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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Good work , throwing shoes wont earn Kashmiris their right to self determination but it definitely will convey a message to GOI that their occupation is not going to Last long.
Didn't this guy feel shame on saluting Indian flag when he claims he represents Kashmiris? Kashmiris are not Indians, they never were and they will never be that.
I respect the Pakistani MODs and Admin for dealing with the Indians trolls and such. Who ever owns this site most be making good profit from the trolls. Gj guys:tup:

Ur an inspiration.
Can you please share some dance moves with me because when we poke a sword in your (India) arse, we will need some strong dance moves. Perhaps break dance?

your arse is already poked by swords from 1971 and 1991..get rid of that first and then get think about poking to India....I am sure you yourself will learn the dance moves when, taking out those swords out of there...:oops: :pop:
Just wait for another week ... you won't be hearing any more protests.
People will get back to their normal lives .... they will realize that they are just wasting their time. It has been contested that separatists are giving money for protesters ... i don't such motivation lasts long ... given that they are losing much more than what they are gaining.
And that's the mistake we Indians do in compliant of our policies to let everyone express their views including terrorists and separatists. About time we re-think our valley policy.

So you mean lets do a China/ Israel thing. Put Tanks before the stone pelters? and block off all media? No free media!!

Complete NO NO. This is not the way India is meant to be , never will be.
So you mean lets do a China/ Israel thing. Put Tanks before the stone pelters? and block off all media? No free media!!

Complete NO NO. This is not the way India is meant to be , never will be.

it's better to save integrity first
So you mean lets do a China/ Israel thing. Put Tanks before the stone pelters? and block off all media? No free media!!

Complete NO NO. This is not the way India is meant to be , never will be.

Sir let ppl like U carry on with this Human Rights lala ,sitting from AC rooms and let the poor Jawans die in the mountains of Kashmir or the jungles of Jharkhand.

Well I dont fault U...but it has become a fashion,a trend to go on a HR lecture,invariably bash the Security forces and potray them as some kind of untouchables/animals acting as a modern day Martin Luther.

Security forces have killed two militants, but one is still believed to be holed in. No Independence Day respite in the Kashmir Valley as security forces are locked in a fierce encounter that began at around 2.00 pm on Saturday with three Lashkar terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri district.

Militants opened indiscriminate fire on security forces, which retaliated. However, residents have been sent to nearby villages to ensure their safety and security.

Reports say the militants are the same ones who had attacked an army military convoy in Thanamandi four days back.

Meanwhile, security was put on high alert in Jammu and Kashmir on Saturday with mounted vigil on the frontier with Pakistan on the eve of the Independence Day.

Your bringing in the topic of Junagadh is nonsense. Here's why:

What was exactly the premise for the creation of Pakistan? And yet Pakistan accepted the accession of a Hindu majority state? Now what would you call that. Imho, GoI was perfectly in its rights to subsequently intervene in Junagadh. So your accusation that its was India who is to blame is unsubstantiated.

Similar is the argument against your bringing in the topic of Hyderabad - a Hindu majority ruled by a Muslim ruler. The ruler wanted to accede to Pakistan - a state formed on an Islamic identity!

How does anyone justify that? First create a state on the pretext of religion and then try to annex areas with a majority population seen as heretics/pagans/kaffirs/non-believers! And you think justice would have been done? The present condition if many of your minorities speaks volumes.

Exactly. The Maharaja of Kashmir (you may question his credentials as much as you can, that wont make any difference to the fact that he was the ruler of Kashmir), when faced with invading Pakistani troops (disguised as tribals) rushed to India to ask for help. India put forth a condition that India wont intervene till he agreed to join the Union of India. Plebiscite clause comes much later. The ruler agreed, the people of Kashmir then agreed and Kashmir acceded to India. India was then bound to protect its territory and thus sent in troops to push back the intruders. But unfortunately, Nehru, going against logic and commonsense approached UN to intervene and the rest as they say is history.

If the indians had accepted the accession of hydrabad-jundagarh to pakistan then we would have accepted the same thing in kashmir:woot:..........but you invaded hydrabad-jundagarh saying that they where majority hindu areas so should join india and then we pakistani said the same thing should apply in kashmir.:cheers:

Did india accept the accession of these two areas to pakistan....no
chief minister maintained his calm and continued with the ceremony without any hesitation, saying "let people throw shoes not stones."

lol. According to latest news, CM has said that no punishment should be given to the officer.

As someone wrote about it somewhere, only in a democracy this can happen. I think it was compared to case of Saddam Hussein or other dictators who never have shoes thrown at them
Kashmir Images :: Details
Appeals youth to help restore normalcy; offers them 50,000 jobs
Srinagar, Aug 14: Expressing grief and sorrow over the loss of lives during recent happenings in the Valley, Chief Minister today conveyed heart-felt condolences and solidarity with the bereaved families while appealing the youth to help restore normalcy.
“My heart bleeds and in their hour of grief; I am with the bereaved families whose dear ones have lost their lives. The victims of the unfortunate events are my own brothers and sons and I am in gloom and bereavement,” he said adding that nobody can be so stone-hearted as not to be touched by such happenings and no eye can be without tears over the loss of lives.
The Chief Minister also expressed grief over the loss of lives in the recent cloudburst in Leh and said that government would take every step for the rehabilitation of affected families and restoration of public service infrastructure.
Omar said no economic or employment packages can heal the wounds, but economic development is also an essential component of the well-being of the state and its people and so cannot be ignored.
He announced that 50,000 youth will be engaged by the government within the next few months.
“While Prime Minister has constituted C. Rangarajan committee to address the employment problem in Jammu and Kashmir, on the occasion of the holy days of Ramadan, I announce that the state government will engage 50,000 youth in the government within the next few months to improve the public delivery system in public services.”
In his address to the people on the eve of India’s Independence Day to be telecast and broadcast from Doordarshan and Radio Kashmir on August 15, 2010, Omar said that right from the day he took over as the Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, he has focused on enhancing the employability and expanding the orbit of employment for the youth of the state.
He said during the last 18 months, his government besides focusing on ‘pani’ (drinking water), ‘bijlee’ (electricity), ‘sarak’ (roads), ‘sehat’ (health) and ‘taleem’ (education) as the five most important sectors of economic welfare, has laid emphasis on providing solution to the unemployment issue.
Omar welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement in the All Party Conference regarding the restoration of autonomy to the Jammu and Kashmir, adding that this would help to remove the trust deficit that has crept in due to its erosion.
He also welcomed the Government of India’s recognition of the fact that the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India had taken place under unique circumstances.
“This is a historic opportunity for us and we must take advantage of it,” he said and appealed to the separatist leaders to come to the table for talks and play their role in solving the Kashmir issue,” he maintained.
Acknowledging that the people in Jammu and Kashmir are cynical about the promises made by the Government of India in the past, Chief Minister said there was a need for the Central government to initiate action to remove all doubts from the minds of the people and bridge the gap that has emerged over the last six decades.
“I think by restoring the autonomy this trust deficit will be removed. I request the Government of India to take urgent measures in this regard.”
On Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), Omar said he is the first Chief Minister who raised this issue in the State Assembly and repeatedly advocated its revocation.
“I have stressed on its amendment time and again and I am happy that the Union government has recognized the necessity of revisiting AFSPA. While we have also to work towards this direction I appeal to the Central government to take concrete steps for revoking this Act,” he said.
Omar said it was he who made it clear in the presence of Prime Minister and UPA chairperson at the inauguration of railway line at Anantnag that ‘Kashmir is a political issue and it should be addressed politically’.
“While expressing thanks to the Central government for the liberal economic support I said that the political genesis of Kashmir issue cannot be addressed by economic packages.”
Omar said he is advocating this aspect of the problem time and again and will continue to do so at each fora in future as well.
He said ever-since he has taken over as the Chief Minister of the state, “I have been advocating the necessity of sustained internal and external dialogue processes. I am a votary of a sustained meaningful dialogue between India and Pakistan and between India and different shades of opinion within the state in a bid to restore tranquility and peace in the state.”
Omar said the state has witnessed a saga of uncertainty, violence and disturbance during the last 60 years without achieving anything. “It is the time for everyone to help to work together for restoration of dialogue channels and make necessary headway on the road to resolve the political issues.”
He said continuous ‘hartals’ (shutdowns) and stone-pelting was not going to solve any issue. “Such practices only add to the miseries of people, mar the education of students and snatch bread earning opportunity for the small traders, shopkeepers, transporters and labourers,” he said.
The Chief Minister appealed to the people in general and youth in particular to help in restoring normalcy and calm. He said that he believes in the politics of principles, truthfulness, forthrightness and straightforwardness and shall continue to do so irrespective of the consequences.
He said hypocrisy is not his trait and he has never indulged in it. “I am not for power politics; I am for principled politics and politics for the people of my state. Nothing is dearer to me than my people. I am here on this chair because of your support and trust. I will never let you down. I will stand for you and for your welfare ever,” he asserted.
Militants kill kidnapped villager, IBN Live News

Srinagar, Aug 15 (PTI) Militants killed a villager after kidnapping him from Sopore town of north Kashmir today, police said. The ultras picked up Abdul Rehman Mohalla from Dangerpora area, 55 kms from here, and killed him, they said. His body was later handed over to his parents, who laid it to rest. Police has registered a case and has begun investigations.PTI
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