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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Today the People In Kashmir Burnt the Govt Buildings, I do not get the Idea why are they disrupting there own Living for the cause of Nothing.... Power House Burnt , What would they achieve by doing this all, They do not Understand that, If a wrath of 1000 separatist could make fire, how much can a Billion people do situated Just below them.... Makes No Sense at all
Today the People In Kashmir Burnt the Govt Buildings, I do not get the Idea why are they disrupting there own Living for the cause of Nothing.... Power House Burnt , What would they achieve by doing this all, They do not Understand that, If a wrath of 1000 separatist could make fire, how much can a Billion people do situated Just below them.... Makes No Sense at all

In one simple sentence:

"The mob has many heads but no brains." - English Proverb

Just ignore them. We have many more important things in life and country to worry about than a few misled delusional minds.:coffee:

Let's work for the country and everything else will fall in place in due course of time.:coffee:

Clock Tower Lal Chowk ..Sep -11- 2010

Close up of above

Eid Gah ...Sep -11 -2010

Lal Chowk on sep 11 2010 Where Clock tower is sitiuated

ALLAH bless u our beloved mujahideen of Islam and Pakistan and Kashmir...
keep doing the jihad(Straggle) in every Street of Kashmir with protest,,,, u'll be successed inshaa ALLAH,,,,

<(_|_)| AKBAR

The Hindu : States / Other States : Violent protests in Srinagar after Eid prayers

Police accuse the Hurriyat Conference's hardline fraction of taking advantage of the Eid congregation and inciting violence in the city.

Rampaging mobs on Saturday set on fire some public properties including the Crime Branch office and a police guard post in Hazratbal Shrine as violence marred Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations in Srinagar city.

Police blamed activists of hard line faction of Hurriyat Conference led by Syed Ali Shah Geelani and Muslim league headed by underground separatist leader Masrat Alam Bhat for carrying out the incidents of arson as part of a pre-planned conspiracy to disrupt Eid celebrations.

Soon after a protest rally organised by separatist leaders at Lal Chowk, a group of youth barged into the office of Chief Engineer Power Development Department (PDD) near Exhibition Crossing here and set it on fire.

The adjacent building housing the Crime Branch office was also engulfed in flames within no time and the blaze spread rapidly as the building is mostly made of wood.

Police had been clearly instructed that there should be no firing on the mob. Several rounds were fired in air to disperse the mob and fire tenders were pressed into service to douse the flames.

Senior police officials led by Director General of Police (DGP) Kuldeep Khoda rushed to the spot to bring the situation under control.

So far, there are no reports of anyone getting injured in the firing incident.

The rally at Lal Chowk was organised jointly by several separatist leaders including Moderate Hurriyat chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, JKLF Chairman Mohammad Yasin Malik and acting chairman of hard line faction Nissar Hussain Rather.

The separatist activists hoisted several objectionable flags atop the clock tower. The tower, which was recently renovated by the Srinagar Municipal Corporation, suffered damage as several youth climbed atop it.

The Mirwaiz called for an half-an-hour sit in protest in the heart of the city and later left for his home despite assurances made by him that the crowd will disperse quietly after the sit-in.

During his Eid sermon at Eidgah, where thousands of people offered prayers, the Mirwaiz asked them to march to Lal Chowk to stage a 30-minute protest against the recent killing of people in Kashmir.

Earlier, a mob set on fire a police barrack and a vehicle of the police department outside the Harzratbal Shrine on the banks of the Dal lake here following which security forces had to open fire.

Soon after Eid-ul-Fitr prayers, a group of people attacked the police barrack in the lawns of Hazratbal and set it on fire. They also set ablaze a police vehicle.

Police opened fire to disperse the mob and prevent any further damage to public property, they said adding seven persons including three cops were hurt in the clashes.

Police spokesman said activists of hardline faction of Hurriyat Conference led by Geelani and Muslim League disrupted Eid prayers at Hazaratbal and set afire the Auqaf building housing the policemen and a police vehicle.

“Timely and prompt action of the fire service and police stopped the fire from spreading. The mob was dispersed. However, the situation is tense,” he said and accused the Mirwaiz of aggravating the situation by “leading a procession to Lal Chowk, taking the advantage of the Eid congregation.

“He (the Mirwaiz) has vitiated the Eid celebration in Srinagar”, the spokesman said, adding the administration and police were exercising maximum restraint and have appealed to the people to cooperate with the administration.

The police spokesman said the workers of the Hurriyat and Muslim League, who had in a pre-planned manner disrupted the peaceful prayers at Hazratbal, have been identified.

“Investigation reveals that these elements had planned in advance to provoke the administration and use the Eid congregating to disrupt festivities and create the misconception this was a popular movement,” he said.

The spokesman said the arrests at Kulgam on Thursday had found that “hardline Hurriyat Conference has been using hooligans to force people to participate in the strikes and protests.”

“This is for the first time that an Eid congregation has been converted into protest and the people of Srinagar have not been allowed to celebrate Eid peacefully,” the spokesman said, adding it seems that people by and large are being held hostage by elements with vested interests.

Meanwhile, traffic police posts at Jahangir Chowk and Regal chowk were also set on fire. The plastic road dividers, used by the traffic police for regulating traffic, were also torched at many places.


So much for peaceful protests, this will be just make the backlash so much stronger against the sepratists.
only bullets will answer terrorists nothing can seperate kashmir from india.

Well in Indian opinion they are always right and everyone else is wrong this is expressed from an average indian all the way to government so there is no point arguing or trolling..

The so called maharaja did not control the whole of disputed region..only J&K and we are willing to have a talk over that..But Indians wet dream about including whole of northern Pakistan in their claims which is unaccecptable at best. Nobody recognises Indian claims over such.

And if accession of maharaja is all that significant to "idols of ethics" indian then shall we also talk about state of Jnunagarth. What kind of mentality is this - what ever belongs to me is mine but whatever belongs to you is also mine??? Lets talk on fair points..if India honours pieces of paper with utmost importance then we shall reciprocate..otherwise gun is the only way of resolution.

The Instrument of Accession dated 15 September 1947 reads as follows:

WHEREAS the Indian Independence Act, 1947 provides that as from the fifteenth day of August, 1947, there shall be set up an independent Dominion known as Pakistan and that the Government of India Act, 1935, shall, with such omissions, additions, adaptations and modifications as the Governor General may order, specify, be applicable to the dominion of Pakistan.
AND WHEREAS the Government of India Act, 1935, as so adopted by the Governor General provides that an Indian State may accede to the Dominion of Pakistan by an Instrument of Accession executed by the Ruler thereof, NOW THEREFORE
I, Mohobat Khan Ruler of Junagadh State, in exercise of my sovereignty in and over my said State do hereby execute this my instrument of Accession, and
1. I hereby declare that I accede to Dominion of Pakistan with the intent that the Governor General of Pakistan, the Dominion Legislature, the Supreme Court and any other Dominion shall by virtue of this my instrument of Accession, but subject always to the terms thereof, and for the purposes only of the Dominion, exercise in relation to the State of Jungadh (hereinafter referred to as &#8220;this State&#8221;) such functions as may be vested in them by or under the Government of India Act, 1935, as in force in the Dominion of Pakistan on the 15th day of August, 1947 (which Act as so in force is hereinafter referred as &#8220;the Act&#8221;).
2. I, hereby assume the obligation of ensuring that due effect is given to the provisions of the Act within this state so far as they are applicable therein by virtue of t his my instrument of Accession.
3. I accept the matters specified in the Schedule hereto as the matters with respect to which the Dominion Legislature may make laws for this State.
4. I hereby declare that I accede to the Dominion of Pakistan on the assurance that if an agreement is made between the Governor General and the Ruler of this State whereby any functions in relation to the administration in this state of any law of the Dominion Legislature shall be exercised by the Ruler of this State, then any such agreement shall be construed and have effect accordingly.
5. Nothing in the Instrument shall empower the Dominion Legislature to make any law for this State authorizing the compulsory acquisition of land for any purpose, but I hereby undertake that should the Dominion for the purpose of a Dominion law which applies in this State deem it necessary to acquire and land, I will at their request acquire the land at their expense or if the land belongs to me transfer it to them on such terms as may be agreed, or, in default of agreement determined by an arbitrator to be appointed by the Chief Justice of Pakistan.
6. The terms of this my instrument of Accession shall not be varied by any amendment of the Act or of the Indian Independence Act, 1947, unless such amendment is accepted by me by an Instrument supplementary to this Instrument.
7. Nothing in this Instrument shall be deemed to commit me in any way to acceptance of any future Constitution of Pakistan or to fetter my discretion to enter into arrangements with the Government of Pakistan under any such future Constitution.
8. Nothing in this Instrument effects the continuance of my sovereignty in and over this state, or, save as provided by or sovereignty in and over this state, or, save as provided by or under this Instrument, the exercise of any powers, authority and rights now enjoyed by me as Ruler of this State of the validity of any law at present in force in this State.
9. I hereby declare that I execute this Instrument on behalf of this State and that any reference in this Instrument to me or to the Ruler of the State is to be construed as including a reference to my heirs and successors.
Given under my hand this Fourteenth day of September, Nineteen Hundred and forty-seven.
[Signed] Mahabat Khan, Ruler of Junagadh
This was countersigned:

I do hereby accept this Instrument of Accession, Date this Fifteenth day of September, Nineteen Hundred and forty-seven.
[Signed] M. A. Jinnah
Governor General of Pakistan
This was notified in the Gazette of Pakistan and Dasturul Amal, the Gazette of Junagadh, on that date.

The Instrument of Accession provided for the right of Pakistan legislature to legislate in the areas of Defence and Communication, as well as others.

Although the territory of Junagadh was geographically not adjoining the existing Pakistan, it had a link by sea through the Verawal Port of Junagadh.

So this way we are going back to square one - akhand bharat.

No wonder the chinese figured it out no stablity for Asia until india is balkanized?? So whats next?? India claims on Afghanistan, parts of Persia, central asia even Brazil and Italy??

Nehru said:
In view of special circumstances pointed out by Junagadh Dewan that is the Prime Minister of Junagadh &#8211; our Regional Commissioner at Rajkot has taken temporarily charge of Junagadh administration. This has been done to avoid disorder and resulting chaos. We have, however, no desire to continue this arrangement and wish to find a speedy solution in accordance with the wishes of the people of Junagadh. We have pointed out to you previously that final decision should be made by means of referendum or plebiscite. We would be glad to discuss this question and allied matters affecting Junagadh with representatives of your Government at the earliest possible moment convenient to you. We propose to invite Nawab of Junagadh to send his representatives to this conference.

GoP Reply said:
Your telegram informing that your Government had taken charge of Junagadh was received by me on November 10, 1947. Your action in taking over State Administration and sending Indian troops to state without any authority from Pakistan Government and indeed without our knowledge, is a clear violation of Pakistan territory and breach of International law. Indian Government&#8217;s activities on accession of Junagadh to Pakistan have all been directed to force the State to renounce accession and all kinds of weapons have been used by you to achieve this end. We consider your action in taking charge of Junagadh Administration and sending Indian troops to occupy Junagadh to be a direct act of hostility against Pakistan Dominion. We demand that you should immediately withdraw your forces, and relinquish charge of administration to the rightful ruler and stop people of Union of India from invading Junagadh and committing acts of violence.

So its instrument of accession when it favours them and plesbistite when it favours them. Classic brahmin self center politics of duplicity??

And to the fanboys of Mughal empire please it was an utter failure and mughals were not even proven muslim by any standards..
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they just rule 100 years but We(Muslim) rule 1000zz year did u forget our favour ??? We Muslim gave u peace in ur own area if u wana peace in ur country so just find ture muslim parson and give him a leader's chair,,,, but be care full there can be so called muslim like our leader my brother i cares abt u that's why im saying this love u :-*

Indian defination of true muslim is self styled and appointed scholars like Khal Naik. Please stop trolling we dont want Indian muslims to rule us..Pakistani nation is already paying a heavy price of allowing an alien named Moulana Moododi!
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and most of the pakistanis claim to be the friends of sikh and they made videos that sikh willl support pakistan in war with india.

if they will then what u'll do
and we don't need any one yaar we can do every thing alonly
if they will then it'll be their choice
they just rule 100 years but We(Muslim) rule 1000zz year did u forget our favour ??? We Muslim gave u peace in ur own area if u wana peace in ur country so just find ture muslim parson and give him a leader's chair,,,, but be care full there can be so called muslim like our leader my brother i cares abt u that's why im saying this love u :-*

1000 years is an ambiguous statement....India as we see it today was never controlled totally by any Muslim ruler.The largest territory that was controlled by any Muslim ruler,was by the Mughal ruler Aurangzeb.He too could not control the whole of India due to the presence of the Maratha.

I would very much like to know how did the Muslim rulers gave peace.As I see it,India is a peaceful land.Many invaders came to India from time to time,stayed here and became one of us and lived peacefully.
@ mods, the thread has degenerated to personal attacks and needless country bashing. Kindly take notice.


@Rajput Warrior

If you had looked into this thred keenly,then you would have found out that the picture has been posted already.Refer to page 3.
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