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Kel Valley, Azad Kashmir


Road to Shounter Valley from KEL
Problem is with many northerners they don't know how to adequately dress in winter and snow time. Woman wearing thick cloth shalwar kameez and tennis shoes, all the water and snow getting inside their shoes. Men there also wearing shalwar kameez and a scarf. Shalwar kameez isn't suitable for winter wear proper winter pants and jacket and proper snow boots.
Problem is with many northerners they don't know how to adequately dress in winter and snow time. Woman wearing thick cloth shalwar kameez and tennis shoes, all the water and snow getting inside their shoes. Men there also wearing shalwar kameez and a scarf. Shalwar kameez isn't suitable for winter wear proper winter pants and jacket and proper snow boots.

It's a problem for us not for them. Firstly, they feel a lot less cold. Secondly, they've been living their for thousands of years, I'd think they've got the winters well dialed down. You'd be surprised to know that some of their stuff works a lot better than whatever high-tech things we take there, you'll forget all energy bars when you taste their dried apricots filled with dried fruit. Thirdly, when it gets too cold they wear woolen thermals under the shalwar kameez and seriouly heavy over coats which would make you sweat in -15C. The down jackets have become more common now but the shalwar kameez still persists.

I'll take you to Khaplu in the winters to play barefoot, one touch volleyball with the local kids (as little as 9 and 10). These are hardcore people.
Problem is with many northerners they don't know how to adequately dress in winter and snow time. Woman wearing thick cloth shalwar kameez and tennis shoes, all the water and snow getting inside their shoes. Men there also wearing shalwar kameez and a scarf. Shalwar kameez isn't suitable for winter wear proper winter pants and jacket and proper snow boots.

Stupid u Low landers may find it strange but the snow is part of our lives. Its not just women but Children also play outside during snow season with just shalwar kameez sometimes.

The reason is that we mountain people r very hard working and continues work keeps body worm. And Honestly in this bitter cold no piece of cloth can save u anyways but putting yr body into constant movement/work is the best way to keep worm.

We actually laugh and call u mummy daddy as u lazy low landers who come to our areas as tourists who generally dont and have nothing else to talk then how has this winter effected them and now they r sick.:lol:
mods please merge this thread with Beautiful pakistan one. :mod:
Stupid u Low landers may find it strange but the snow is part of our lives. Its not just women but Children also play outside during snow season with just shalwar kameez sometimes.

The reason is that we mountain people r very hard working and continues work keeps body worm. And Honestly in this bitter cold no piece of cloth can save u anyways but putting yr body into constant movement/work is the best way to keep worm.

We actually laugh and call u mummy daddy as u lazy low landers who come to our areas as tourists who dont and have nothing else to talk then how has this winter has effected them and now they r sick.:lol:

Don't call him stupid man. He was only looking out for those people.

Funnily, I pride myself on my resistance to cold. I used to pompously believe that this was one area where my unadulterated Kashmiri blood gave me an edge over my counterparts. Even my Canadian friends acknowledge that :lol: But these guys....man I look like a sissy little girl in front of them. They are a whole different breed than the vale dwellers too. But its more than just the 'keep working to keep warm' tactic. You guys and even more so the Baltis are just genetically indifferent to cold. Whitewalkers would be put to shame.
Don't call him stupid man. He was only looking for those people.

Funnily, I pride myself on my resistance to cold. I used to pompously believe that this was one area where my unadulterated Kashmiri blood gave me an edge over my counterparts. Even my Canadian friends acknowledge that :lol: But these guys....man I look like a sissy little girl in front of them. They are a whole different breed than the vale dwellers too. But its more than just the 'keep working to keep warm' tactic. You guys and even more so the Baltis are just genetically indifferent to cold. Whitewalkers would be put to shame.

Im a Kashmiri too im from District Bagh Area in Azad Kashmir. My Village is near Dhirkot town and it alone received 4-5 feet snow last winter. In North there is shortage of water so snow is like blessing for us every year.

Every human being is equal no body is immune thats what we as Muslim believe not even to cold. Its just that we r used to it now.
Stupid u Low landers may find it strange but the snow is part of our lives. Its not just women but Children also play outside during snow season with just shalwar kameez sometimes.

The reason is that we mountain people r very hard working and continues work keeps body worm. And Honestly in this bitter cold no piece of cloth can save u anyways but putting yr body into constant movement/work is the best way to keep worm.

We actually laugh and call u mummy daddy as u lazy low landers who come to our areas as tourists who generally dont and have nothing else to talk then how has this winter effected them and now they r sick.:lol:

I live in the US and even in low elevation here we get plenty of snow and in winter we get subfreezing temperatures in winter mr. Highlander. So don't lecture me about cold and snow I can endure it just fine it is apart of life here. Coldest temperatures I've experienced here from what I can remember was like -10 Celcsius. That still doesn't change the fact people should wear proper clothing and shalwar kameez to me looks funny in winter and snow, jacket. I remember reading reports that people were getting hypothermia and gangrene after 2005 earthquake much of this could have been preventing if people simple wore proper clothing and gave their kids gloves, and don't tell me how Kashmiri you are I am also Kashmiri.

If you want give me your address I will send you a winter jacket, thermals, and gloves.
Im a Kashmiri too im from District Bagh Area in Azad Kashmir. My Village is near Dhirkot town and it alone received 4-5 feet snow last winter. In North there is shortage of water so snow is like blessing for us every year.

Every human being is equal no body is immune thats what we as Muslim believe not even to cold. Its just that we r used to it now.

Yar mein tou zara dur ka Kashmiri hun, second generation born out of Kashmir, grandparents left Srinagar in their childhoods. As for every human being is equal, of course, the conditioning that these guys get plays a major part in making them superhuman to cold. Howeverm, the subtle physical differences are there. For example, a Caucasian just on the bases of his skin pigmentation would find it a lot more difficult to survive in the Sahara or Cholistan.

Btw I have some seriously fond memories of Bagh from my childhood, majesty doesn't even begin to describe it. I was heart broken when I heard that the 2005 quake nearly completely destroyed Bagh, how is it there now? Is it still the jannat ka Bagh that I remember it to be? And yup this shortage of water I'm aware of. Especially when the streams and springs dry up in the winters and it hasn't snowed yet.

I live in the US and even in low elevation here we get plenty of snow and in winter we get subfreezing temperatures in winter mr. Highlander. So don't lecture me about cold and snow I can endure it just fine it is apart of life here. Coldest temperatures I've experienced here from what I can remember was like -10 Celcsius. That still doesn't change the fact people should wear proper clothing and shalwar kameez to me looks funny in winter and snow, jacket. I remember reading reports that people were getting hypothermia and gangrene after 2005 earthquake much of this could have been preventing if people simple wore proper clothing and gave their kids gloves, and don't tell me how Kashmiri you are I am also Kashmiri.

If you want give me your address I will send you a winter jacket, thermals, and gloves.

Yar kia hogaya hai. First, unless you were born in Kashmir you can't compare yourself with them. And I'm not talking muzafarabad. True paharis are born further north from there. Second, -10C doesn't even cut it. On top of that, unlike in the US, these guys spend all their days outside working in the winters. No centrally heated offices for them. Thirdly, never make the mistake of disregarding a pahari's words on cold, mountains, snow, etc. There's more wisdom in them than boasting. Next, like I explained before, those shalwar kameezes serve them just fine. If we can't handle it, it doesn't mean that they cant either. These guys were wearing these clothes when your compatriots thought that Mont Blonc was the highest mountain in the world and that the Alps were the coldest place on the planet. Furthermore, they were getting gangrene and hypothermia because their houses were destroyed and everything in them with it. You know, no shelter and no clothes left. Tell me you'd sleep happy outside your house, in the open, in the winters with your winter jackets, thermals and gloves in -10C. You know this tendency of North Americans stating the 'feels like temperature' instead of the actual base temperature? Yeah, these guys don't really care for it that much. Lastly, they can find winter jackets, thermals and gloves just fine in their local bazars, thank you very much. Try to wear their coats and Chitrali topis sometime. Northface's beanies?......pfffft. Legend says, the first porter to go up K2's side was wearing wooden shoes. Climbing gear, however, is a completely different story.
-10C doesn't cut it? Average high temp in Gilgit in January is 9C and low is -2.7C. You've probably never experienced -10C. All I'm saying is many of the northeners should dress properly, I don't get how long they have been living there. Look at people in Canada, Scandinavia, Iceland they are also use to extreme cold but they still dress in proper winter cloths Pathan or Kashmiri or not.

Try to wear their coats and Chitrali topis sometime. Northface's beanies?......pfffft.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-tourism/263597-kel-valley-azad-kashmir-2.html#ixzz2cwzpjEpC

I have two Chitrali topis what's your point? They are made of sheep wool yes they are very warm but they don't protect your ears from the cold which can be the first to go in subfreezing temperatures.

Tell me you'd sleep happy outside your house, in the open, in the winters with your winter jackets, thermals and gloves in -10C.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-tourism/263597-kel-valley-azad-kashmir-2.html#ixzz2cx0epAtP

Point is if many of them owned proper winter clothing they could have better kept warm outside there were many young children sitting out for days with no gloves and their fingers got gangrene in days. As for me I would start a fire with my flint, and my clothes would prevent me getting in that bad shape; that's the point.
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