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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Awesome. Since you know fully well, there's no need to discuss it further.

Correct.......we all know fully well that india is the one that is the occupation force.

Kashmir issue is more complex than what it is. Autonomy, Independence, merging with Pakistan - all three have different meanings. Given the motivation of people to join Pakistan shows the role of Pakistan in instigating protesters.

No..... its actually pretty simple and not as complex as you make it.......let the people vote and decide.....simple.

Masses are very easy to emotionally agitate them.

Your talking about the indians or the kashmirirs?

Anyways, I expect these protests to subside soon as people realize that they are not going to ruin their livelihoods and their economy for something that is not easy to achieve.

Well we have been sacrificing a lot in the last so many decades and we shall conitinue.
And lets not forget the Video set to Chris De Burgh's song 'Revolution' that was the 'anthem' for Kashmiri youth when the BBC report was compiled. The two videos above however contain actual video footage of protests;

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These are some truly energetic protests..Cold water on Indian propoganda...Wait till headlines like ISI smuggling camera phones into Kashmir..hahaha...

On the serious note..somebody please help these poors with weapons..if the conflict has to be bloody then be it.. I truly wish those stones were grenades...Iranians never won the war against saddam by pelting stones and Kashmiris wont either..Better to die for freedom then breath slavery!
Every body is so interested in Kashmir only because they are Muslims first and then Pakistan has territorial ambitions.

I haven't seen even one Pakistani speaking about Kashmiri Pundits who also lost their homes because of religious terrorists. However they deny that it is neither of those mentioned above the reason for their obsession with Kashmir.

This is the bitter truth.

They wont talk about them as chest beating people of Pakistan over murders of "Few" Kashmiris supported so called "freedom fighter" to oust "thousands" of Kashmiri Pundits of valley. They never utter a word about them.. Hypocrisy at its best..

On call of All Parties Hurriyat Conference and on behalf of the whole Pakistani nation. MTT has decided to observe India's Independence Day as Black Day.

During Black Day protests against Indian attrocities in Occupied Kashmir. MTT will try to bring as many facts as possible in your attention.

Please notify as many friends of yours as possible about MTT. This will help us to further the Kashmir's struggle for the right of Self-Determination.

You can read and uderstand the Kashmir protest by clicking this link





“Our view which we have repeatedly made public is that the question of accession in any disputed territory or State must be decided in accordance with wishes of people and we adhere to this view.”

(in telegram No. 402-Primin-2227 dated 27 October 1947 to Prime Minister of Pakistan repeating telegram addressed to Prime Minister of United Kingdom).
“In regard to accession also, it has been made clear that this is subject to reference to people of State and their decision.”

(in telegram No.413 dated 28 October 1947 addressed to Prime Minister of Pakistan).
“ …….the people of Kashmir would decide the question of accession. It is open to them to accede to either Dominion then.”

(in telegram No.255 dated 31 October 1947 addressed to Prime Minister of Pakistan).
“Kashmir should decide question of accession by plebiscite or referendum under international auspices such as those of the United Nations.”

(Letter No. 368-Primin dated 21 November 1947 to Prime Minister of Pakistan).
“We are anxious not to finalize anything in a moment of crisis and without the fullest opportunity to be given to the people of Kashmir to have their say. It is for them ultimately to decide.
“And let me make it clear that it has been our policy all along that where there is a dispute about the accession of a state to either Dominion, the accession must be made by the people of that state.”

(Broadcast to the Nation: “All India Radio”: 2 November 1947).
* “The issue in Kashmir is whether violence and naked force should decide the future or the will of the people.” JAWAHARLAL NEHRU
(Statement in Indian Constituent Assembly; 25 November 1947).
“We have not opposed at any time an over-all plebiscite for the State as a whole…….”

(in telegram dated 16 August 1950 addressed to the U.N. Representative for India and Pakistan: S/1791 : Anne 1(B).
“The most feasible method of ascertaining the wishes of the people was by fair and impartial plebiscite.”

(Joint press communique of the Prime Ministers of India and Pakistan issued in Delhi after their meeting on 20 August 1953).
“People seem to forget that Kashmir is not a commodity for sale or to be bartered. It has an individual existence and its people must be the final arbiters of their future.”

(Report to the All-India Congress Committee, 6 July 1951; The Statesman, New Delhi, 9 July 1951).
“Kashmir is not a thing to be bandied about between India and Pakistan but it has a soul of its own and an individuality of its own. Nothing can be done without the goodwill and consent of the people of Kashmir.”

(Statement in the Indian Parliament, 31 March 1955).
“We had given our pledge to the people of Kashmir, and subsequently to the United Nations; we stood by it and we stand by it today. Let the people of Kashmir decide.”

(Statement in the Indian Parliament, 12 February 1951).
“We have taken the issue to the United Nations and given our word of honour for a peaceful solution. As a great nation, we cannot go back on it. We have left the question for final solution to the people of Kashmir and we are determined to abide by their decision.”

(Amrita Bazar Patrika, Calcutta, 2 January 1952).
“If, after a proper plebiscite, the people of Kashmir said, ‘We do not want to be with India’, we are committed to accept that. We will accept it though it might pain us. We will not send any army against them. We will accept that, however hurt we might feel about it, we will change the Constitution, if necessary.”

(Statement in the Indian Parliament, 26 June 1952).
“I want to stress that it is only the people of Kashmir who can decide the future of Kashmir. It is not that we have merely said that to the United Nations and to the people of Kashmir; it is our conviction and one that is borne out by the policy that we have pursued, not only in Kashmir but every where.
“I started with the presumption that it is for the people of Kashmir to decide their own future. We will not compel them. In that sense, the people of Kashmir are sovereign.”

(Statement in Indian Parliament, 7 August 1952)
“The whole dispute about Kashmir is still before the United Nations. We cannot just decide things concerning Kashmir. We cannot pass a bill or issue an order concerning Kashmir or do whatever we want.

(The Statesman, 1 May 1953)
“Leave the decision regarding the future of this State to the people of the State is not merely a promise to your Government but also to the people of Kashmir and to the world.”

(In telegram No. 25 dated 31 October 1947 addressed to Prime Minister of Pakistan).
“In regard to accession also it has been made clear that this is subject to reference to people of State and their decision.”

(In telegram No.413 dated 28 October 1947 addressed to Prime Minister of Pakistan).
“That Government of India and Pakistan should make a joint request to U.N.O. to undertake a plebiscite in Kashmir at the earliest possible date.”

(In telegram No. Primin-304 dated 8 November 1947 addressed to Prime Minister of Pakistan).
“We have always right from the beginning accepted the idea of the Kashmir people deciding their fate by referendum or plebiscite………..”
“Ultimately, the final decision of settlement, which must come, has first of all to be made basically by the people of Kashmir…….”

(Statement at Press Conference in London, 16 January 1951, The Statesman, 18 January 1951).
“But so far as the Government of India are concerned, every assurance and international commitment in regard to Kashmir stands.”

(Statement in the Indian Council of States; 18 May 1954).



Some people think that it is their fundamental right to throw stones at security forces and no matter how they provoke or misbehave or mislead other people it is their right to pray and walk freely on streets..Fundamental right..lol.
Rajouri: One militant killed in an encounter security forces

Rajouri: One militant has been killed in the encounter between militants and security forces in the Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir.

An encounter is going on between militants and security forces in the area since Saturday.

It is believed that a group of terrorists jumped out of a house into the adjoining fields.

It is a joint operation between Army jawans and the police who are fighting these terrorists.
Shoe thrown at Omar Abdullah at Independence Day function

Srinagar: A shoe was hurled at Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, reportedly by an assistant sub-inspector, during the Independence Day function.

However, the shoe did not hit the Chief Minister.

Just as the Chief Minister was about to unfurl the flag, it came flying from behind the stands.
The man then raised black flags and shouted slogans as he was being bodily carried out by the security in the stands.

The Chief Minister however, was unfazed and said "throw shoes not stones."


Shoe thrown at Omar Abdullah at Independence Day function
What size and brand is that shoe? I know it's irrelevant, but they clearly stated the size of the shoe that was hurled at pres bush.
Happy Black day.....if it makes u any better .:lol::rofl::lol:
Its almost becoming a prestige symbol among politicians now ;)
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