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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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The entire article is based on fantasy. Read the blogs of Vikram Sood and find out for yourself that he clearly says it is a new strategy of ISI as the world becomes more sensitive to terrorism.
So you have changed your mind. The right to self-determination is now no longer a matter of law or resolutions at UN, but is a merely a matter of morality. Very fine.

What are the moral contours of Kashmiri’s ‘right to self determination’? Or, to rephrase that, what gives Kashmiris the ‘moral right’ to claim ‘right to self-determination’? Obviously you can no longer make reference to UN and its resolutions. If morality is the issue, then whether or not it is codified at UN or elsewhere, makes no difference, if such codification is not binding like law.

However, as an aside, I may remind you, that even the UN resolutions do not give an absolute right to self determination to Kashmiris, if at all UN resolutions under Chapter VI give rise to any right. It is conditional.

I have not changed my mind . On the contarary I think UN resolutions represent international affirmation of our Right of self determination . Infact RSD is based on principle that every nation has the right to freely decide on its sovereignty and international political status without external compulsion or outside interference. Hence UN resolutions represent the implicit acceptance of Kashmiri Nationhood by International community . From legal pov UN resolutions might not represent much as there is no law over states but from moral pov UN resolutions are implicit implicit acceptance of Kashmiri Nationhood by International community .
You are making a lot of assumptions here and one of them is that sikh community in kashmir is predominantly pro -india . Even if someone agrees with your assumption the moot point is that in demographic terms sikhs are less than 1% of valleys population . They can influence niether political discourse(vis a vis Kashmirs accession to india ) nor a plebicite in kashmir valley

Iam Not Making any assumptions, the news Is about Sikhs threatened by the Militants in the valley, Its You who is assuming Things, I dont need to Justify Anyone about my opinion afterall the News Speaks for me... there is a strong 60,000 Sikhs Living there in the Kashmir, and Ofcourse they are a Hindrance For Your Mass Movement, They Kicked out Kashmiri Pandits and Now In the process of Judging the same fate for the Sikhs in the valley....

This part of your post reflects your hatred for muslims and you can't hide that by accusing us kashmiri muslims as bieng brain washed . Anyone who reads this will understand who is brainwashed and who is not .

I Dont hate Islam, But I hate those who spoil the name of Islam, Like these terrorists who fight in the name of Islam.... The Girl Whom I love and Have relationship for over 5 years is a Muslim, I have seen Islam Through Her Innocence and Love...
The same resolutions dont allow you to be independent.It allows you to only be a part of Pakistan or India.

You know wat - the independence option was dropped at the behest of Pakistan.!!!

Guessing from your flag you will choose Pakistan.But Indian canot allow a strategic piece of land for which we have paid a huge price in blood to simply go away so that some separatists are happy.

What UN resolutions mean to us Kashmiris is the acceptance of Kashmiri nationalism and our right to choose future political status of Kashmir without external compulsion or pressure. Other details might need to be revisited but the basic principle from our pov is absolute.

and the verdict of the CBI was also based on evidence.
Yeah, false and concocted evidence.
Kashimiri's were not party to UN resolution so they should not talk about UN resolution.
Till 89 I visited Kashmir 10 times lived for months, there was no problem. My uncle was SP Srinagar.
So indication is that people were happy with India. Also in all wars Kashmiri's never revolted why? If they wanted freedom Kargil was best time.

I understand the condition is not very good over there but that is because of militancy. When there is Counter Insergency going on some colateral damage is expected and some of this will be wrong identification and some will be misuse of power's by soilders.
You poor bleeding heart.

It's a good policy. Terrorize minorities (Hindus, Sikhs) and ethnically cleanse out the valley, and then say "Oh you poor things, why did you leave?? Tsk, tsk. Bad jihadis!!!"

Where were you when the Pandits were being driven out of their homes? The poor among them still live in Ghettoes, as refugees all over India. They are (were) Kashmiris too.

This is the two-nation theory all over again. Muslims Vs the rest.

Dudes. Wake up. Kashmir is not just a symbol of the country's unity, It is also a huge STRATEGIC asset adjoining China, Pakistan and Central Asia.
Kashmir will never be an independent country, at least not for the two next generations. :wave:

I think you completly missed out the point of my post. Also, I'd like to point out where India was when the Muslims of Kashmir were being violently oppressed on a larger scale, you 'invaded' a land upon the request of a mass murdering tyrant.
What UN resolutions mean to us Kashmiris is the acceptance of Kashmiri nationalism and our right to choose future political status of Kashmir without external compulsion or pressure. Other details might need to be revisited but the basic principle from our pov is absolute.

Hoe can you suddenly change your stance now.?

The UNSC resolutions that you guys are so after doesnt allow you to be independent.

Now tell me how can India grant you independence if the UNSC resolutions doesnt have any option of Independence.?

Yeah, false and concocted evidence.

And how do you decided that.?

I think you completly missed out the point of my post. Also, I'd like to point out where India was when the Muslims of Kashmir were being violently oppressed on a larger scale, you 'invaded' a land upon the request of a mass murdering tyrant.

FYI there was no India at that time -there were only about 565 independent pricely states and your Kashmir was one of them.So your question itself is wrong.

And please the oppression of Muslims in the past(even if there was one such) dosnt give you any license to take revenge now.
This is not new from Geelani and Seperatist.

Let me remind you one of those slogan by seperatist in the early 1990.

Kashmir me rehna hain to Allah-o-Akbar Kehna Hai

Some of the tapped slogans repeatedly spoken out by separatist.

On the night of January 19, all mosques in the valley began to broadcast from the loudspeakers that are used normally for prayer calls, a taped message which ran non- stop twenty four hours for three consecutive days:

The marauders played dire warnings from mosques which pierced each nerve of anybody with a Hindu name. As the sun turned pale, the exhortations became louder, and three taped slogans repeatedly played their terror: 'Kashmir mei agar rehna hai, Allah-O-Akbar kehna hai' (If you want to stay in Kashmir, you have to say Allah is great); 'Yahan kya chalega, Nizam-e-Mustafa' (What do we want here? Rule of Shariah); 'Asi gachchi Pakistan, Batao roas te Batanev san' (We want Pakistan along with Hindu women, but without their men).

Kashmir kya banega - Pakistan (What will Kashmir be - Pakistan)

Battav - ya raliv, ya chaliv, natte galiv (Hindus/Pandits, either convert, leave, or get killed).

Zalimo O, Kafiro, Kashmir hamara chhod do (Ye cruel Kafirs (infidels) vacate our Kashmir)

Arise ye, fearless Momins (What will have sway here - Prophet's governance)

For Russia has lost the race,
Now the sword hangs on India's neck
Now it is Kashmir's turn.

Islam hamara maksad hai
Kuran hamara dastur hai
Jehad hamara rasta hai.

(Islam is our destination
Koran is our constitution
Jehad is our way.)

Hamein kya chahye, Nizame Mustafa
Kashmere main kya chalaiga, Nizame Mustafa
Hindustan mein kya chalaiga, Nizame Mustafa

(What do we need - Prophet's governance. What will
have sway in Kashmir - Prophet's governance.
What will have sway in India - Prophet's governance.

Ganga-Jamuna mein aag lagayenge

(We will destroy Ganga and Yamuna)

1. Headlines from local newspaper "Alsafa", Srinagar on April 14, 1990: "Kashmiri Pandits responsible for duress against Muslims should leave the valley within two days."

2. Press release of Hizbul Mujahideen faction of Kashmiri terrorists published in the morning edition of Urdu daily "Aftab" on 1/4/1990. The headlines proclaimed: "The aim of present struggle is the supremacy of Islam in Kashmir, in all walks of life and nothing else. Anyone who puts any hurdle in our way will be annihilated."

3. Hand bill found pasted on the doors of Kashmiri Hindu Homes and the streets of Srinagar by Allah Tigers, yet another terrorist outfit: "Awake and arise Muslims, Run Away Infidels, Jihad is ahead."

So, surely they want Kashmir to become Muslim State in Pakistan. India will never tolerate any type such act which would lead a secular state in to another Pakistan type act of 1947.
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What UN resolutions mean to us Kashmiris is the acceptance of Kashmiri nationalism and our right to choose future political status of Kashmir without external compulsion or pressure. Other details might need to be revisited but the basic principle from our pov is absolute.

You didn't get it. When Lord Mountbatten showed the final draft ,of giving independence to India, to the Congress , it had the provision for each ruler to choose 3 options. They were India, Pak or Independence. Mr. Nehru immediately rejected it as it would have broke India into not just two nations but tens of different nations, who would have remain at war with each other as also remained subjected to British support for most things. Thus logically Britishers would have still be in control of the pre-partition India.

Mr. Nehru immediately told Lord Mountbatten that it is not acceptable as the final draft should lead to only two nations and made sure that it is Pakistan that break away while India remains united. Thus Kashmir never could have become an independent state as it was against the spirit of the final draft of India's independence from the British Kingdom.

The choice was to be made by the rulers and they did that. The Kashmiri ruler chose India over Pak and no other decision could have been made. The Kashmiris fought valiantly against the marauding PAK army in both 47' and 65' and this reflected their choice of sticking with India over Pak. Now what has happened is that Pak by using psychological war and terrorism has corrupted the minds of the young people.

And thus the decisions or aspirations of 10% people could not be made a case to say that the whole of Kashmir wants independence. The case is crystal clear India saved the Kashmiris from the humiliation and oppression they would have felt on becoming a part of Pak as are the Baluchs, sindhis and the Pashtuns facing.
Indian forces in captive Kashmir are under heavy pressure internally and externally, and so something must be created to relieve some of the pressure in international circles - What better than an anonomous letter that will feed the fears - Islam, Muslims, Insurgency - so feed away, it's a "all you can eat" feast.
Indian forces in captive Kashmir are under heavy pressure internally and externally, and so something must be created to relieve some of the pressure in international circles - What better than an anonomous letter that will feed the fears - Islam, Muslims, Insurgency - so feed away, it's a "all you can eat" feast.

What about same letters sent in 1990s. They proved to be true latter and what happen almost all ethic Hindu Pundits leaving from 5000's of years were forced to go out of their own land.
Indian forces in captive Kashmir are under heavy pressure internally and externally, and so something must be created to relieve some of the pressure in international circles - What better than an anonomous letter that will feed the fears - Islam, Muslims, Insurgency - so feed away, it's a "all you can eat" feast.

India got no pressure "externally" not even from UN or US or Russia or EU.

Plz support ur claim of external pressure on New Delhi.

and as of the condition in valley..............New delhi can live with it.

and about fear of Islam.................dude now dont say that Islam got a loving history with sikhs
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