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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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"It's really nice to be here and to see that there are wonderful people around in India who are really ready to listen to us, to listen to our aspirations, to listen to what we feel. It's really, really good to be here and nice to know how wonderful Indian people are," she added.

A fine example of selectively choosing a headline by the media .

The statement above from the same article clears the air.
India has to learn from china in Kashmir case

and law should be change every Indian should allow go and live any where in the country

problem will solve
Gadkari, however, said Kashmir is an inseparable part of India and the people of Kashmir have the right to develop. "I feel that we all should understand the basic grassroots' problems. We agree that Kashmir is an inseparable part of India. We cannot tolerate its separation from India. I also agree that people who stay there, we don't have any problem with their religious rights," said Gadkari.

Gadkari accused Pakistan of waging a "proxy war" on India through "terrorism". Asked why the government had adopted an "appeasement policy" for separatists despite knowing who are the "instigators of violence" in the valley, Gadkari said, "Politics need some qualitative change. Our national issue should not be mixed up with the vote bank policy. That is the problem."

Thanks to SOCOM for this wonderful piece of article.

I think u havent read it properly and jumped seeing the title.

lol buddy if u cant understand a simple "analogy" (not comparison) then there is nothing i could help u in...:wave:

You seem to be manipulating simple/obvious things by complicating them so that they can yield results of your choice.

You were trying to give a comparison there and as soon as I pointed it out you opted to call it ‘analogy’. But, it’s not an analogy either as you can’t analyze things disregarding the basic element of a given topic. So, ‘dumbology’ would be a better term to name your BS.

An analogy won’t pay you back in your own coin only a comparison would, while ‘dumbology’ gets you suspended:azn:.
Oops S_O_C_O_M you're slipping, looks like you forgot to read the whole article. Not expected of one of the ardent most anti-India posters.

tsk, tsk.
And that Gadkari guy is the president of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). I think it is enough to define him.

Kashmir Images :: Details

Jammu, Aug 17 (UNI): A Pakistan-trained surrendered militant today demanded probe into the killing of his mother and brother, allegedly by his mentor who had facilitated his training across the border.

Bashir Ahmed of Surankot alleged that his mother and brother were killed by Mohammad Manzoor, also resident of his village in the border district of Poonch, but he remains a free man. He demanded police probe into the double murder.
''Manzoor is an active militant in the area and he sends youths across the border for training of arms but despite knowing the facts, police have taken no action against him,'' Ahmed told reporters here this afternoon.
He said he and his friend Zaffar Iqbal were also sent to *****************-Kashmir (***) by Manzoor for training in 1999, adding they returned after three years.
''Manzoor frequently visits *** but still moves freely in the area,'' he said.
Ahmed alleged that Manzoor also blackmailed him and had seized his ancestral property and demanded cash. He sought justice from the government.
''He used to threaten me that he will reveal police about my training across the border due to which I prefered to lay down my arms, but Manzoor is still free and indulges in terrorist activities under the nose of police,'' alleged the surrendered militant.
How the Kashmir papers are reporting the event

Kashmir Images :: Track II with a difference!
BJP talks with Kashmiri youth, stresses peace

New Delhi, Aug 17: Amid continuing unrest and killings in the Kashmir, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Tuesday began an initiative to calm the tempers of the Valley's youth, holding a dialogue with groups of students from several universities.
BJP president Nitin Gadkari inaugurated the in-camera dialogue organised by the Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Research Foundation (SPMRF), whose director is Rajya Sabha MP and party spokesman Tarun Vijay.
About 60 students from the Kashmir University, Islamic University for Science and Technology and other professional colleges from the Valley are taking part in the dialogue, an SPMRF spokesperson said. The delegation is led by Islamic University's Vice-Chancellor Siddiq Wahid.
In his opening remarks, Gadkari said Jammu and Kashmir was an integral part of India. "This matter is non-negotiable. We are ready for a dialogue on any other issue regarding the Kashmir situation."
"For a political dialogue to take shape on the emerging situation in the Kashmir valley, people need to shed violence," he added.
Gadkari said that "the real solution to the problem of Kashmir lies in educating its youth and ensuring greater economic reforms in the region," adding that the Indian constitution guaranteed aspirations of all sections of the society.
Tarun Vijay said that it was for the first time, a mass interaction on peace in Kashmir was held in Delhi, with majority of the participants being students of Kashmir University and Islamic University. Representatives of Kashmiri Pandit migrants too attended the dialogue.
"In the time to come, Kashmiri youth will lead the nation in different spheres," he said.
The dialogue participants also met Home Minister P. Chidambaram, an SPMRF release said.
The Kashmiri youth will interact with Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj and young MPs from various parties Wednesday, Vijay said.
i think Mr. Gilani is in Drugs, while comment abt Indian PM. any ways stupied always on blame others.
You left out the Indian invasion of Junagadh, the invasion of Siachen and Indian support for terrorists and insurgents in East Pakistan and subsequent invasion there.

But when India herself violates her commitment to plebiscite and declares that the LoC shoudl be made the border, without any resort to the Kashmiris opinion, then it is India herself that is moving away from 'political settlement'.
The initial years of partition are fraught with allegations and counter-alelgations. however, According to a Muslim League loyalists there was a way this could have been resolved even then. Pakistani leaders accept the acession of Junagadh and Hyderabad to India in return for Kashmir. Shaukat Hyat Khan unlike his father was a Muslim League loyalist.

Here is an excerpt from a lengthy article http://www.countercurrents.org/wkhan220710.htm
Further proof of this is available in another book by an important Pakistani leader, Sardar Shaukat Hayat Khan. This book was originally written in Urdu under the title Gumgashta Qaum. Its English title is The Nation That Lost Its Soul. In this book, Sardar Shaukat Hayat Khan reveals:

‘When Mountbatten arrived in Lahore when fighting broke out in Kashmir, he addressed an important dinner meeting which was attended by the Pakistani Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan, the Governor of the Punjab, and four Ministers from the Punjab, where he delivered a message from Patel. In his message, Patel suggested that India and Pakistan should abide by the principles that had been agreed upon between the Congress and the Muslim League with regard to the political future of the princely states, according to which the states would accede to India or Pakistan depending on the religion of the majority of their inhabitants as well as their contiguity to either of the two countries. Accordingly, Patel suggested that Pakistan should take Kashmir and renounce its claims to Hyderabad Deccan, which had a Hindu majority and which had no land or sea border with Pakistan. After delivering this message, Mountbatten retired to the Government House to rest.’

Sardar Shaukat Hayat Khan further relates:

‘I was in-charge of Pakistan’s operations in Kashmir. I went to see Liaqat Ali Khan, and pointed out that Indian forces had entered Kashmir and that Pakistan could not succeed in driving them out using the tribal raiders to ensure that Kashmir became part of Pakistan. I even said that it seemed unlikely that the Pakistani Army could succeed in doing so. Hence, I insisted, we must not reject Patel’s offer. But Liaqat Ali Khan turned to me and said, “Sardar Sahib! Have I gone mad that I should leave the state of Hyderabad Deccan, which is even larger than the Punjab, in exchange for the mountains and peaks of Kashmir?”

‘I was stunned at Liaqat Ali Khan’s reaction, shocked that our Prime Minister was so ignorant of geography, and at his preferring Hyderabad Deccan over Kashmir. This was nothing but living in a fool’s paradise. To acquire Hyderabad was clearly impossible, and we were rejecting an opportunity that would have given us Kashmir. Yet, Liaqat was totally unaware of the importance of Kashmir for Pakistan. That is why I resigned in protest as in-charge of Kashmir operations.’

Still after the formalizing of LoC, there were no hostilities, but there were still negotiations on the future status of J&K. The pace of the negotiations might have been fast and slow at times but it was always there. The unnecessary operation Gibraltor just added to the mistrust in the newly created nations and the resulting consequence of 71 was not far off. After Bhutto agreeing to formalizing the LoC as an international border but asking time to sell it to the public, the Indian leadership had thought the matter was resolved and it just needed to be formalized in public. However, the support of Jihadi groups post Afghanistan in combination with wrong policies of New Delhi in J&K resulted in the militant insurgency that soon consumed the people there. There was no troop presence in civilians areas before this. Nor were there any acts like AFSPA or PSA being applied. It was only after 89 that such a turn took place. Ofcourse there are also the allegations of Sikh insurgency and the Siachin expedition as well as funding of Baloch rebels who are currently fighting their fifth insurgency.

After the all these, IMO a new beginning was taken under the BJP led govt. with talks between Vajpayee and Nawaz who won on a plank of having good relations with India. After the bus to lahore it was unnecessary to do the Kargil War. Pakistan had already had given heavy losses to India in the Sikh and Kashmir insurgency and this was an unnecessary provocation when the civilian govt. was giving peace overtures.

Even after that when Musharraf came to power, BJP-led govt. went ahead with the peace process. Even after the parliament attack and various terrorists attack that kept occurring in the Congress led govt. as well the composite dialogue kept moving ahead.

However, the brutal nature of Mumbai attacks and its international implications was no longer possible to tide public sentiment. This is the roadblock at present. And GoI has repeatedly stated that as soon as the Mumbai attackers are convited, we are ready to move ahead to discuss all aspects including Kashmir.
it is not within the boarder of india........it is a disputed region........I dont know how do you guys come up with such a stupid logics like "kuwait is a small country", "They need to give their women freedom".......I honestly think that we can have 1 billion+ stand out comedians........

Are we over generalizing here. Like saying 170 million terrorists?? c'mon man, stay with the topic. LOC is an internationally recognized line and the territories defined by it are managed by Pakistan and India respectively. Hence the differentiation between Israel attack on the aid ship and India's response to the riots in Kashmir.
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Kashmir Independence
Before talking about Independence let us talk about Humanity. Humanity is above religion. Humanity has existed for 70,000 years. Much before religion/ fanatics was invented. So the final solution to the Kashmir problem should be based on Humanity.
If this is agreeable now lets look at Kashmir.

Kashmiries are demanding breaking away from India only because it is a muslim majority and they have been brainwashed not to be ruled by anybody other than a muslim by religious fanatics so that they can convert maximum region in the world into the Muslim world.

Various agencies are working overtly and covertly towards this and are instigating the people and creating problems which cascade. There is a lot of ill will created and misinformation spread. A lot of Kashmiris are also being misled.

India has given the Kashmiries the best of the treatments not only with money but also with love. The Indian government has spent so much money- more than proportionately on Kashmir at the cost of even depriving other Indian states and regions which suffer from hunger and poverty. But we cannot expect Muslim Kashmiries to appreciate this. They are only going by their religious fundamentalism. They cannot consider Indians as their family members.

Indirectly also Kashmir is a huge cost with all the military spending and spending to control terrorisms from all the Islamic fundamentalists. The economy has also paid a huge price for this.

Kashmiris in turn are the most richest people in India today. They do not pay any bills like electricity, etc. They do not pay the taxes and the Government continues to pamper them. In a Kashmiries words “ Jo Sarkari Hai, wo Hamari Hai”.

Kashmiri Muslims in turn have chased away the Hindu Pandits and want to break away from India.
They are behaving like the bad boy of the family who despite getting the best are still wanting to break the family.

As far as the problem of administration, it is proven that the muslim people cannot live with democracy and freedom. They can only be governed by military rule and dictatorship. Indian attempt to win over Muslim Kashmiris with love and democracy and autonomy etc is futile. The best method to administer Kashmir is through Military rule. (Until you give them a bamboo in their backside they do not listen).

As far as their claim of Independence goes, wherein they claim that India occupied Kashmir and should vacate it, the truth is that Muslims have forcibly with violence occupied a large part of India. Muslims should first introspect and should vacate all the Hindu land including Pakistan and Kashmir. In addition they should also take back all the traitors, back stabbing, fanatic Muslims from India. We are willing to live with Muslims who believe that Humanity comes first and religion is personal and those who do not want to create trouble for the sake of their fundamental religious objectives.

If we listen to Muslims of Kashmir, then there will be other Muslims in other parts of India who will produce 10 – 20 children per woman and claim Muslim majority and then ask for Independence. This anyway is going to happen as the Muslim population in India is likely to exceed the Hindu Population by 2050. Then India will be a Muslim state with first rights to Muslims and Hindus being the slaves like in the past and we all be under a Muslim dictator.

The recent problems created by separatists in Kashmir with the help of Pakistanis are because now they are getting desperate as now they are unable to spread terrorism. Kashmiris were hoping that because of terror India will be brought down to its Knees. But now that that route is blocked they have nothing else to do but to create these kinds of problems. Forget their claim that so many Kashmiries have been killed etc. but count how many innocent Indians and soldiers have been killed in terrorist acts because of them. I did not hear Kashmiris taking out procession condemning terrorism in India. (Ehsan faramosh). They could have told their masters in Pakistan to stop that. These cold hearted Muslim Kashmiries.

I think India has had enough of these stupid problems. India should throw out the Muslims from Kashmir as it does not belong to them and also throw out the Muslims who want to create problem in India.

(I am not against any religion; I believe everybody has a right to practice any religion which they want. However using religion for political reasons is wrong. I think a time has come to call Spade a Spade.)
Kashmir Independence
Before talking about Independence let us talk about Humanity. Humanity is above religion. Humanity has existed for 70,000 years. Much before religion/ fanatics was invented. So the final solution to the Kashmir problem should be based on Humanity.
If this is agreeable now lets look at Kashmir.

Kashmiries are demanding breaking away from India only because it is a muslim majority and they have been brainwashed not to be ruled by anybody other than a muslim by religious fanatics so that they can convert maximum region in the world into the Muslim world.

Various agencies are working overtly and covertly towards this and are instigating the people and creating problems which cascade. There is a lot of ill will created and misinformation spread. A lot of Kashmiris are also being misled.

India has given the Kashmiries the best of the treatments not only with money but also with love. The Indian government has spent so much money- more than proportionately on Kashmir at the cost of even depriving other Indian states and regions which suffer from hunger and poverty. But we cannot expect Muslim Kashmiries to appreciate this. They are only going by their religious fundamentalism. They cannot consider Indians as their family members.

Indirectly also Kashmir is a huge cost with all the military spending and spending to control terrorisms from all the Islamic fundamentalists. The economy has also paid a huge price for this.

Kashmiris in turn are the most richest people in India today. They do not pay any bills like electricity, etc. They do not pay the taxes and the Government continues to pamper them. In a Kashmiries words “ Jo Sarkari Hai, wo Hamari Hai”.

Kashmiri Muslims in turn have chased away the Hindu Pandits and want to break away from India.
They are behaving like the bad boy of the family who despite getting the best are still wanting to break the family.

As far as the problem of administration, it is proven that the muslim people cannot live with democracy and freedom. They can only be governed by military rule and dictatorship. Indian attempt to win over Muslim Kashmiris with love and democracy and autonomy etc is futile. The best method to administer Kashmir is through Military rule. (Until you give them a bamboo in their backside they do not listen).

As far as their claim of Independence goes, wherein they claim that India occupied Kashmir and should vacate it, the truth is that Muslims have forcibly with violence occupied a large part of India. Muslims should first introspect and should vacate all the Hindu land including Pakistan and Kashmir. In addition they should also take back all the traitors, back stabbing, fanatic Muslims from India. We are willing to live with Muslims who believe that Humanity comes first and religion is personal and those who do not want to create trouble for the sake of their fundamental religious objectives.

If we listen to Muslims of Kashmir, then there will be other Muslims in other parts of India who will produce 10 – 20 children per woman and claim Muslim majority and then ask for Independence. This anyway is going to happen as the Muslim population in India is likely to exceed the Hindu Population by 2050. Then India will be a Muslim state with first rights to Muslims and Hindus being the slaves like in the past and we all be under a Muslim dictator.

The recent problems created by separatists in Kashmir with the help of Pakistanis are because now they are getting desperate as now they are unable to spread terrorism. Kashmiris were hoping that because of terror India will be brought down to its Knees. But now that that route is blocked they have nothing else to do but to create these kinds of problems. Forget their claim that so many Kashmiries have been killed etc. but count how many innocent Indians and soldiers have been killed in terrorist acts because of them. I did not hear Kashmiris taking out procession condemning terrorism in India. (Ehsan faramosh). They could have told their masters in Pakistan to stop that. These cold hearted Muslim Kashmiries.

I think India has had enough of these stupid problems. India should throw out the Muslims from Kashmir as it does not belong to them and also throw out the Muslims who want to create problem in India.

(I am not against any religion; I believe everybody has a right to practice any religion which they want. However using religion for political reasons is wrong. I think a time has come to call Spade a Spade.)
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