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kenya settles on the merkava 4

Maybe some experts can take a look at the Operational Capability of this Tank after the Kenyans purchase it.
Hazzy997,your videos are inconclusive. They seem to show the trophy system destroyed the incoming missile. The Merk doesn't look penetrated if you look closely.

No anti-tank weapons were used in either video. Those are IED's.
Kenya should not buy from Jewish killers.

For a cheaper price they can buy a similar tank from the Chinese. Just as good and not the blood of thousands of Palestinians on their hands as well.
Kenya needs to go ahead and buy this tank. It is a great bargain and will suit their requirements well.
If required the Israelis can include a disclaimer at the bottom of the tank:

"No Palestinian was harmed during the manufacturing of this product.. by the factory anyway".
Is there a competative tender process or some General just picked it up by itself?

For the same price, you can get Leo2A6/7 or AbramA2.

Calm down. No one looks at morality when buying killing machines.
Just realized I did answer you. There wasn't a tendering process;the KDF does that occasionally to keep things on the downlow. They'll fieldtest as a purchase probe if they want smth;that's how we got the mi-28. They also liked the ka-50 but its 25 mn$ price tag coupled with the purchase price of 24 mi-28s at 20 mn$ each was too high. They'll come later.
As explained there's too much politics with heavy Euro metal. The Abrams is too maintenance heavy for Africa-the gas guzzling turbine would seize with our heat and sand.
Kenya should not buy from Jewish killers.

For a cheaper price they can buy a similar tank from the Chinese. Just as good and not the blood of thousands of Palestinians on their hands as well.
The PT-99 was seriously looked at but at the time it had gun stability issues. I read somewhere its predecessor the PT-96 made its first kill in Sudan killing an SPLA T-72 this month.
The PT-99 was seriously looked at but at the time it had gun stability issues. I read somewhere its predecessor the PT-96 made its first kill in Sudan killing an SPLA T-72 this month.

China wont sell the latest Type-99 but the Type-96 is available for general export.

The Type-96 can kill any adversary tank in the African continent currently.
Just realized I did answer you. There wasn't a tendering process;the KDF does that occasionally to keep things on the downlow. They'll fieldtest as a purchase probe if they want smth;that's how we got the mi-28. They also liked the ka-50 but its 25 mn$ price tag coupled with the purchase price of 24 mi-28s at 20 mn$ each was too high. They'll come later.
As explained there's too much politics with heavy Euro metal. The Abrams is too maintenance heavy for Africa-the gas guzzling turbine would seize with our heat and sand.

The PT-99 was seriously looked at but at the time it had gun stability issues. I read somewhere its predecessor the PT-96 made its first kill in Sudan killing an SPLA T-72 this month.

No competative tender = Generals making cash. FYI
You know this how exactly,if you don't mind my asking?

Sir the SOP of any 'clean' military deal is to have two or more suppliers compete with each other and to let them undercut and undermine each other, so you get the better end on the deal.

Military deals which are done without any tendering process usually involve kickbacks which end up in offshore accounts belonging to generals and politicians.

Our Augosta 90B submarine deal is a perfect example of such levels of corruption.
Not too long ago:

Completely destroyed:


Heavily damaged, withdrawing:
You should buy glasses. First was not even damaged, second has just tired truck, something that happens to tanks regularly even in peace time.
hope u realize who kenya aims to use this against.......it will just give them one more reason to kill more Kenyan solder's

If you mean Al Shabab in Somalia this is OVERKILL-all is quiet on that front;trust me. I know people there. Its actually for potential aggressors up north and the West. The LAPSSET is a continental gamechanger and needs the best equipment to protect it.
If you mean Al Shabab in Somalia this is OVERKILL-all is quiet on that front;trust me. I know people there. Its actually for potential aggressors up north and the West. The LAPSSET is a continental gamechanger and needs the best equipment to protect it.

Oh wow now that you take a look at Uganda's T-90 inventory it makes sense
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