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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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r4rehan said:
yaar he is right about our current leader ship that's why we are just bring revalution in pakistan and wana change this system ...... we are bring here khilafat in pak the systm which rule the world abt 1400 years

sorry today is our eid so i have to go my frnd talk to u later bye
i love u all my frndz and all my ennmy :-*

Khilafat essentialy means arab imperialism and never really survived the initial phase where all Khalifas were assasinated one by one. The longest running Islamic empire was ottoman which was at best secular, progressive and elective in its political constitution.
r4rehan said:
yaar he is right about our current leader ship that's why we are just bring revalution in pakistan and wana change this system ...... we are bring here khilafat in pak the systm which rule the world abt 1400 years

sorry today is our eid so i have to go my frnd talk to u later bye
i love u all my frndz and all my ennmy :-*

Khilafat essentialy means arab imperialism and never really survived the initial phase where all Khalifas were assasinated one by one. The longest running Islamic empire was ottoman which was at best secular, progressive and elective in its political constitution.
@Rajput Warrior

If you had looked into this thred keenly,then you would have found out that the picture has been posted already.Refer to page 3.

Yes we can understand that an immense fire is burning inside you :flame: After watching this pic again & again ;)

Sorry but you have to feel the heat.Because no one has a right to go against the will & desire of human biengs(according to the norms of human civilization) especially when they are opressed,their rights are not reaching to them & freedom is snatched from them by the supressors :)
Yes we can understand that an immense fire is burning inside you :flame: After watching this pic again & again ;)

Sorry but you have to feel the heat.Because no one has a right to go against the will & desire of human biengs(according to the norms of human civilization) especially when they are opressed,their rights are not reaching to them & freedom is snatched from them by the supressors :)

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:cant be anymore wrong..Its just yet another protest movement....Personally I am more concerned with the remote parts of India where there is significant lack of development and less options for livelihood.

Kashmir,though not one of the top GDP earner for India is more or less economically stable.But employment issue is still there.Most of the protest movements can be traced back to unemployment.

You will be surprised to know that some of the youth who were throwing stones in rallies of anti-India protest movements were also found in the recruitment drives of the Indian Army.What does this tell us?? Idealogy is not the issue here,unemployment is.
The so called maharaja did not control the whole of disputed region..only J&K and we are willing to have a talk over that..But Indians wet dream about including whole of northern Pakistan in their claims which is unaccecptable at best. Nobody recognises Indian claims over such.
I believe UN recognizes such Indian claims. Although Pakistan maintains a façade of rejecting Indian claim over NA, it still chose to include the following clause in an agreement between Pakistan and China while ceding away Shaksagam Valley to China.

"The two parties have agreed that after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations with the Government of the People's Republic of China on the boundary as described in Article. Two of the present agreement, so as to sign a formal boundary treaty to replace the present agreement, provided that in the event of the sovereign authority being Pakistan, the provisions of the present agreement and of the aforesaid protocol shall be maintained in the formal boundary treaty to be signed between the People’s Republic of China and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan." [Article 6; Sino-Pakistan Frontier Agreement]

It means that Pakistan also accepts that sovereignty of NA remains undecided as yet, which is basically tacitly accepting India’s claim to NA.

That being said, today, after Simla Agreement, India no longer maintains that claim. India’s proposal of converting LoC into IB is an indication of this position.

And if accession of maharaja is all that significant to "idols of ethics" indian then shall we also talk about state of Jnunagarth. What kind of mentality is this - what ever belongs to me is mine but whatever belongs to you is also mine??? Lets talk on fair points..if India honours pieces of paper with utmost importance then we shall reciprocate..otherwise gun is the only way of resolution.


So its instrument of accession when it favours them and plesbistite when it favours them. Classic brahmin self center politics of duplicity??
Contrary to usual Pakistani narrative, India had never rejected the legality of IoA in case of Junagadh. India’s position was that the accession was not in good faith and demanded that it be reversed by Pakistan, by canceling the IoA, or in the event of Pakistan’s refusal, by a plebiscite. This actually presupposes that accession of Junagadh to Pakistan was legally complete by virtue of IoA. India did follow it up with Kashmir as well. IoA was accepted with a promise to hold plebiscite when law and order could be restored. Where is the duplicity here?


These bozos want to be with a country whose flag they don't know how to hoist properly.:no:

The flag is upside down.
This Omar Abdulla is proving to be the weakest chief minister in J&K.
All the possessions should be stopped with immediate effect and the moronic separatists should be thrown to where they belong.
This Omar Abdulla is proving to be the weakest chief minister in J&K.
All the possessions should be stopped with immediate effect and the moronic separatists should be thrown to where they belong.

They are already there ie where they belong to ....Kashmir
Yes we can understand that an immense fire is burning inside you :flame: After watching this pic again & again ;)

Sorry but you have to feel the heat.Because no one has a right to go against the will & desire of human biengs(according to the norms of human civilization) especially when they are opressed,their rights are not reaching to them & freedom is snatched from them by the supressors :)

there is no fire inside us coz we know nothing will change.btw u r burning coz u also know nothing will change but u dream that change will take place which is a dream in deed.
@Rajput Warrior

If you had looked into this thred keenly,then you would have found out that the picture has been posted already.Refer to page 3.

here is it again... please open your eyes India...... Face the reality...
Contrary to usual Pakistani narrative, India had never rejected the legality of IoA in case of Junagadh. India’s position was that the accession was not in good faith and demanded that it be reversed by Pakistan, by canceling the IoA, or in the event of Pakistan’s refusal, by a plebiscite. This actually presupposes that accession of Junagadh to Pakistan was legally complete by virtue of IoA. India did follow it up with Kashmir as well. IoA was accepted with a promise to hold plebiscite when law and order could be restored. Where is the duplicity here?

So just because the IoA was not in their favour it was fair to invade and hold a plesbestite?? So we come back to the policy of "what ever is mine is mine but whatever is yours is also mine". Why did indian forces invade Junagarth first place when IoA was already signed?? Wasnt that a breach?? So we also demand that accession of Kashmir was not in good faith and be reversed!

In plain words..

IoA in case of Kashmir in favour of India = accecptable
IoA in case of Junagarth in favour of Pakistan = nonaccecptable, invade and hold a plesbestite.

So again going by your logic the people of Kashmir wish to join Pakistan or independence hence there should be a plesbestite too under UN Supervision since the demographics are significantly different than Junagarth. Pakistan questions the validity of Kashmir IoA in same sense Indians questioned the validity of Junagarth IoA. Its a fair play.

And i think Kasmiri flag is opposite of Pakistani flag. They couldnt be hoisting it upside down in every pic. Nobody is that dumb! This way they could signify their importance towards Pakistan while maintaing a clear "independence" tone and not sending any false signals of acceding to Pakistan.
These bozos want to be with a country whose flag they don't know how to hoist properly.:no:

The flag is upside down.

This is the feeling from the heart so please accept the reality.. Atleast Pakistan's flag is not having the same treatment which the indian flag normally gets in kashmir.
2ndly These are kashmiris feeling from their heart so whether it is upside down or whatever .. It's their love for this flag :pakistan: that is clearly visible. You just have to open your eyes and mind and face the reality and accept the will of the Kashmiris . Because India claims to be the biggest Democracy so i think they should accept the people's right to live as they want.
Ok ISI and Pakistan also had a hand in this..

You can fool some people all the time, all people some of the time but not all the people all the time. A perfect scenerio for Indian Kashmir policy!
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