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Kashmir Solidarity Day: 5 February !!

One question why does always Pakistanis state they want a free Kashmir agreed but why the hell are the still occupying "free Kashmir" since 1947 I really didnt get that why havent they got a free entity why do they have pakistani passports and not kashiri passports. This concludes your government wants more land and not the development of prosperous Kashmir just look at the pictures of development on both sides *** and IOK then come to a conclusion. Kashmir needs to be independent country and NOT with India or Pakistan haters going to hate but why the hell two countries want to occupy land that was never part of either country in the name of religion or in the name of historical boundary its just sheer maddness
Kashmir India
This is for you first read then suggest... Its Indian website ... Kashmir belongs to Pakistan..
I guess you guys are true to that AFPSA is a cold blooded killer in NE and Kashmir. I strongly oppose Kashmir being:angry: part of Pakistan, India and the lone wanderer and occupier china. It should be an independent country. Palestine wants to become an INDEPENDENT country not a slave country Pakistan wants it :angry:to become Stop with this thread as its bound to derail by arrogant maniacs :angry::angry:

Let's do a referendum and let's kashmiris decide what they want
happy solidaite tv day.

Shame on Indian govt and Media also for not making it Breaking News
Voice of Kashmir...
Kashmir India
Shouldn't this been in the "KASHMIR WAR" section? :what:

BTW it is not going to change anything.
Just another blog post give me something with credibility to agree for aint convinced by the website
First of All , Wat do you know about the partition of india?
Everything I need to know.....
I am not taking sides as you have seen from my previous posts I oppose both countries
Everything I need to know.....
I am not taking sides as you have seen from my previous posts I oppose both countries

When you don't know jack about the history of the state, don't talk about it. It will save you a lot of self-respect.
Stick with the post that has nothing to do with kashmir dont derail the topic

Why? Technically J&K has little to do with you as well being a European. Then why are you raising this issue which is South Asian?
Stick with the post that has nothing to do with kashmir dont derail the topic
Just Tell me ,What to you know about partition? Do you know that the muslim majority area are supposed to be the part of Pakistan?
When you don't know jack about the history of the state, don't talk about it. It will save you a lot of self-respect.

History is ver wasy to distort and change. You can see from various countries they can change the mindset of its citizens overtime. few egs: Iran the mighty persian empire where is it now?? not even in their history books yet they claim iraq.
Same as to India and Pakistan you were only created as unified countries AFTER 1947 and before the british came you were full of 100s of kingdoms. So you are trying to say is kashmir wanted to join India or Pakistan I guess when people are desperate from daily killings in both countries by ary or by taliban you will agree people go to extremes when they want to prove their point
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