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Kashmiri parents wary of their kids' safety

We have many Kashmiris here who will replace them, specially the ones that were displaced by the insurgents.
You mean the pundits? Well they would be called Kashmiris only had they accepted themselves as Kashmiris, right? But no they are only Indians as they represent themselves just like Indians by calling themselves Pundits...rather than just calling themselves Kashmiris....so basically....they are Indians and you people are just invading Kashmiri lands and trying to fit these people on their lands...wonder what that is called? Oh yea...its called big bullies!
You mean the pundits? Well they would be called Kashmiris only had they accepted themselves as Kashmiris, right? But no they are only Indians as they represent themselves just like Indians by calling themselves Pundits...rather than just calling themselves Kashmiris....so basically....they are Indians and you people are just invading Kashmiri lands and trying to fit these people on their lands...wonder what that is called? Oh yea...its called big bullies!

Kashmiris are Indian, so I don't see the logic here. They will be simply be going back to their homeland which was taken from them by these radical insurgents.
You mean the pundits? Well they would be called Kashmiris only had they accepted themselves as Kashmiris, right? But no they are only Indians as they represent themselves just like Indians by calling themselves Pundits...rather than just calling themselves Kashmiris....so basically....they are Indians and you people are just invading Kashmiri lands and trying to fit these people on their lands...wonder what that is called? Oh yea...its called big bullies!
Dafuq? they are still called Kashmiri Pundits. Even Kashmiri Muslims are Indians according to passport.
Kashmiris are Indian, so I don't see the logic here. They will be simply be going back to their homeland which was taken from them by these radical insurgents.
You sure? Coz all the yotutube videos and even Indian members on PDF are asking them to leave and to beat em up just over a match cant think how the poor guys live ...always needing to justify their Indianess and cant make a single mistake or Indians will burn and then take it out on them :rolleyes: ....Either you are lying or Indians are just plain racist! :unsure:
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You sure? Coz all the yotutube videos and even Indian members on PDF are asking them to leave and to beat em up just over a match cant think how the poor guys live ...always needing to justify their Indianess and cant make a single mistake or Indians will burn and then take it out on them :rolleyes: ....Either you are lying or Indians are just plain racist! :unsure:
What? so, now the idiots represent whole kashmir? what about these people? BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kashmiri Shia mourn India patriot
What use is Kashmir without Kashmiris there? Oh yes I forgot you guys are after the land...right :coffee:
Takes one to know one ;)

You sure? Coz all the yotutube videos and even Indian members on PDF are asking them to leave and to beat em up just over a match cant think how the poor guys live ...always needing to justify their Indianess and cant make a single mistake or Indians will burn and then take it out on them :rolleyes: ....Either you are lying or Indians are just plain racist! :unsure:

Actually your last line is as ridiculous as me responding by saying that either you have an understanding issue or Pakistanis are just foolish. Please stop generalizing and discuss the specific point.
So this is the answer? :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Obviously...you are calling the sons of the land as Idiots...while what exactly are you? You are nothing but an invader to them! Like our body would fight foreign invaders (germs) ....even the Indians fought the British (again) invaders...no one likes invaders so if you consider them "Indians" either show some respect and earn it back or just shut up and mind your own business like the British labeled soo many Indians as terrorists coz they were "fighting invaders" (invaders for them but not for the British)...It really is amazing considering that India went through the same with British and is suffering from some syndrome (dont have the time to search for the name) where the victim (India) replays or mimics the attitude and behaviour of the abuser (British)
it is matter of internal security ............there intention was not to supporting cricket team only......every one knows.......

they must understand rest of Indian in not Srinagar............good lesson for them

what is surprising thing about Muslim....when they are in majority ,started demanding separate state .......and for rest of India expecting secularism..........

i strong believe......Kashmir is only matter of Kashmir freedom only it is strongly associate with rest of Muslim community in India too ........
Takes one to know one ;)
It doesnt take a genius to observe! ;)

Actually your last line is as ridiculous as me responding by saying that either you have an understanding issue or Pakistanis are just foolish. Please stop generalizing and discuss the specific point.
Thats what people say when they cant reply or a caught saying rubbish!
it is matter of internal security ............there intention was not to supporting cricket team only......every one knows.......
Oh dont miss out the part media played in sensalizing saying they were chanting "anti-national" gibberish while it was just supporting Pak team! :rolleyes:
they must understand rest of Indian in not Srinagar
good lesson for them
statements like these make them hate you more :coffee: Cant really understand how many tears Indians crocodile cry over other countries (i.e. Something happening in America) while cant even shed a single sympathy for...oops that is how tyrants are...my bad I forgot!
what is surprising thing about Muslim....when they are in majority ,started demanding separate state .......and for rest of India expecting secularism..........
No one found it surprising when Jews did the same nor did anyone find it surprising when Christians did the same for Papua New Guinea ...oh wait your geography + history isnt that good to include that ...
i strong believe......Kashmir is only matter of Kashmir freedom only it is strongly associate with rest of Muslim community in India too ........
Just give them freedom...they deserve to be separated from this mess! They never asked for it!

As they say; "Our land, our rule", others can cry a river or move on. :)
Well then Indians should remember this when they cry croc tears for other people :whistle:
if kashmiri will not change......time will come soon when people stated teaching lesson them in Kashmir .......
it is high time.....enough .......Indian are boiling........ will burst soon

Oh dont miss out the part media played in sensalizing saying they were chanting "anti-national" gibberish while it was just supporting Pak team! :rolleyes:
............statements like these make them hate you more :coffee: Cant really understand how many tears Indians crocodile cry over other countries (i.e. Something happening in America) while cant even shed a single sympathy for...oops that is how tyrants are...my bad I forgot!
No one found it surprising when Jews did the same nor did anyone find it surprising when Christians did the same for Papua New Guinea ...oh wait your geography + history isnt that good to include that ...

Just give them freedom...they deserve to be separated from this mess! They never asked for it!

Well then Indians should remember this when they cry croc tears for other people :whistle:
bro will post you link in evening.......what Indian Muslim think on Kashmir issue ...........

if kashmiri will not change......time will come soon when people stated teaching lesson them in Kashmir .......
it is high time.....enough .......Indian are boiling........ will burst soon

bro will post you link in evening.......what Indian Muslim think on Kashmir issue ...........
and i really don't bother ,weather heating more or less....enough space has been given to them in the name of democracy
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