow its own economy and enjoy a better life - better than the mass deprivations of the past.

"At the same time, China's leadership seeks to lift international prestige as a proud people with arguably the oldest continuing civilisation on Earth," he said.
there is a lot of difference between your article and the title you have given , china overtaking american economy is inevitable but china ruling the world is by far impossible brother .
there is a lot of difference between your article and the title you have given , china overtaking american economy is inevitable but china ruling the world is by far impossible brother .
I didnt give it that title,that's the original title of the article.
I can see frustration on his face,he was very unfriendly to China when serving Australia's prime minister.

yep china is worlds second richest and biggest economy yet they expect handouts in working towards clean energy even though they are the second biggest polluter also
I didnt give it that title,that's the original title of the article.

yeah , but whosoever gave it , i will tell you why , china does not enjoy the kind of support usa has among its nato allies and other non - nato allies , china just continues to be a regional power and is never ready to play the role which uncle sam has been doing for so many years i.e of being the police of the world , you have your enemies in your neighborhood ( japan , india , vietnam ) but usa has always kept its surroudings clean .
yep china is worlds second richest and biggest economy yet they expect handouts in working towards clean energy even though they are the second biggest polluter also

BBC News
15 September 2011 Last updated at 23:02 GMT
China leads world in green energy investment
By James Melik Reporter, Business Daily, BBC World Service

Global investment in renewable energy jumped 32% in 2010 to a record $211bn (£130bn; 149bn euros), according to the Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2011 report.

Published jointly by the UN Environment Programme and the Frankfurt School of Finance, it shows that China has become the largest investor in renewable energy projects.
yep china is worlds second richest and biggest economy yet they expect handouts in working towards clean energy even though they are the second biggest polluter also
I think they are at first position,..
ontopic : Yes, china will rule the world with its products and if possible with its technology..
But in terms of its softpower, it will have to work hard and need to improve their political system..
And after that, the world will see a new superpower and good country...not like the old policeman...
Sage comments and wise gentleman, Rudd is the few that hold the key to future.

The west need to accept and live with a master that once dominated the world for thousands years.
yeah , but whosoever gave it , i will tell you why , china does not enjoy the kind of support usa has among its nato allies and other non - nato allies , china just continues to be a regional power and is never ready to play the role which uncle sam has been doing for so many years i.e of being the police of the world , you have your enemies in your neighborhood ( japan , india , vietnam ) but usa has always kept its surroudings clean .
We have Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangaldesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Central Asian -stans, African countries and leftist Latin American countries.

But india is hated by all her neighbors!

Those two look very disappointed, as if letting China rise is doing a disservice to their chidren and future generations of Westerners.

When we rule the world, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Myanmar can take back their territory from india. A re-partition of india into a secular part and a hindu fundamentalist part is also possible.
We have Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangaldesh, Nepal, Myanmar, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Central Asian -stans, African countries and leftist Latin American countries.

But india is hated by all her neighbors!

Those two look very disappointed, as if letting China rise is doing a disservice to their chidren and future generations of Westerners.

When we rule the world, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Myanmar can take back their territory from india. A re-partition of india into a secular part and a hindu fundamentalist part is also possible.

daydreaming is bad for health. You can't handle Vietnam.You have not got very good track record.
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