really? you think Americans can change their government ? that's what I'm talking about, Americans thinking they live in democracy, while in reality, its just one system with two different names for their parties...
we saw Wall Street protests, and how the media labeled them calling them lazy, homeless, crazy people... talk about freedom...
you were a perfect example of what I was saying regarding Americans thinking they have "freedom" and "democracy"..
and my country is going in Civil war because of the west support to terrorism, without Syrian people, Alasad would have been gone long time ago....
Dude: Despite all the flaws they have, they still have a functioning democracy, and they can express their will through the ballot, rather than through bullets. They have a lot more political freedom than people in countries like Syria. That much cannot be denied.
Yes, you can talk about people being cleverly manipulated by (insert you favorite boogeyman here: Banks, Press, Zionist conspiracy, or whatever). But for a Syrian to be saying that an american doesn't have freedom is just plain hilarious.
If Syrians want to change their president, how can they do it? No way, other than picking guns and creating a civil war. If the ruling president wants to stay on in power, how can he do it? Through the might and loyalty of the army and air force.
If most americans want to change the president, how do they do it? Go vote. If the president wants to stay in power for five more years, how would he do it? Call in the army and air force to bomb his detractors? No, by asking his supporters to vote for him. Plain and simple.
Every system may have its flaws, but some systems are inherently better than others. Syrians have no say in who gets to be president, no say in who rules the country. Admit the faults of your country if you want to build a better country.
You may spin all sorts of conspiracies about poor americans being duped by huge conspirators and so on, and conspiracy theorists have always existed, spinning conspiracies about whichever country happens to be the most influencial at that time.
But the reality is this - if an average American wants to change his govt, he has the freedom to try it through the ballot. He will succeed, unless there are more people who don't want to change it.
They don't have to wait for Obama to die to have a new president. They don't need to take arms and fight the army to change the president. The differences between evolved democracies and dictatorships is stark. You may either admit that, or continue to malign the USA, instead of setting things in your country right.
P.S: It is not just the presidential elections that count as democracy. Democratic processes are a lot more detailed than that. Americans vote for every level of govt....from local council elections, to aldermen, to mayors, to state senators, to governors, to national senators, to president. The locality, the state, the nation - all these governments are filled with people who are elected by the public. The wall street protestors, or the tea party activists, are all part of the political process, and they all try to influence other people to vote as they see fit, about issues that are important for them. That is how public opinion is shaped. Neither the tea partiers, nor the wall streeters needed to pick up guns and start shooting. Governments have a right to exist only through the consent of the governed. Not because of loyalty of the army.