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Kashmiris can opt for independence even after accession: PM

They need at least USD 10 billion to sustain just a year. US and GB are no idiot to pump money. They may come out with just a billion or two but that is simply not enough for the independence nation to work.

And I doubt Pakistan and India would want to see an external influenced setfoot in this internal landlock area. They can simpy denied them air and land access and there is no way, external influenced will work.
Well.they may increase their footprint .. and for that they only require a missile system setup there and a treaty signed up with local govt. They can use the local airports to enter and exit. Considering the desperate position of US in the region let's not downplay the possibility. Yes they are not fools to Pump up money. Rather they may try to be the occupying force dressed up a sa protector there like they were in Afghanistan.
Well.they may increase their footprint .. and for that they only require a missile system setup there and a treaty signed up with local govt. They can use the local airports to enter and exit. Considering the desperate position of US in the region let's not downplay the possibility. Yes they are not fools to Pump up money. Rather they may try to be the occupying force there like they were in Afghanistan.
The US try to make use Mongolia as a buffer to counter Russia and China influence. Guess what? We shut US off by threaten to cut aid and all transport access to Mongolia.

Now Mongolia has no choice but to join Chinese/Russia camp. Mongolia is landlocked.
Well, the reality is what it is. We can't take IOK by force neither can India. The best solution appears to be the one proposed by Musharaf. We get the land uptil the valley and close this chapter and move on.
Future of Kashmiris lie either with India or Pakistan. Anyone talking of Independence needs to have a reality check. Pakistan will only conduct the referendum when it is sure of it's outcome.
LOL. Is that why India has militarized IOJ&K and distributing domiciles to Brahmins in India?
LOL. Is that why India has militarized IOJ&K and distributing domiciles to Brahmins in India?
India is doing what any nation would do to safeguard it's territory. Not to mention people feel a strong religious connection to the land with Amarnath temple and was also a major hub of sanskrit learning.
This line of PMIK is a work of genius. He knows that most Kashmiri would choose Pakistan, especially those of us in AJK. Our roots are linked with Pakistan intrinsically.

He also knows no Indian PM could ever dare to say the same thing. With a single line he's dismantled the narrative of a territorial dispute between two nation states to the support of freedom of an occupied people.

Independence? Then where will the money come to sustain this new nation when u are heavily landlocked between power?

I would assume in the same way most other land locked nations survive. Trade, agriculture, tourism, industry etc.
They need at least USD 10 billion to sustain just a year. US and GB are no idiot to pump money. They may come out with just a billion or two but that is simply not enough for the independence nation to work.

And I doubt Pakistan and India would want to see an external influenced setfoot in this internal landlock area. They can simpy denied them air and land access and there is no way, external influenced will work.

I do not support Kashmir as an independent nation because it goes against my ideals of Unity between Islamic nations. I am a firm believer in the nation of Pakistan as were my ancestors. We have shed blood for the idea.

However an independent Kashmir would not have to worry about money. We have a wealthy diaspora,we have an abundance of natural resources and we have a small population.
India is doing what any nation would do to safeguard it's territory. Not to mention people feel a strong religious connection to the land with Amarnath temple and was also a major hub of sanskrit learning.
Your hold is illegitimate if you have to deploy forces to hold it. Let them move out for a day and see where the populace stands.
Your hold is illegitimate if you have to deploy forces to hold it. Let them move out for a day and see where the populace stands.
Like I said before never gonna happen, best for people to accept current realities.
Reiterating an earlier commitment to the Kashmiris, Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday twice assured them that Islamabad would grant them the right to live as an independent nation if they decided to do so even after acceding to Pakistan through the United Nations-sponsored plebiscite.

Speaking at two big election rallies in the towns of Tarar Khal and Kotli on the last day of election campaign, he brushed aside allegations by his opponents that he wanted to convert Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) into a province and said he did not know as to where this idea had stemmed from.

Paying tribute to the Kashmiris for their more than a century-old struggle for emancipation, he said the unprecedented sacrifices rendered by them would not go in vain and they would exercise their right to self-determination and decide to accede to Pakistan and not India through a UN-sponsored referendum.

“Afterwards, we will hold another referendum whereby Kashmiri people will be asked to decide whether they want to live with Pakistan or as an independent nation,” he said at both places in almost identical words, amid rounds of applause from the charged gatherings.

He said a nation that had waged a struggle for more than 150 years had a right to get what it wanted. “Remember, the decision has to be made by the Kashmiris themselves… And the day is not far when you will decide about your future status of your own free accord.”

He said the struggle of the Kashmiris was not for land but for their fundamental human and democratic rights to decide about their fate.

He said although the people of occupied Kashmir were going through the most difficult times of their history at the moment, he foresaw that soon India would be compelled to honour its pledge about plebiscite. “However brute force India may employ it will fail to quell the Kashmiris’ quest for freedom.”

Describing himself as an ambassador of Kashmiris, Mr Khan promised that he would raise voice for them at all international forums as well as before the world leaders and international media.

Why PM imran khan has to deviate from decades old undisputed state policy of Kashmir??

Like I said before never gonna happen, best for people to accept current realities.
Wasn’t that what Gandhi and all of The Hindus were saying in 1947 when people talked about partition? “Never gonna happen” and “Be realistic”. I wonder how that ended…
This is what your mouth utters naturally, when you are trained and brought up in Aitchison Oxford and Cambridge

Rayasat e madina of Sweden and Denmark
Wasn’t that what Gandhi and all of The Hindus were saying in 1947 when people talked about partition? “Never gonna happen” and “Be realistic”. I wonder how that ended…
The British aren't here anymore.
The British aren't here anymore.
The British didn’t get Pakistan independence, Jinnah and the Muslims did. The British just saved india from being much smaller than it is today by giving it many Muslim majority regions. Seems you haven’t brushed up on your history. So yes, the British and Mountbatten (imagine calling yourself independent from the British just to be ruled by another British royal who struck a deal with the crown and your politicians) won’t be here to save india this time
This line of PMIK is a work of genius. He knows that most Kashmiri would choose Pakistan, especially those of us in AJK. Our roots are linked with Pakistan intrinsically.

He also knows no Indian PM could ever dare to say the same thing. With a single line he's dismantled the narrative of a territorial dispute between two nation states to the support of freedom of an occupied people.

I would assume in the same way most other land locked nations survive. Trade, agriculture, tourism, industry etc.

I do not support Kashmir as an independent nation because it goes against my ideals of Unity between Islamic nations. I am a firm believer in the nation of Pakistan as were my ancestors. We have shed blood for the idea.

However an independent Kashmir would not have to worry about money. We have a wealthy diaspora,we have an abundance of natural resources and we have a small population.
U don't know nothing about kashmir brother. Kashmir is a very rich land, a tourist hotspot, peopled by relatively rich people.
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