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Kashmir's illegal occupation by India justifies calls for Azadi: JNU Professor.

You still dodging my questions buddy. Who gives rights to whom? Who decides who can live where?

Not your buddy. .....

Dodging? ??? Pretending to be something here but there is a reality so read and understand. A constitution gives the rights to the people of the state and the same decides who is national and citizenship owner. India is totally unwanted ingredient in this process yet people of Kashmir are striving for their freedom so they can form a constitution. The rest is all your mindset and ego that you don't understand and defend India. However, the talks about rights are far from understanding to India indeed, not your fault. Peace
Let's try to find the opinion of Kashmiris, shall we?

You mean Kashmiri "Sunni Muslims"?
Please be specific!

Should I start posting about tamiaddua, maharatra, assam, khalistan, west bangladesh, hyderabad deccan, junagadh manvadr?

Please do, then we will talk abut atrocities of Punjabis on Sindh and NWF and Kashmir occupied by Pakistan.
You mean Kashmiri "Sunni Muslims"?
Please be specific!

Kashmiris only.

Ok...what about Tibetans? Do you know half of the Tibetans are refugees. Why not spare some thought on them too. Or is it because China is your friend and Kashmiris are Muslims.

I can give many reasons why India would not allow Kashmir to cede away, while you can give only one reason why Kashmir should be part of Pakistan...Religion.

Obviously you are out of good arguments. It is not about Tibet or Assam or something else. It is not about India or Pakistan even. It is purely about people of Kashmir. What India wants or allows (same for Pakistan) is meaningless. What people of Kashmir want is and should be focal point for any reasonable person.
Kashmiris only.

U mean Kashmiri Pandits want to side with Pakistan or Islamists?

Look around what you guys have done to Hindus/Ahemdia/Shais in your countries? Why would any non-sunni want to ever be with you lot?!!
We will continue to defend our land from possible invasion.

Thing is it's not your land. It belongs to people of Kashmir. They will decide. Their decision is yet to come through plebiscite.

U mean Kashmiri Pandits want to side with Pakistan or Islamists?

Look around what you guys have done to Hindus/Ahemdia/Shais in your countries? Why would any non-sunni want to ever be with you lot?!!

It is upto them what they decide. Don't waste your breath. Let them decide whatever they want. It is for them to judge not you.
It is upto them what they decide. Don't waste your breath. Let them decide whatever they want. It is for them to judge not you.

They already have by repeatedly electing Indian people.
Heh, they gave a Hindu party majority seats in Jammu and they are in govt as of now.

So, not sure what you are peddling here!
They already have by repeatedly electing Indian people.
Heh, they gave a Hindu party majority seats in Jammu and they are in govt as of now.

So, not sure what you are peddling here!

Out of the options available on ballot, was there an option of secession from India so anyone who wishes to, can stamp over it?
Out of the options available on ballot, was there an option of secession from India so anyone who wishes to, can stamp over it?

Out of the options available on the ballot, more than half selected BJP.

That should tell u which way the winds are blowing.

U do realize NC and Congress got blown away, literally - right?
Kashmiris only.

Obviously you are out of good arguments. It is not about Tibet or Assam or something else. It is not about India or Pakistan even. It is purely about people of Kashmir. What India wants or allows (same for Pakistan) is meaningless. What people of Kashmir want is and should be focal point for any reasonable person.

:lol: It is not me that ran out of any arguments, it is you. I asked one simple question. Why not spare some thought on Tibet? and there was no mention of word 'Tibet' in your answer. Tibetans are 1000 times more persecuted than Kashmiries.

Anyway, as I said if Pakistan cannot convince India too even withdraw from saichen, you have no chance on Kashmir. Forget about 5 million Kashmiris, look after lives and future of 180 million Pakistanis. This obsession on Kashmir will take you to stone ages.
Comments from Indian members says a lot about tolerant in India. FYI, Kashmir is a disputed territory and only people of Kashmir get to decide their future. Not you, not me but only them. Not that hard to understand.
Are you prepared to offer the same freedoms to the Baluch and the Pashtuns, or is it only Kashmiri freedom that worries you so much? :-)
Thing is it's not your land. It belongs to people of Kashmir. They will decide. Their decision is yet to come through plebiscite.

Did People of Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, AP, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan, Bihar, Bengal, Gujarat, UP,Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan etc get a chance to choose?

This land for time immemorial belonged to the people of India as a whole.

Why do Kashmiris need to be given any special treatment? aasman se gira hai kya?
You are open to the idea of plebiscite? That's a start.
Will the Pak Army ever withdraw from Kashmir including Gilgit/Baltistan as per the UN Resolution? That's an impossibility as too much water has flowed under the bridge.

The UN Resolution has thus become irrelevant and as dead as a dodo. You guys need to stop invoking it everywhere like a broken record and cease blaming India 24X7 for your own non adherence to the resolutions since 1947.
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