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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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They demand that India withdraw forces
They demand that India withdraw AFSPA
They demand that India investigate human rights' violation
They demand that India grant them independence
They demand that India hold a plebiscite

of the 5 points you have mentioned above i support point 3. human rights violations need to be investigated as they would be in any other part of our country.

point 1 and 2 depend on the insurgency and security situation in J&K. once the security situation improves to the point that the army is not needed to flush out terrorists who regularly infiltrate the LoC, the army can move out and the AFSPA can be revoked.

points 4 and 5 are pretty much the same. with the current scenario, the kashmiris are too pissed off with india to choose anything but independence.

maybe if we had conducted the plebicide in 1971.....sigh.

on the demand of plebicide, the GoI will probably keep stalling forever or till a point is reached where the populace of kashmir supports india.
of the 5 points you have mentioned above i support point 3. human rights violations need to be investigated as they would be in any other part of our country.

point 1 and 2 depend on the insurgency and security situation in J&K. once the security situation improves to the point that the army is not needed to flush out terrorists who regularly infiltrate the LoC, the army can move out and the AFSPA can be revoked.

points 4 and 5 are pretty much the same. with the current scenario, the kashmiris are too pissed off with india to choose anything but independence.

maybe if we had conducted the plebicide in 1971.....sigh.

on the demand of plebicide, the GoI will probably keep stalling forever or till a point is reached where the populace of kashmir supports india.

Buddy it's a cold-hearted game of interplay of interests and interests only.

India is playing to its own interests.
Pakistan is playing to its own interests.
Separatists are playing to their own interests.

My simple point is, everybody will have to give something and take something. This hold true for India, Pakistan and the seperatists. But, and this is a big but, since India currently has the upper hand and a position of strength, hence, India will get, it's only logical, more than it will give.

India will have to give full autonomy, human rights and everything. What India can't give in to is redrawing of borders. It's simply not going to happen. Plebiscite, hence, as an extrapolation of that, is not in India's interest.

Pakistan will also have to reconcile its differences with India. Give up demand for plebiscite, independence, redrawing of borders. In return, Pakistan gets peace (and they need it much more currently than does India). Pakistan gets trade with India which their economy needs desperately. And if they really are serious about the interests of kashmiris, it will give them assurance that the rights of kashmiris will be upheld.

Kahmiris will have to give up demand for independence. What they will get is a reconciliation with the parts of Kashmir under Pakistan's control. A greater unified kashmir will emerge with much much more autonomy and actual freedom but under the respective military control of India and Pakistan.

In the end, everybody will have to compromise.
Man, when will it stop.

It'll never stop. It never should. Its a legal right in India to express your opinion when you feel wronged. Its freedom of speech. So no, its not gonna stop till every one feels hes been done done justice. When that happens is not sure, but till then every Tom, Dick and Harry like me has the right to peaceully protest against the government for its policies that I don't agree with. Thats Democracy.
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The Kashmir's is one of the most confused people in the world. While they are demanding 100 things they do not look inwards and no introspection.

1) The Human riots violation happened only after 1989, to put it straight. If you start doing violence in house you can get mistreated.
When people became militant and started killing people who were simply doing their job, how do they feel? They respond and for them it is not easy to identify between common man and militant, since unlike security forces they do not have a uniform. This leads to situations where they are wrong, also some people take advantage of the situation and misuse it.

Simply put when you create a situation where security forces needs to be called, you have live with side effects. The solution stop supporting militancy and security forces will be out. These violent protests are doing the opposite. So in that sense Kashmir's are doing the opposite of what they are asking for.

Assam, Manipur also has same problem, it is because you have created situation where security forces are called in.

2) Look at this hypocrisy of Kashmir people. They did injustice with Pandits, they cannot rectify it themselves but asking for Justice. Simply put when u are at doing end you do not want to compromise of find a solution for your brothers whom you raped because of religion. Now when you are at receiving end you are saying we want this and that.

3) By the least a demand for Independence should come from at-least a complete state, this is not understood by the Kashmir's they think only 4 districts can ask for freedom. I was watching the NDTV program where first some Kashmir said we want the whole Kashmir to get Independent, later they were asked if they cared about others and their views they said they are fine being a country of 4 districts.

Now this is not living in lala land or what, who will make 4 districts as a country?

In the end Kashmir's have more than anyone can give provide they come to peace.
They have own people ruling.
Article 370 preventing others from buying property. No other state has this.
They get more money than other states.

All the cry of Human riots violation will vanish if they try to bring peace in valley, there will be no security forces then.
I think its important for India to start thinking of new routes at containing this "tamashe." Allow all Indians to live and work in Kashmir. Revoke their special status. Times have changed and tough decisions have to be made. It is not fair for the rest of India when Kashmiris can go anywhere in India to live and work. Our tactics need to change and adapt to the changing scenarios, the same way terrorists look at weaknesses to exploit any situation. Just take a look at how the West responds to riots. Sometimes even assassinations have to be taken for the overall good of the country. These separatists should be hanged or imprisoned immediately. A policy of photographing leaders and their cohorts should be taken immediately to interpret the bigger picture.
I think its important for India to start thinking of new routes at containing this "tamashe." Allow all Indians to live and work in Kashmir. Revoke their special status. Times have changed and tough decisions have to be made. It is not fair for the rest of India when Kashmiris can go anywhere in India to live and work. Our tactics need to change and adapt to the changing scenarios, the same way terrorists look at weaknesses to exploit any situation. Just take a look at how the West responds to riots. Sometimes even assassinations have to be taken for the overall good of the country. These separatists should be hanged or imprisoned immediately. A policy of photographing leaders and their cohorts should be taken immediately to interpret the bigger picture.

I agree but problem is you cannot send people in large number in a day and in small number they will kill.
I agree but problem is you cannot send people in large number in a day and in small number they will kill.
If autonomy offer fails we should go other way.
Let's make a peace agreement with maoists (i think they are ready for peaceful settlements) and send them with their guns.A few thousands of them can take care of security along with army. Then others can be brought in.we should do it colony wise. Crazy idea but i am frustrated nothing seems to be enough for them..then we should borrow some chinese way of governing for them..they dont understand peace then let them understand the language of bullets.
Problem of Kashmir can be seriously discussed with separatist only when Pandits are allowed to settle Kashmir.

Till that time they can shout, scream, cry, dance, stand upside down, throw stones, eat stones....

Not an iota is going to change...

These separatist need to treat humans as humans if they want to be respected as humans.

Simple: let Pandits in and then come for talks...
Ok how long India will supressed people of occupied kashmir?? There is no such thing as winning heart and mind..even of you open the whole world treasures to they its highly unlikey that they would give up their fight for freedom. Kashmir do not belong to India they should stop blaming Pakistan and ISI and serious look into the issue.
What is so contemptible about these Kashmiri yahoos is the blatant hypocrisy and political bankruptcy of their demands. Here is a bunch of people who want to exercise their apparent right to self-determination - only to secede from the State - but at the same time they demand that the very State must not exercise its own right to maintain it’s territorial integrity. They would openly agitate to secede from the State but demands that the State must not react to this clear threat of territorial disintegration in a way that the State deems fit, but in a way that the secessionists deem fit.

They want APFSA to be gone. Fine. I can sympathize with that. But one has to be intellectually completely bankrupt to expect that an Act that was written precisely to handle a situation created by them will be completely withdrawn till they climb down from their claim of an absurd right to secede; or till the State is confident that the threat to territorial disintegration no longer exists. As long as there will be call for secession, violent or otherwise, there will always be a law, in one form or the other, as means to exercise State’s right to maintain territorial integrity.

You made the bed. Now sleep on it.
Ok how long India will supressed people of occupied kashmir?? There is no such thing as winning heart and mind..even of you open the whole world treasures to they its highly unlikey that they would give up their fight for freedom. Kashmir do not belong to India they should stop blaming Pakistan and ISI and serious look into the issue.

we are tired of explanation :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Ok how long India will supressed people of occupied kashmir?? There is no such thing as winning heart and mind..even of you open the whole world treasures to they its highly unlikey that they would give up their fight for freedom. Kashmir do not belong to India they should stop blaming Pakistan and ISI and serious look into the issue.

Read this - this is just a government job - wonder what treasures would get them to do.

SRINAGAR: Despite reports of desertions in its ranks and threats of social boycott, J&K police has emerged as a big draw for young job hunters in employment-starved Kashmir. Ignoring calls by hardliners to shun the khaki force, nearly 60,000 men applied for less than 3,000 jobs in J&K police -- about 200 applicants for one constable's post.

Read more: Khaki enemy? 60000 Kashmiris apply for 3000 police jobs - The Times of India Khaki enemy? 60000 Kashmiris apply for 3000 police jobs - The Times of India
only to secede from the State - but at the same time they demand that the very State must not exercise its own right to maintain it’s territorial integrity.

This clause would only apply if J&K was indian terriotry ever in history which it is not. The Indian propoganda of akhand bharat has not sucessfully brainwashed anyone yet other than Indians themselves.

Reading indian suggestions here its a clear picture that everyone opinion is hell bent on using force and violence. WHY? Simply because neither they are Kashmiri nor they live in Kashmir..for them satisfaction to their ego mania "akhand bharat" is very important so they can thump their chest world wide. But resolution to force and continued resistance since 62 years only means India is an occupation power and its not going anywhere far from that status. Think of failed american strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is no such thing as winning hearts and mind by occupation power..people will not give it.

And regarding 60000 applying for 3000 police jobs well they need their bread and butter to run so its just a matter of employment. Most of them will dessert when faced with riots which is famous about J&K police.
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