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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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That Gilani is a Double Faced Hypocrite..

His Grand Children Work in Private Companies in Delhi , Many of the "So Called" Seperatist Keep Their Children's Education in Delhi and So on..

Fooling Game Going on :coffee:
Kashmir is Indian territory,we have every right to use its resources,we r not doing it for free,we r heavily spending on Kashmir and r providing them many benefits which r not even available for ordinary Indian citizens

but some pathetic people after receiving everything with open hands still try to pay back as in stones

and to the rest of the world,mind ur own business
India is using Indian resources.

Evil Bharati using Pakistan's resources (as Geelani wants to accede to Pakistan) and you are asking whats the problem.?:angry:
This is like saying man is stealing the Earth's resources :x
Kashmir deserves global attention​


Syed Neaz Ahmed’s article, “Kashmir: Fact and fiction”, (Oct. 1) was true to the core and quite fair too.

The fact of the matter is that India has not only been hoodwinking Kashmiris but the global community. Repeatedly saying that Kashmir was an “internal affair”, India has been indulging in human rights violations in Kashmir for over 60 years now. This “internal affairs” theory has not only allowed India to kill, torture, maim and jail Kashmiris, it has also allowed it to clandestinely occupy major, strategic locations of the Kashmir Valley with abnormally high numbers of military personnel. Right through the 1980s and 90s in particular, India ran a horrific campaign of killings, torture and imprisonment. Prominent Muslim leaders in jail were subjected to shocking interrogation techniques in an effort to blunt their voices for freedom!

Over the last four months, India has killed over 400 Kashmiri’s in cold blood, using their proxy, Chief Minister Omar Abdullah. It’s just about time that India realized that no amount of force would silence the voices of dissent in the valley anymore. You may have a temporal period of peace, but the larger issue will remain and that larger issue is a solution to the disputed status of Kashmir.

Hoodwinking the world community into believing that all is well in Kashmir will not work anymore. Even the Obama administration has recently taken Kashmir issue seriously and the impending state visit of the US president to India is likely to see Kashmir being on the agenda. While the suffering of the hapless Palestinians are really of serious nature, the plight of Kashmiris too deserves global attention.

Kashmir deserves global attention - Arab News
India conducting state terrorism in Kashmir, Pakistan tell U.N.

UNITED NATIONS, Sept 30 (APP): In a hard-hitting response to India’s attempt to link Pakistan with terrorism, a Pakistani delegate Wednesday asked New Delhi to stop its state-sponsored terrorism in Indian Held Kashmir as the two South Asian neighbours engaged in a verbal duel in the UN General Assembly.Exercising his right of reply to Indian External Affairs Minister S.M.Krishna’s speech earlier in the day, Ambassador Amjad Hussain Sial, the Pakistani deputy permanent representative, told the 192-member assembly that India also supported terrorist elements in neighbouring countries that created problems in the region.“India is also the country which conceived, created and nurtured the most lethal terrorist organization, which introduced suicide bombings in our region,” he said, in a clear reference to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

“Still India has the nerve to give lectures on morality to others,” Sial said in a sharp rebuttal to Krishna’s claim that Kashmir is the target of “Pakistan-sponsored militancy and terrorism.” Indian delegate Manish Gupta did speak in right of reply, but did not specifically address Pakistan’s statement about India’s role in creating the terrorist outfit. Referring to Krishna’s self-serving claim that Jammu and Kashmir was part of India, the Pakistan delegate said nothing was farther from the truth.

The disputed territory was on the agenda of the United Nations, which had passed resolutions to that effect. The first Prime Minster of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, had also made commitments, reaffirmation of which Pakistan welcomed noting that Kashmir was not the property of either India or Pakistan, but belonged to the Kashmiri people.
He went on to say that India failed to fulfil its commitments, but still had the audacity not only to claim democratic credentials, but also to aspire to be a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Pakistan had only echoed non-governmental organizations and the media as to the ongoing situation concerning human rights in India, as well as Kashmir.

Sial quoted a number of statements made by the international media and civil society groups expressing concern over the loss of life in indian Occupied Kashmir and calling for an immediate end to violence.

For example, Amnesty International had called on Indian authorities to take steps and respect the right to life, while Human Rights Watch said that Kashmiris had been left without any justice.

Despite brute force by security forces, the Pakistan delegate pointed out, Kashmiris did not support the occupation of their land and persisted in their struggle for the right for self-determination, the Pakistan delegate pointed out.

India has maligned Pakistan on terrorism in order to hide its own behaviour, he went on to say. Pakistan’s role in fighting terrorism has been stated by the international community, and security forces in Pakistan continued to try to make the world safer, although countries continued to provide weapons and money to create havoc.
The Indian Government was advised to take stock of its own policies and conduct, including supporting terrorism, Sial told representatives of member states on the last day of the general debate.

India’s policies resulted in systematic human rights abuses, and the killing and maiming of Kashmiris, he said. Pakistan remained committed to peaceful dialogue with India, including about the Kashmire dispute, which would bring lasting peace not only between Pakistan and India, but beyond their borders.

Addressing human rights for the people of IHK was the first step, the Pakistan delegate said. Gupta, the Indian delegate, accused Pakistan of making “false allegations” about his country. In fact, he said, Pakistan needed to tackle many of its own problems, rather than make comments on what he called the internal affairs of India.

Gupta claimed that free elections in Jammu and Kashmir had been conducted. Returning to the floor, Sial, the Pakistani delegate, said that his country did not interfere in internal affairs of other countries, but that the issue of Jammu and Kashmir was not an internal dispute.

Pakistan had the right to provide support to the people of Kashmir and their right to self-determination, he said. The Indian delegate’s reference justifying occupation was not only rejected by the people of Kashmir, but by the Security Council.

“The ongoing indigenous peaceful, unarmed, non-violent and widespread movement for azadi i.e. freedom in Indian occupied Kashmir has once again proved that despite facing decades of repression and some of the worst forms of human rights violations at the hands of Indian security forces, Kashmiris refuse to accept any other solution than the exercise of their just right to self-determination,” the Pakistan delegate said.

India, he said, had no other option but to implement Security Council’s demand for free and fair plebiscite under the UN auspices. Sial declared that Pakistan would continue to extend moral, political and diplomatic support to the just struggle of Kashmiri people to exercise their right to self-determination.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency ) - India conducting state terrorism in Kashmir, Pakistan tell U.N.
Yup, As The words have Come Out from the Mouth of a Very Decent man Whose country is Battling the menace Created By them speaking Of terrorism.... Where was his so called Integrity and Dignity when His nation violated the Battle ethics by Infiltrating Paramilitary troops and Mujahideens Across LOC during Kargil battle?? Which Later the World Criticized pakistan For doing it....And Now the So called Dignified People have started a New trend of Blaming India Without Proof To turn the World Attention Off them.....
Wonder what the IQ of their external affairs minster qureshi is? What hypocrisy is this? Terrorism is what contributes the bulk of Pakistan’s GDP it’s their most famous export. LOL they are branding INDIA with state terrorism, no thanks we have much better things to commence on let’s make some more software for Microsoft, IBM oracle or manufacture BMW's for Germany or help engineer a new microprocessor for Intel. While also managing to self sustain a population of 1.2 billion without worrying about receiving aid.

Let him speak,,, Wonder how many will be listening to him and wonder how many will beleive him knowing the history...
Pakistan is getting a taste of its own medicine with the breakaway Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) led by Amanullah Khan launching a ‘Quit Kashmir’ movement, similar to that of the hardline Hurriyat Conference in Kashmir, in Pakistan-0ccupied Kashmir (P0K).

The aim is “reunification and complete independence” of the state of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) divided by the line of control (LoC).
The decision was taken at a meeting of the JKLF central committee in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, on September 30. The meeting held under the leadership of chairman Sardar Saghir Ahmad Khan resolved to expand the ‘Quit Kashmir’ movement to P0K and northern areas, including Gilgit and Baltistan.

A similar movement was launched by the pro-Pakistan Hurriyat led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani in Kashmir in June. The movement has so far claimed 109 lives in the Valley, mostly in firing by security forces and police.

“To mobilise popular support for a concerted movement, JKLF has decided to hold a series of demonstrations in parts of Pakistan-0ccupied Kashmir from September 30.

Sit-ins will be held from October 22 to 27 at various places close to the ceasefire line [LoC],” Toqeer Geelani, publicity chief of JKLF, said.

Elaborating, he said, JKLF will hold a series of public meetings from October 1 to 20 at all district headquarters, colleges and university campuses in P0K and Gilgit-Baltistan to consolidate the otherwise suppressed national aspiration for reunification and independence of the state of J&K.

“JKLF will hold a national integration restoration week from October 21 protesting foreign occupation of J&K. On October 22, 1947, tribals supported by Pakistani forces entered J&K to plunder and on October 27, 1947, Indian forces arrived in Srinagar. As a result, the state was divided between India and Pakistan,” Geelani said.

The breakaway faction claims to be the real JKLF having presence in both parts of Kashmir. Amanullah Khan was chairman of united JKLF when militancy started in Kashmir in 1989, but later spilt with Yasin Malik.

Now, separatists rise against Pak’s illegal occupation of Kashmir
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Hmm...here's a funny scenario....India and Pakistan will keep fighting over Kashmir and both Kashmir's parts will go and join China and then India Pak will have to join hands:) to rescue Kashmir from China for waters sake if not anything else. That will be funny..Im just kidding though.
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