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Kayani warns US

US May Attack, But They’ll Think 10 Times
Submitted by NK on October 19, 2011 – 2:47 pm21 Comments

” If anyone convinces me that everything will be sorted out if we act in North Waziristan, I will take immediate action,” Army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

ISLAMABAD: The army chief did not rule out the possibility of a US ground offensive in North Waziristan, but told parliamentarians at a briefing on Tuesday that Washington will think ‘many times’ before launching such an attack.

“They [the US] might do it but they will have to think ten times because Pakistan is not Iraq or Afghanistan,” Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani was quoted as telling members of parliament’s defence committees at a briefing at the General Headquarters that went on for over three hours.

Acknowledging that the US is pressing Pakistan to launch a military operation in North Waziristan, Kayani said that the ongoing build-up of Afghan and International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) troops along the Pak-Afghan border is a tactic to intensify that pressure.

“We have made it clear to the US that we will decide the timing of any such action according to our situation and capabilities. We have also told them that the problem lies within Afghanistan. If anyone convinces me that everything will be sorted out if we act in North Waziristan, I will take immediate action,” a parliamentarian, requesting anonymity, quoted Kayani as saying.

General Kayani’s statement came hours after senior Afghan defence officials said the country’s security forces and their Nato allies have launched a new push against the Haqqani network.

Leaving no ambiguity over reasons for the operation, an Afghan defence ministry official told AFP on condition of anonymity that the action was tied to recent spats between Washington and Islamabad. While he declined to specify the operation’s scope, another senior official from the ministry said it was “largely against the Haqqani network”.

According to Afghan Defence Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak, the operation has been codenamed “Knife Edge” and was launched two days ago. “This operation is launched along the border because the enemy lately operates along the border on both sides. Sometimes on this side and sometimes on the other side,” Afghan Chief of Army Staff Sher Mohammad Karimi said.

General Kayani said that Pakistan had handed over its position on Afghanistan to the Obama administration in writing in 2010 and had asked the Americans to elaborate on their position but they had not done so. “We have long-term interests in Afghanistan, others might have short … For short-term gains, we cannot lose [sight of] our long-term interests,” the army chief said.

But responding to a question on Pakistan’s interests in Afghanistan, Kayani sought to dispel the perception that Pakistan was seeking so-called strategic depth in Afghanistan.

“We cannot leave both our eastern and western borders insecure,” Kayani asserted. “It is wishful thinking to achieve strategic depth in Afghanistan. The Russians tried, the Brits tried, the Americans are trying. We don’t have a magic wand,” a participant quoted Kayani’s response.

However, Kayani did not deny that Pakistani secret agencies maintained contacts with ‘certain elements’ within the hierarchy of Afghan insurgent groups. “That is where we get our information, the intelligence, from,” he yielded. “The important thing is how we use the information gathered from these elements. You can do it positively and negatively.”

‘No need for US aid’

In a press release issued by the military after a recent corps commanders’ meeting, Kayani is said to have stressed that the Pakistan Army does not need US aid and that he had told American officials that he means what he said.

“We got only 25% of the aid from the Kerry-Lugar Act. Pakistan Army has no objection if the US converts its military aid into civilian assistance,” he said.

Stressing on civilian responsibility for peace, he said that the military can only secure areas where it conducts operations, but civilians need to take control and maintain law and order.
US May Attack, But They’ll Think 10 Times
Submitted by NK on October 19, 2011 – 2:47 pm21 Comments

” If anyone convinces me that everything will be sorted out if we act in North Waziristan, I will take immediate action,” Army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

ISLAMABAD: The army chief did not rule out the possibility of a US ground offensive in North Waziristan, but told parliamentarians at a briefing on Tuesday that Washington will think ‘many times’ before launching such an attack.

“They [the US] might do it but they will have to think ten times because Pakistan is not Iraq or Afghanistan,” Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani was quoted as telling members of parliament’s defence committees at a briefing at the General Headquarters that went on for over three hours.

Acknowledging that the US is pressing Pakistan to launch a military operation in North Waziristan, Kayani said that the ongoing build-up of Afghan and International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) troops along the Pak-Afghan border is a tactic to intensify that pressure.

“We have made it clear to the US that we will decide the timing of any such action according to our situation and capabilities. We have also told them that the problem lies within Afghanistan. If anyone convinces me that everything will be sorted out if we act in North Waziristan, I will take immediate action,” a parliamentarian, requesting anonymity, quoted Kayani as saying.

General Kayani’s statement came hours after senior Afghan defence officials said the country’s security forces and their Nato allies have launched a new push against the Haqqani network.

Leaving no ambiguity over reasons for the operation, an Afghan defence ministry official told AFP on condition of anonymity that the action was tied to recent spats between Washington and Islamabad. While he declined to specify the operation’s scope, another senior official from the ministry said it was “largely against the Haqqani network”.

According to Afghan Defence Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak, the operation has been codenamed “Knife Edge” and was launched two days ago. “This operation is launched along the border because the enemy lately operates along the border on both sides. Sometimes on this side and sometimes on the other side,” Afghan Chief of Army Staff Sher Mohammad Karimi said.

General Kayani said that Pakistan had handed over its position on Afghanistan to the Obama administration in writing in 2010 and had asked the Americans to elaborate on their position but they had not done so. “We have long-term interests in Afghanistan, others might have short … For short-term gains, we cannot lose [sight of] our long-term interests,” the army chief said.

But responding to a question on Pakistan’s interests in Afghanistan, Kayani sought to dispel the perception that Pakistan was seeking so-called strategic depth in Afghanistan.

“We cannot leave both our eastern and western borders insecure,” Kayani asserted. “It is wishful thinking to achieve strategic depth in Afghanistan. The Russians tried, the Brits tried, the Americans are trying. We don’t have a magic wand,” a participant quoted Kayani’s response.

However, Kayani did not deny that Pakistani secret agencies maintained contacts with ‘certain elements’ within the hierarchy of Afghan insurgent groups. “That is where we get our information, the intelligence, from,” he yielded. “The important thing is how we use the information gathered from these elements. You can do it positively and negatively.”

‘No need for US aid’

In a press release issued by the military after a recent corps commanders’ meeting, Kayani is said to have stressed that the Pakistan Army does not need US aid and that he had told American officials that he means what he said.

“We got only 25% of the aid from the Kerry-Lugar Act. Pakistan Army has no objection if the US converts its military aid into civilian assistance,” he said.

Stressing on civilian responsibility for peace, he said that the military can only secure areas where it conducts operations, but civilians need to take control and maintain law and order.

US forces make inroads into Haqqani heartland, kill 115

WASHINGTON: US forces, in a big push into areas close to Pakistan's lawless North Waziristan, have killed 115 insurgents in four days of intense fighting against Haqqani militants to gain control of a critical corridor and resupply route to key bases in northeastern Afghanistan.

US and Nato forces are using long-range rockets fired from more than 120kms away to break-up large groups of Haqqani network, al-Qaida and Taliban militants, who, according to intelligence reports , are concentrated in Kunar province.

The US commanders have described the ongoing operation codenamed 'Knife Edge' as a "high-intensity , sensitive" mission to hit the Haqqani network, the New York Times reported in firsthand account from Kunar's provincial capital Asadabad.

US military officials said the fighting in Kunar province has been going on since October 15. "Our greatest concentration has been on Ghaziabad district, where we believe the Taliban have built their bases and strongholds," said Col Mohammed Numan Atifi, a spokesman for the Afghan National Army's 201st Corps.

US forces make inroads into Haqqani heartland, kill 115 - The Times of India

Correction - Generals.

BTW even not they would launch nukes as it means certain loss of their private jagir - Pakistan.

It's duty of every Pakistani soldier to defend their country as a personal matter, unless off course there are other incentives available through the likes of fake encounters.
Kayani knew that one US carrier group is enough for Pakistand and Pakistan can't attack US soil directly.

Then what this is all about?

Pakistan can block US oil supply and end dream to get excess of Central Asian and middle east Oil and block supply to US and NATO forces in Afghanistan.

US already lost war in Afghanistan

In punjabi Ghusa Khati tay Khadia Khumar Tay lol
for the first time i liked your post may sane leaders prevail

Hi mate,

Do me a favor and have a look around today mate and see how sometimes up to half a dozen indians attempt sometimes to wind windjammer up. He cant just sit their and absorb it like a sponge. He is just human mate and he retaliates which enflames even more. You are 1 of the guys that i respect so have a look and you will see why windy is the way he is. I think he is a warrior the way he handles the cr*p indian guys post in his direction.:azn:
It's duty of every Pakistani soldier to defend their country as a personal matter, unless off course there are other incentives available through the likes of fake encounters.

Every country has an army, but in Pakistan the army has the country..

I dont think the jurnails are stupid enough to toss up the nukes and loose their private property...their real estates, their money spinning corporations, their BMWs..
Every country has an army, but in Pakistan the army has the country..

I dont think the jurnails are stupid enough to toss up the nukes and loose their private property...their real estates, their money spinning corporations, their BMWs..

You will also find that with the exception of the clay footed politicians, our Generals/Admirals or Air chiefs seldom divulge into cheap banter either, like threatening war on several fronts or initiating some hot shot terminologies.
US forces make inroads into Haqqani heartland, kill 115

WASHINGTON: US forces, in a big push into areas close to Pakistan's lawless North Waziristan, have killed 115 insurgents in four days of intense fighting against Haqqani militants to gain control of a critical corridor and resupply route to key bases in northeastern Afghanistan.

US and Nato forces are using long-range rockets fired from more than 120kms away to break-up large groups of Haqqani network, al-Qaida and Taliban militants, who, according to intelligence reports , are concentrated in Kunar province.

The US commanders have described the ongoing operation codenamed 'Knife Edge' as a "high-intensity , sensitive" mission to hit the Haqqani network, the New York Times reported in firsthand account from Kunar's provincial capital Asadabad.

US military officials said the fighting in Kunar province has been going on since October 15. "Our greatest concentration has been on Ghaziabad district, where we believe the Taliban have built their bases and strongholds," said Col Mohammed Numan Atifi, a spokesman for the Afghan National Army's 201st Corps.

US forces make inroads into Haqqani heartland, kill 115 - The Times of India

So your own sources prove that Haqqani Heartland is Kunar and in Afghanistan...not Pakistan.

Grow up kid.
Pakistanis threatening to use nukes against US forces will ensure that they will not be left with any nukes to use..in an event they do launch a few nukes against US forces or its allies..it will ensure that they will not be any Pakistan left thereafter.

The nukes are for deterrence, the US unfortunately does not have any inside knowledge of the Pakistani nuke program, or where they are located all over the country. No one (besides a very very select few in Pakistan are privy to that knowledge, & they have it 'tied to their chests') knows about the nuclear program or its details.
The nukes are for deterrence, the US unfortunately does not have any inside knowledge of the Pakistani nuke program, or where they are located all over the country. No one (besides a very very select few in Pakistan are privy to that knowledge, & they have it 'tied to their chests') knows about the nuclear program or its details.

You are underestimating U.S. They know what is needed. They have deep inside knowledge about Pakistan nuke. You should remember US-Pakistan long close relation. They know everything. There is no way, you or anyone can prove they don't know it.
becharay indian, khud tu kuch bigar saktay nahin Pakistan ka bus khwab dekh rahay hain kay americka in kay leyay jung laray hum se.

Wake up and smell the reality, I mean coffee. Did they not teach your in history 1948 retreat from Kashmir, the defeat of 1965
(Although All SEATO AND CENTO) were obligated to be on your side they rather sat on the sideline and let your Army go in defeat. You can also include China in the list of allies who could have helped you. Do I need to give you a lesson on 1971 and 1999 war history? Ask General Musharraf about that.

You got lucky in 2008 after the Mumbai attack which majority of Indians consider that to be act of war nothing less than that. We were generous enough and showed restraint by not attacking, it is also possible USA might have interfered on your behalf behind the closed door and asked us to show mercy on your country. Therefore India has never asked or expected from USA to do the dirty work for us.

Can you answer one question? I expect you to be rational and try to put two and two together.

Why has China abandoned the $19 Billion dollar project? I will give you the response upon receiving your answer.

I will ask your Army Generals to stop thumping the chest for consumption by the public and look at the bigger picture of when the peace returns to your country. The future of your nation is in the hands of few individuals who have no vision but their own selfish interest. Individuals like you can change the direction or stage demonstration through out Pakistan to force the rulers to bring peace in your nation and destroy all the training camps. Once for all It is in your hands do whatever is right for your nation. It is not a personal attack on you but rather these are the views of someone who is looking from a neutral optics.

Best of luck and regards.
The nukes are for deterrence, the US unfortunately does not have any inside knowledge of the Pakistani nuke program, or where they are located all over the country. No one (besides a very very select few in Pakistan are privy to that knowledge, & they have it 'tied to their chests') knows about the nuclear program or its details.

That is your assumption ..but what if they do??
But even then lets assume your best scenario ..ie.

Pakistan threatens to use nukes, US decides to take out Pakistani nukes as a precaution..they steal some nuke triggers using their SEAL teams, bomb some storage facilities..take out your nuclear enrichment facilities..even then as they have incomplete knowledge, they miss a few.
And then you decide to launch..even are able to launch a couple of them at US forces in the region..what happens to you then??

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