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Ke$ha: Malaysian authorities cancel show, threaten jail


Apr 27, 2012
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Ke$ha: Malaysian authorities cancel show, threaten jail


(CNN) -- Sultry singer Ke$ha is known for her party anthems about binge drinking and dating.

And maybe that was the reason Malaysian authorities pulled the plug on her concert set for Saturday at a Kuala Lumpur stadium.

But whatever the reason for the show cancellation, Ke$ha wasn't happy about it.

The singer took to Twitter to defend herself.

"To be clear. I did NOT cancel. I was not allowed to play. and then I was going to play anyways and was threatened with imprisonment,"she wrote from her official Twitter account.

Officials at Malaysia's ministry of communications and multimedia could not immediately be reached for comment.

Promoters Livescape Asia said they tried to comply with Malaysian rules.

They even worked with the artist to "modify the show to suit the Malaysian culture and sensitivities, including having made adjustments to her song lyrics, wardrobe changes, and a set list that was modified to specifically adhere to the guidelines set forth by the authorities," the promoters said.

The promoters said the decision to cancel the show could cost them more than $350,000.

This is not the first time Ke$ha has dealt with a form of censorship.

Last year, after an elementary school mass shooting in Connecticut that left 20 children dead, some radio stations temporarily stopped playing Ke$ha's popular song "Die Young."

At the time, the pop star said she understood the decision.

"I'm so so so sorry for anyone who has been effected by this tragedy," she posted on Twitter. "I understand why my song is now inappropriate. words cannot express."

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