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Kashmir shuts on Manmohan's visit

Axis Of Logic

Jun 19, 2013
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Kashmir shuts on Manmohan's visit

Written by Srinagar: KDNN Tuesday, 25 June 2013 11:49

A shutdown called by the resistance groups is being observed across the Kashmir valley to protest against the visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today.
Resistance groups including both factions of Hurriyat Conference and JKLF have called for a general strike.
Shops, business establishments, educational institutions, banks and private offices remained closed due to the strike and the
restrictions imposed in the various parts of the valley.
The effect of the strike was accentuated by a heavy security deployment in view of the VVIP visit and yesterday's militant attack.
The security measures have been heightened in the wake of the deadly strike by militants that left eight soldiers dead and several others injured yesterday.
Police and paramilitary CRPF personnel have been deployed in numbers across the city while in some places army is also conducting foot patrols to prevent the militants from carrying out any further attacks during the high profile visit.
The government forces have erected barriers after every kilometer to check the antecedents of people and to regulate the movement of the vehicles.
Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Shah Geelani asked the people to observe a complete strike to remind the centre and the world that Kashmir is a "dispute pending a resolution".
Hurriyat Conference headed by Mirwaiz Umer Farooq also called for a general strike alleging that the Centre is treating Kashmir as an economic issue rather than a political one.
"The people of Kashmir are being compelled to take route of protests and strikes as Indian leadership, instead of addressing Kashmir politically, is trying to look at the issue through the prism of economic packages which is unwise and negative
politics," Mirwaiz said.
The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front headed by Yasin Malik, while calling for the strike, said the Prime Minister has "failed" in his peace process which proved only an "illusion".

Source: http://www.kashmirdispatch.com/headlines/250612091-kashmir-shuts-on-manmohans-visit.htm

Kashmir shuts on Manmohan's visit

Written by Srinagar: KDNN Tuesday, 25 June 2013 11:49

A shutdown called by the resistance groups is being observed across the Kashmir valley to protest against the visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today.
Resistance groups including both factions of Hurriyat Conference and JKLF have called for a general strike.
Shops, business establishments, educational institutions, banks and private offices remained closed due to the strike and the
restrictions imposed in the various parts of the valley.
The effect of the strike was accentuated by a heavy security deployment in view of the VVIP visit and yesterday's militant attack.
The security measures have been heightened in the wake of the deadly strike by militants that left eight soldiers dead and several others injured yesterday.
Police and paramilitary CRPF personnel have been deployed in numbers across the city while in some places army is also conducting foot patrols to prevent the militants from carrying out any further attacks during the high profile visit.
The government forces have erected barriers after every kilometer to check the antecedents of people and to regulate the movement of the vehicles.
Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Shah Geelani asked the people to observe a complete strike to remind the centre and the world that Kashmir is a "dispute pending a resolution".
Hurriyat Conference headed by Mirwaiz Umer Farooq also called for a general strike alleging that the Centre is treating Kashmir as an economic issue rather than a political one.
"The people of Kashmir are being compelled to take route of protests and strikes as Indian leadership, instead of addressing Kashmir politically, is trying to look at the issue through the prism of economic packages which is unwise and negative
politics," Mirwaiz said.
The Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front headed by Yasin Malik, while calling for the strike, said the Prime Minister has "failed" in his peace process which proved only an "illusion".

Source: JoomSEF Error - Error: JoomSEF Error

JoomSEF Error - Error: JoomSEF Error

A peaceful Kashmir Struggle is proving to be more dangerous to India than an armed one. Diplomatically its getting on Indian Nerves.
Good decision by Kashmiris..

What will they do watching a silent, weak and clueless PM?

Heck if MMS landed here in Sikkim, we'd all fall asleep out of boredom.

A peaceful Kashmir Struggle is proving to be more dangerous to India than an armed one. Diplomatically its getting on Indian Nerves.

The separatists can cry all they want.

The offer doesn't change:

You're free to leave to whichever nation you want but the land stays with us.
The separatists can cry all they want.

The offer doesn't change:

You're free to leave to whichever nation you want but the land stays with us.
:lol: time will tell my friend...... The movement has become a generational phenomenon, with countless bloodlines feeding it. Even with half of its army deployed it Kashmir, India is finding it utmost hard to keep the issue under control.
Hundreds of thousands of Pakistani Soldiers are in FATA but large areas are still in Taliban control.
And the point being? FATA is like Kashmir? I guess I've seen it all now.
That son-of -a-gun SAS Gilani needs to be put in the cooler sooner than later. It is he, and his corporation of rich separatist dummies who are getting richer by the day from funds being received from across, who is creating all this bl00dy nonsense out here in Kashmir. Why is the government providing this bozo security? He and his ilk should be shot to hell!

We need to take lessons from the ISI who dispatch such yahoos to their maker above, in quick time. :sniper:
:lol: time will tell my friend...... The movement has become a generational phenomenon, with countless bloodlines feeding it. Even with half of its army deployed it Kashmir, India is finding it utmost hard to keep the issue under control.

Not really, not even a generation has passed, The movement was artificially started in 1989 by Pakistan, and will artificially be put to end by India similarly. The issue is much more under control then it was 20 odd years ago.

But as you said, only time will tell. We will meet back here in 20 years and see how it went I guess :bye:
Not really, not even a generation has passed, The movement was artificially started in 1989 by Pakistan, and will artificially be put to end by India similarly. The issue is much more under control then it was 20 odd years ago.

But as you said, only time will tell. We will meet back here in 20 years and see how it went I guess :bye:
Dear me, you guys really have very short memories. The armed movement started in 1989. The freedom movement's history starts from the very beginning (1947)
Dear me, you guys really have very short memories. The armed movement started in 1989. The freedom movement's history starts from the very beginning (1947)

I was referring to the armed movement. There were sporadic calls for freedom before 1989, but no to to such a large scale as 1989 onwards. It wasnt armed before 1989 because there wasnt such a strong cry for it from a large crowd.nAs a matter of fact, this fact is shown when Pakistan embarrassingly could not ignite the Kashmiris against India in the 1965 war when Pak troops invaded Kashmir, but the Kashmiris were unwilling to let the Pakistanis have their territorry, and it was preceisely because of this that Pakistan had to leave kashmir empty handed.

The freedom movement can go back to its non-violent ways for eternity for all I care, 2 things are certain:

1) The Earth revolves around the sun
2) Kashmir will be with India eternally
Loosers like Hurriyat Conference and JKLF can whine all they want but it is not going to change the ground reality a bit.

J&K was , is and will remain an integral part of India.
The freedom movement can go back to its non-violent ways for eternity for all I care, 2 things are certain:

1) The Earth revolves around the sun
2) Kashmir will be with India eternally
Its just a matter of time, it may not happen in next month, next decade or next few decades. But you can't stop the inevitable.
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