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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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If there are only 35000 militants then why are you using artillery and

There are one million militants .That is why all central and punjab governments are helpless. Militancy is a profession.

India's conventional strength is so BIG that we dont need to use nuclear weapons.:chilli:

pakistan wants kashmir but FREE ,ie does not want to FIGHT for it.:lol:

You have lost THE WILL to fight India .

Its 100% guranteed that 3/4 of the indians that post in ths forum are under 18.
They want Kashmir but dont want to get hands dirty because they have learnt hard way(East Pakistan) that they are not up to mark.

Thats why keep playing the game using these stooges. Kashmir's are being fooled. There development is being sabotaged, If its such a just cause then why dont use your mighty army to get the job done.
There are reports coming in media that Hurriyat leaders are enticing mobs and there was credible conversation between two leaders saying "atleast 15 people should be matryed today" .

Too much dirty politics going on...shhheezee
Kashmir belongs To INDIA (Funny Proof)

An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly that made the world community smile.

A representative from India began: 'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Rishi Kashyap of Kashmir, after whom Kashmir is named.

When he struck a rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath.'

He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water..

When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. A Pakistani had stolen them..'

The Pakistani representative jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Pakistanis weren't there then.'

The Indian representative smiled and said, 'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.'

And they say Kashmir belongs to them...
A brief history of Kashmir – Way before 1947

Legends have it that Rishi Kashyapa, reclaimed the land of the Kashmir valley from a vast lake, known as “Satisar”, after goddess Sati, the consort of Lord Shiva. In ancient times, this land was called “Kashyapamar” (after Kashyapa) that later became Kashmir. The ancient Greeks called it “Kasperia,” and the Chinese pilgrim Hiun-Tsang who visited the valley in the 7th century AD, called it “Kashi -mi -lo.”

Kashmir was always ruled by Hindu’s until 1346, the year of the advent of muslim invaders.The Mughals ruled Kashmir from 1587 to 1752 — a period of peace and order. This was followed by a dark period (1752-1819), when Afghan despots ruled Kashmir. The Muslim period, which lasted for about 500 years, came to an end with the annexation of Kashmir to the Sikh kingdom of Punjab in 1819. The Kashmir region, in its present form, became a part of the Hindu Dogra kingdom at the end of the First Sikh War in 1846, when, by the treaties of Lahore and Amritsar, Maharaja Gulab Singh, the Dogra ruler of Jammu, was made the ruler of Kashmir “to the eastward of the River Indus and westward of the River Ravi.” The Dogra rulers — Maharaja Gulab Singh (1846 to 1857), Maharaja Ranbir Singh (1857 to 1885), Maharaja Pratap Singh (1885 to 1925), and Maharaja Hari Singh (1925 to 1950) — laid the foundations of the modern Jammu & Kashmir state.
There are reports coming in media that Hurriyat leaders are enticing mobs and there was credible conversation between two leaders saying "atleast 15 people should be matryed today" .

Too much dirty politics going on...shhheezee

the Hardliners(not moderate hurriyat) are doing this they are asking for more Kashmiri youth to be killed to keep the fire of the unrest burning and they talk of organised violence to cause kashmiri deaths .
damn these fools:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
How many Governor rules Indian Invaders will impose in Occupied Kashmir ??????

Not going to work. Please wake up and smell the coffee. The innocent Kashmiris will keep on struggling against Indian barbarism

And world will keep quite and watch the video game. :blah::blah:
Some times i like the Indian diplomacy at world level
AM, I don't see what was wrong in my comment - It is true that Yasin Malik is married to a Britain-born Pakistani girl, Mushaal Mullick. So by that logic, he is damaad of Pakistan. Why are you always on a hair trigger?
How many Governor rules Indian Invaders will impose in Occupied Kashmir ??????

Not going to work. Please wake up and smell the coffee. The innocent Kashmiris will keep on struggling against Indian barbarism

No matter how much they try, they won't get Kashmir. If they like Pakistan, they are free to go anytime. Indian government will provide free bus service to them upto the LOC.
This angers me to the core. :angry::angry:

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India is doing everything to prove it's rule is tyrannical. Now shutting down the free-press!

Ridiculous! This is so going to snowball! All signs that the Indian back is almost broken on Kashmir
India is doing everything to prove it's rule is tyrannical. Now shutting down the free-press!

Ridiculous! This is so going to snowball! All signs that the Indian back is almost broken on Kashmir

You are probably right but India will remain in Kashmir no matter what and we both know that.None will separate Tibet from China or India from Kashmir
Yesterday I asked a question but Pakistani members did not respond.
Perhaps it was overlooked.

So I am repeating it.

Why does not Pakistan army and ALL the ONE MILLION militants that you have ( in SWAT ,FATA , Waziristan, Punjab) TOGETHER STORM THE LINE OF CONTROL.

Even if You DON T WIN your terrorism problem will end

Has Pakistan Army given up the dream of conquering kashmir
The Kashmiri shoes and sticks are doing a better job and thrashing Indian security forces, our support is always ready whenever the Kashmiris would ask for it.
Because we know the reason of their hate, and we are trying to explain them the situation, but unfortunately some fanatics in the seperatists fold with the help of extrimists whose life is dedicated to formenting trouble in india, is brain washing the teenage kids who had only seen violence in their lifes and that is a fact, and why are YOU having trouble in accpeting that fact if i may ask the counter question..!!!
Dude you're enslaving them and then telling them why it's good for you. They beat your security forces with shoes! That is the level of disdain they have for India.

You can't logic your way into their hearts - you are the problem.
Another round of Indians admitting the obvious - the deluded ones will have their backs broken as well...

What The Papers Said: The Indian Army in Kashmir - India Real Time - WSJ

By Krishna Pokharel

This weekend, India Real Time offers a roundup of opinions and analyses from Indian newspapers, magazines and websites on a key news events: the deployment of the Indian Army in the streets of Srinagar and other parts of Indian-controlled Kashmir as anti-government protests intensified and the state police and paramilitary forces appeared insufficient to maintain order.

Strategic analyst and former Indian senior bureaucrat, B.Raman wrote on the website of Outlook magazine: “The current movement started due to some anger against the security forces. Perceptions of political indifference to that anger have led to the anger turning against the political leadership. We find ourselves caught in a vicious circle. The more the publicly expressed anger against the security forces, the more the force used against the agitators and the more the force used against the agitators, the more the anger against the security forces.”

Mr. Raman’s proposal to reduce the anger in Srinagar: “Better methods of street control to avoid the use of firearms, prompt and satisfactory attention to the complaints of the people regarding excessive use of force and violations of human rights, greater interactions between the government and the agitating youth, greater control over our rhetoric to avoid demonization of the agitators and attempts to remove the impression that the government tends to bat for the errant elements in the security forces and not for the people are some of the immediate steps required. The use of the army against the street agitators would be unwise unless the situation turns desperate leaving no other option.”

In its take, the Hindustan Times turned to the criticism of the administration of Jammu & Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, saying Srinagar had been “deaf to Kashmir.” It further said in its Friday editorial: “Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has lost control of his state. The question now is whether he can recover it. Unfortunately, going by the facts on the ground that have culminated in the deployment of the Indian Army as a ‘deterrent’ to enforce peace and order around, if not in Srinagar, for the first time since at least 15 years, it doesn’t even seem that Mr. Abdullah is too keen to wrest control.” [Giving in to inevitability?]

Writing on the op-ed page of Thursday’s Hindustan Times, Amitabh Mattoo, professor at New Delhi’s Jawaharlal Nehru University, opined “what is immediately required is for New Delhi and Srinagar to fully understand the anatomy of the uprising and then craft policies that can quell this rage.”

He further wrote: “Unlike in the past, the writ of the state is not being challenged primarily by a popular insurgency or by militant organizations or even by a separatist cartel. Instead, it’s the anger of a new generation of young men and women who have grown up in these two decades of conflict, which is translating into resilient protests in many parts of the Kashmir valley. And tragically, most of those killed over the last weeks have been young people, often in the prime of their life

Mr. Mattoo’s advice to the government in New Delhi: “But all is still not lost. Much, as has been indicated, can be done unilaterally and immediately to respond to the deep yearning of the young people of the state for security in all its dimensions: that is freedom from fear in the physical, political, economic and cultural spheres.”

The Pioneer newspaper in its editorial Thursday said, “There’s clearly a pattern to the protests engineered by the separatists with more than a little help from their masters in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.”

The Times of India editorial on Friday said the latest spiral of violence in Kashmir essentially showed the failure — or the lack — of political leadership there. “When children and teenagers turn out to lead protests, it exposes a glaring leadership vacuum in society,” the paper said. “J&K is a political issue. A long-term settlement would require bringing Islamabad on board. While efforts should be made towards this, there are plenty of things to be done independently.”

Let us know what you think of the army’s deployment in Kashmir in the Comments.

The Indian media is also slowly coming to the realization that they are the bad guys in Kashmir.

There is a change in tone from all corners of India. The delusional will have to give in eventually. Power on, Kashmir!

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