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Kashmir - Think the Unthinkable

Your original Constitution did not have Kashmir legally as part of the dominion of India.

You might as well add france, italy, germany, japan, china to your constitution too, if that's the case. You have as much right to them, as you do to Kashmir.

That is a rather cheap argument, because France, Italy and Germany are not part of our territory.

If they were, then sure....we would not give them up unless we had no other choice.
That is a rather cheap argument, because France, Italy and Germany are not part of our territory.

If they were, then sure....we would not give them up unless we had no other choice.

Actually that was an awesome argument - since essentially what you have advocated is that any country invade another territory, add it into their constitution, and then go about proclaiming that it is theirs because we 'respect our constitution'.

What tripe!
Actually that was an awesome argument - since essentially what you have advocated is that any country invade another territory, add it into their constitution, and then go about proclaiming that it is theirs because we 'respect our constitution'.

What tripe!

This is India, not any country.

Also, Kashmir is not invaded. Its a part of India.

Also, there is nothing irrational about it. If you want to change the borders of India, you'll have to convince the Parliament and the Supreme Court to make the required changes. There is no other way.

Call it tripe or whatever, but those are the rules, and they are not negotiable.
Hey, I also discussed a lot at many places about Kashmir. But I believe Indian strategists are bunch of lazy people. In last 4 years they could have eliminated most of separatist leader when they had minimum backing, but our guys thought peace is back, failed to understand a single instance can again change the scenario in favour of separatists.

Now lets cool down the current situation and start eliminating anti-national people.... Simple and effective…..
This is India, not any country.

Also, Kashmir is not invaded. Its a part of India.

Also, there is nothing irrational about it. If you want to change the borders of India, you'll have to convince the Parliament and the Supreme Court to make the required changes. There is no other way.

Call it tripe or whatever, but those are the rules, and they are not negotiable.

Since the only legal means for claiming Kashmir that India has is the Instrument of Accession, whose condition of plebiscite was not fulfilled, Kashmir is 'invaded and occupied' - this is validated by the UNSC resolutions.

Any country that did invade and incorporate a territory into its constitution would also say the same thing - convince our parliament/leadership.

Therefore RR's argument is quite apt.
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Since the only legal means for claiming Kashmir that India has is the Instrument of Accession, whose condition of plebiscite was not fulfilled, Kashmir is 'invaded and occupied' - this is validated by the UNSC resolutions.

Any country that did invade and incorporate a territory into its constitution woudl also say the same thing - convince our parliament.

Therefore RR's argument is very apt, while yours is tripe.

can u brief about the unsc resolutions.....
This is India, not any country.

Also, Kashmir is not invaded. Its a part of India.

Also, there is nothing irrational about it. If you want to change the borders of India, you'll have to convince the Parliament and the Supreme Court to make the required changes. There is no other way.

Call it tripe or whatever, but those are the rules, and they are not negotiable.

Kashmir is not part of India, that would be the whole point of the 60 year old conflict. These statements are useless since the whole world knows that Kashmir has been disputed from day one since Independence.

The laws of Partition applied to every state, and should also apply to Kashmir. They were promised a referendum, and by the looks of it, they want to join Pakistan. Note, I am talking about the 'Kashmir' part of 'Jammu and Kashmir'. India can keep Jammu if thats what their people want.
Kashmir is not part of India, that would be the whole point of the 60 year old conflict. These statements are useless since the whole world knows that Kashmir has been disputed from day one since Independence.

The laws of Partition applied to every state, and should also apply to Kashmir. They were promised a referendum, and by the looks of it, they want to join Pakistan. Note, I am talking about the 'Kashmir' part of 'Jammu and Kashmir'. India can keep Jammu if thats what their people want.

Isn't it very convenient to choose only Kashmir for a referendum ?

Jammu & ladakh too were a part of what Hari Singh signed for. There can be no selective picks..

In any case the whole thing is not negotiable.
Your original Constitution did not have Kashmir legally as part of the dominion of India.

You might as well add france, italy, germany, japan, china to your constitution too, if that's the case. You have as much right to them, as you do to Kashmir.

India does not claim J&K, it has J&K.

It's Pakistan that is making claims.
No - India and Pakistan got their independence from the British. The partition was of the colony of British India.


Pakistan and India ????

Pakistan is a not a geographic entity .. its an idea for a group of Muslims who cant live with people with other religion .. Please save me from Pakistani Sense of History ..

Yeah - so perhaps you should have stayed with the British Empire then. The fact is that Indians are just as 'segregationist' as any one else, as shown by the whole 'Indic civilization' claptrap and the break away from the British. But when it comes to another set of people viewing themselves as separate on the basis of their own identity matrix, we get to hear these self-righteous platitudes

I am sorry what are u trying to say .. can you Please explain ..
The instrument of accession was conditional to a plebiscite.

No instrument of accession was not conditional to Plebiscite .. it was the ruler who had the right to decide which republic he wants to join ..

Plebiscite cames in only when Pakistani Army invaded Kashmir in 1947
Isn't it very convenient to choose only Kashmir for a referendum ?

Jammu & ladakh too were a part of what Hari Singh signed for. There can be no selective picks..

In any case the whole thing is not negotiable.

The referendum will be held in entire Kashmir state.

Hari singh had lost Kashmir by the time he signed the dubious document. As per rules of partition the people too had a say in the matter. The same was said by Mountbaten in his letter and the same was promised by Mr. Nehru in his many speeches.

In any case the whole matter is before UN and India does not have an option other than to negotiate on it.

As far as I remember Kashmir is not an integral part of India but a special territory administered by India. Kashmir has a different status than other Indian states.
The referendum will be held in entire Kashmir state.

Hari singh had lost Kashmir by the time he signed the dubious document. .

How ? By Pakistani Invaders .. who raped and massacred Poor People ..

As per rules of partition the people too had a say in the matter.

LOl .. show me the Link Please .. if that was the reality then most of Area given to Pakistan would not have been with pakistan . See yourself the Area where Population of Hindus were more then 80% before Partition .

Image:Hindu percent 1909.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Partition was forced on a nation .. by a Communal mentality with the help of an imperilistic Power . there was no Concensus or plebiscite for it ..
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