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Kashmir's new-age freedom fighters

INSHALLAH kashmir will be freed oneday from hindus rule.The so called biggest democracy is afraid to do plebiscite in Kashmir

India has NO shortage of Soldiers ; Guns and Bullets

Actually Indian people are not allowed to own Guns or else we CIVILIANS
would have solved this problem in a Day
be it tech savvy or illiterate,with Pakistan's or ISIS' flag in hand,armed with Chinese made or Pakistan made AK-47,Born in Kashmir,Punjab or Chechnya-It doesn't matter who they're or what their appearances will be.Result will be same.

They'll come,we'll kill them,bury them in unmarked grave and their families will receive 3,00,000 PKR from their handler.That is what happening for last 26 years,that is gonna happen till Pakistan changes its policy.

Now,cry me an Indus.
Its time Kashmiris are entering practical struggle. Its Indian policies towards them which are pushing them towards this.Soon India might find no grounds to blame Pakistan for that.

We don't blame you for Kashmir anyways anymore. And you know something? India wants them to head towards ISIS, it gives us all the more reason to crack down and wipe the fringe out. You see, India is a soft power, is a democracy, has established its credentials when voter turnout in last election was more than 71% (witnessed by independent observers too) has shown continuous restraint, and has the space needed to undertake high handed and aggressive steps in valley if so required. And if it goes ISIS way, then you have the added benefit of sharing the load as your troops along LC look the other way when people cross over to your side.

Really, were you ever there on a Friday, seems it's become a routine to hoist Pakistani flags in Srinagar square.
BTW, nowadays there's even more trouble in your Red Corridor than in Baluchistan.

Ah my dear sir ... the mere fact people raise Pakistani flags underscores the Indian tolerance ... we bide our time .... let things get worse. We need an excuse to purge the valley. The justice for ethnic cleansing of late 80s is best served cold.

India has NO shortage of Soldiers ; Guns and Bullets

Actually Indian people are not allowed to own Guns or else we CIVILIANS
would have solved this problem in a Day

Thank god we don't have civilians mucking up the area. It is bad enough we have ample soldiers overlapping and getting in each others way over there LOL
But that option has already been rejected by your leaders.
Pakistani premier rejects option of independent Kashmir - UPI Archives

He is not returning back that Daniel Bryan or is he?:lol:
Hey we can always convince the ind folks to change sides after all the new hawkish stance has been appreciated in the valley

Kashmir is not just Srinagar... fanboy....:undecided:
Separatist held after Pak flags come up in Anantnag rally
Tension in Rajouri as students raise 'Pro-Pakistan' slogans, locals protest

Kangan, Shopian, Kulgam, Pulwama, Tangmarg
Massive pro-Pakistan, pro-freedom demos in IOK | Kashmir Media Service
20-50 militants means nothing..... all they are capable of is some little incidents here and there and then will get bullet in their a$$es and lie in some unmarked grave......
We don't blame you for Kashmir anyways anymore. And you know something? India wants them to head towards ISIS, it gives us all the more reason to crack down and wipe the fringe out.

I thought Kashmiris had bore enough and wonder if U still plan to do something more brutal to them than U r currently doing. Bdw U never needed any reasons to kill them, jail them, rape their women and stage fake encounters but U did that all and keep on doing so at free will. What else do U need to bring more miseries to them?
They are just wasting their good age and future .
Their moral base was destroyed when they attacked other minority Kashmiris in the name of Jihad .
A new breed of militants is rising in Kashmir – young, educated, tech-savvy. Hindustan Times travelled to the valley to find out what is fuelling these young men to take up arms against the state. The ground reality in Kashmir is changing slowly but surely and it can be gauged even from plain statistics. If in 2013, 31 local youths joined militancy, the number for 2015 (till September-end) jumped to 66, according to police records. Kashmir’s new-age militants are unlike any of their predecessors. (Hindustan Times)

Watch the video to understand the ground realities.

Watch | Kashmir’s new-age militants | india | videos | Hindustan Times

Just add you a note that it is not only in Kashmir, all the militants now a days are educated ones...Poor people has to struggle for their daily lives..They do not have time to spent for any so called cause...But rich and urban kids has time and money to experiment....You can see many people from Europe are joining ISIS....
Entire Pakistan is our business and Muslim military is occupying our land since 1947.

No, It was not your business, if that was, then gandhi and nehru wont let it go that easily.

Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of Partition.
No, It was not your business, if that was, then gandhi and nehru wont let it go that easily.

Kashmir is the unfinished agenda of Partition.

True. So when are you going to vacate P.o.K and hand it back to India ? :coffee:

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