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Kaveri engine to fly futuristic unmanned aircraft

Well engine is working. That's why. LCA power requirement is NOT fulfil by this engine. True. But that doesn't mean engine is useless. If you want the example you can check which engine your developers are using to test 5th Genration a/c. Are they 5th gen engines ??? Similarly

Well Kaveri can't be used as is. It has to be miniaturise. That will be done.

You know why Chinese members are bashing , don't you ??? They did it even with A5. So nothing new about it. They don't care success or failure. They just came here to do it.

And talking about unrealistic - its called goals. Evenif you can't do it now that doesn't means you shouldn't. Look at you aviation industry. No engine has yet satisfied your need. But did you quit ??? You are trying so are we.

DRDO sometimes over talk I agrees with it. But it doesn't mean they are notorious. They do cause delay but they deliver. Misisle history is good. So will be aviation. After all the base project (LCA) will give the much needed experience. So other projects will benefit from it

Such deep thoughts are wasted on trolls here. But very well put none the less.

To all,

The heart of the matter here is not whether Kaveri is a success or a faliure for LCA ; but that Indian govt. has for once shown some smart thinking on the feet..!

1. Kaveri works! The major factor in disqualification for LCA is lack of thrust, not reliability issues.

2. The thrust req for the drone in discussion can be met by this base version Kaveri.

3. Indian govt has been pragmatic enough to support this initiative earlier when some major developmental roadblocks threatened it's very existence.

4. They have also been smart enough to recognise the potential of using kaveri for this drone.

5. The hopes of a faliure similar to Kaveri-lca saga are futile because here is a working engine which meets the thrust req of the target craft already!

I cannot make it any more simple than this!:hitwall:
This thread has turned into a China bashing thread.

the main reason for which is last line of of second post along with some more pearls of wisdom further down the thread

it weren't the Indians who dragged China in thread, but India bashes who thought it would be fun trolling another Indian thread

It is my request to Pak,Chinese, Apakshas and Indian members to not troll
Too many burnt @sses spewing venom here .........:rofl:.
Define your "pearls of wisdom" and "troll" first.

Everything here is crystal clear - indians are repeatedly wasting their time and money on dead projects:

- LCA is dead. When it is ready for active combat service in your air force, it would be the lest cost efficient fighter jet. with a 30 years old design, it is ugly and weak. Please don't talk about JF-17, PLAAF doesn't operate any single of that RUBBISH for a good reason.

- Kaveri is dead. Sure you can modify it to fit your UAV, just like LCA can be modified to become a trainer, Arjun can be turned into a very very reliable school bus. trust me, Chinese have a few failed engine/jet projects, none of them were "converted" to fit any UAV.

- Arjun is dead. 30 years old design is a heavy luggage to carry and it is simply too expensive to be put into mass production, period.

- GLSV is dead. it is failure rate made a world record, period.

Again, above are the truth for you guys, but as a Chinese deep down in my heart I would like to encourage you guys to keep running all these projects for another 3 decades or longer. nothing is better than seeing you guys wasting your future on such craps when we are working on J-20/WS-15/J-31/Y-20/CZ-5.
Define your "pearls of wisdom" and "troll" first.

Everything here is crystal clear - indians are repeatedly wasting their time and money on dead projects:

- LCA is dead. When it is ready for active combat service in your air force, it would be the lest cost efficient fighter jet. with a 30 years old design, it is ugly and weak. Please don't talk about JF-17, PLAAF doesn't operate any single of that RUBBISH for a good reason.

- Kaveri is dead. Sure you can modify it to fit your UAV, just like LCA can be modified to become a trainer, Arjun can be turned into a very very reliable school bus. trust me, Chinese have a few failed engine/jet projects, none of them were "converted" to fit any UAV.

- Arjun is dead. 30 years old design is a heavy luggage to carry and it is simply too expensive to be put into mass production, period.

- GLSV is dead. it is failure rate made a world record, period.

Again, above are the truth for you guys, but as a Chinese deep down in my heart I would like to encourage you guys to keep running all these projects for another 3 decades or longer. nothing is better than seeing you guys wasting your future on such craps when we are working on J-20/WS-15/J-31/Y-20/CZ-5.

- Your brain is also dead and you cannot do anything about that.
Define your "pearls of wisdom" and "troll" first.

Everything here is crystal clear - indians are repeatedly wasting their time and money on dead projects:

- LCA is dead. When it is ready for active combat service in your air force, it would be the lest cost efficient fighter jet. with a 30 years old design, it is ugly and weak. Please don't talk about JF-17, PLAAF doesn't operate any single of that RUBBISH for a good reason.

- Kaveri is dead. Sure you can modify it to fit your UAV, just like LCA can be modified to become a trainer, Arjun can be turned into a very very reliable school bus. trust me, Chinese have a few failed engine/jet projects, none of them were "converted" to fit any UAV.

- Arjun is dead. 30 years old design is a heavy luggage to carry and it is simply too expensive to be put into mass production, period.

- GLSV is dead. it is failure rate made a world record, period.

Again, above are the truth for you guys, but as a Chinese deep down in my heart I would like to encourage you guys to keep running all these projects for another 3 decades or longer. nothing is better than seeing you guys wasting your future on such craps when we are working on J-20/WS-15/J-31/Y-20/CZ-5.

Look the words used by Chiniese...

1. LCA is dead : O is it?? Bring some chinese medicine to revive it up.. :P
2. not low cost : Was it Indian objective?? Does LCA means Low cost combat Aircraft?
3. 30 year old design: Can some one tell me when F22/F16/Lavi design was freezed?? I think its more than 30 yrs as well... :P
4. Ugly : As if we are sending it to Milan fashion week..
5. Weak : O yes, Its going to wrestle in Olympic.. Chinese are expert in Visual inspection, One chinese once posted, J20 is stealthier coz it come in black.. Stupid Morons..
6. Kaveri is dead: O sure lets cremate it in Chinese grave yard..
7. Arjuna is dead : O sure, we are cremating it in Jaisalmer..
8. 20 year old design : O my god, chinese visual expert never heard about evolution and requirement change.. Wait a minute, while copying TomHawk did chinese changed the design ... BiG no, Pakistan provided them TomHawk (thru Pakistan ally Taliban), they copied it as it is...

Shoo... go away frm our thrd , stop spoiling it CPC agent.... All you say is baked truth, no one even know reliability of your machine. Send some J10 and J11 to Pakistan, the world will see the reliability then....
I have some doubt, why using a manned fighter engine to propel a unmanned bomber?

Extremely inefficiency.

Or just wanna find a step down for Kaveri failure.


Aura UCAV - modified Kaveri engine
nEUROn UCAV - modified M88 (Rafale engine)
Mig Scat UCAV - modified RD93 (JF 17 engine)

An engine can be modified to different version and different applications, that's why the same engine can fly in different fights, or in different helicopters and now these engines will also be used for drones and UCAVs and these UCAVs are at least planned to have modified engines, that also will be used in fighters, that is more efficient than developing an engine for any aircraft development.
Define your "pearls of wisdom" and "troll" first.

Everything here is crystal clear - indians are repeatedly wasting their time and money on dead projects:

- LCA is dead. When it is ready for active combat service in your air force, it would be the lest cost efficient fighter jet. with a 30 years old design, it is ugly and weak. Please don't talk about JF-17, PLAAF doesn't operate any single of that RUBBISH for a good reason.

- Kaveri is dead. Sure you can modify it to fit your UAV, just like LCA can be modified to become a trainer, Arjun can be turned into a very very reliable school bus. trust me, Chinese have a few failed engine/jet projects, none of them were "converted" to fit any UAV.

- Arjun is dead. 30 years old design is a heavy luggage to carry and it is simply too expensive to be put into mass production, period.

- GLSV is dead. it is failure rate made a world record, period.

Again, above are the truth for you guys, but as a Chinese deep down in my heart I would like to encourage you guys to keep running all these projects for another 3 decades or longer. nothing is better than seeing you guys wasting your future on such craps when we are working on J-20/WS-15/J-31/Y-20/CZ-5.

what a brain f@rt... Criticism is fine and I am sure is acceptable, but you are downright delirious with hatred mate... :blink:

Responding beyond that would surely be a waste of my time and tantamount to catching the flame bait... so, off I go!!! Peace :hang2:
Its our tax payer money. We are not asking money from you. So please stop poking your nose in India's matter. We will do whatever we want to do.
To make Kavari useful, it should be use to power call centers. Than we can properly measure its return value.
Hahahaa what's the message looooser ??? You are just fu@ing kidding. Did you support any claim ??? You were just pulling outta your @ss. And please do we need your opinion on anything. If you have one keep it to you. Or show some guts and come with real flags and we might discuss. But what pathetic excuse you gona tell to this ???

The fact of the matter is Kaveri has been a failed engine all along. It was designed to power LCA and is any LCA being powered by it? No. So it has failed its intended goal. Will it be used to power LCA in the future? No. Your country has given up on it and trying to buy from us. Has it ever been inducted in any shape or form? No. Has it even been certified as completed? No. Has it even been extensively tested? No. Only fired for couple minutes in high altitude. No matter how you look at it, it has fail written all over it.

Its our tax payer money. We are not asking money from you. So please stop poking your nose in India's matter. We will do whatever we want to do.

Keep banging your head on the wall is not going to make you smarter. Likewise keep throwing money down the drain is not going to produce a working Kaveri.
Ignore the trolls

I think Kaveri has meet the objectives it was designed for. Now a new engine should be aimed and knowledge gained from kaveri can be used in this new project. Hopefully this time the objectives will not be short sighted. Also, co-development project can also be useful before going for totally home made, like the knowledge base gained from Brahmos is helping in many other missiles.
Ignore the trolls

I think Kaveri has meet the objectives it was designed for.

Can you explain to me the objective of Kaveri? I always thought that Kaveri was created to power LCA and it had failed completely with that goal. As a result it was a failed project as testified by many Indian members here. So if you can share with us the true objective of Kaveri, that would be great?
Can you explain to me the objective of Kaveri? I always thought that Kaveri was created to power LCA and it had failed completely with that goal. As a result it was a failed project as testified by many Indian members here. So if you can share with us the true objective of Kaveri, that would be great?

Not interested in explaining you anything. The concerned people here already know what I mean.
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