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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Every body is so interested in Kashmir only because they are Muslims first and then Pakistan has territorial ambitions.

I haven't seen even one Pakistani speaking about Kashmiri Pundits who also lost their homes because of religious terrorists. However they deny that it is neither of those mentioned above the reason for their obsession with Kashmir.

This is the bitter truth.
There is no such thing as an 'Indian civilization', except that invented by Indian hacks and their apologists.

This is what conversion does to some people. It makes them deny their history, their civilization and makes them an apologist for their own invaders.

I would again suggest, read the book by V.S. Naipaul. It describes this phenomenon perfectly.
still the indians claim Kashmir is theirs......... they are a separate and different people who deserve the right of plebiscite.
And let's not be dishonest. Pakistan has nothing to do with ethnicity. So the claims of Punjabi and Sindhi are disingenuous.

It is all about conversion and the subsequent assumption of a new identity. Your Qaid said as much when he linked Pakistan to the first conversion in India and Bin Qasim's invasion.

However much you want to invent a new identity, you just can't. And you will always have this identity crisis of what Pakistan means. It was there in 1947 and it will be there for the next 6 months as well. ;)
Tormenting trouble and talking of peace.. That sounds like hypocracy too..!!! ;) If we look at it the whole world is hypocractical..!!!!
Azad Kashmir already has our support; it's a fairly autonomous region as our policy is to treat Kashmir as disputed territory

the masses there are with us :)

By AK i meant the Kalashnikov support u r giving..not the hogwash called Azad Kashmir.:)
Wish you well Pakistan


Today Pakistan is celebrating its Independence Day. Fortunate are those nations who cherish their freedom. Fate-bitten nation of ours is engaged in a bloody battle. Our youth are busy in carving out a destiny with their precious blood. Obviously who else than people of Kashmir can appreciate more the value of freedom? Valuing immensely the significance of freedom, we wish to join the world community in congratulating people of Pakistan on this auspicious occasion. At this juncture Pakistan is going through a worst natural calamity in its political history, UN has declared; “fortnight-long flooding of the country as a calamity graver than the three biggest natural disasters of this century put together — the tsunami of 2004, the earthquake in Pakistan of 2005 and the Haiti quake this year.” Despite inundated by pain and grief due to loss of innocent lives here, we grieve the loss of life in Pakistan and extend our heartfelt condolences to people of Pakistan. May Allah bestow them with patience and courage to overcome the period of great tribulation.

Having said so, it is also a time of introspection for us. Is it prudent to ask people of Kashmir to observe Yum-e-Istiqlal, on the occasion of Pakistan’s Independence Day, when entire Kashmiri Nation is busy in a struggle of life and death? A small mistake however innocuous can push us back for decades? There might be many claimants, but it is a matter of fact, present phase of the struggle in all respects truly is a people’s movement. Syed Ali Geelani also endorses this truth; ‘even I will become irrelevant if I defy public sentiment.’ The real strength of this movement is that it is purely indigenous.

New Delhi tried its best to bracket it with Pakistan with slurs like LeT instigated and Pakistan abetted. Leave aside the slowly growing world opinion in favour of Kashmir; even the conscientious section of influential Indian intelligentsia is not ready to buy the false accusation of ‘Pakistan instigated protests.’ What two decades of armed struggle could not accomplish, sight of stone holding women has achieved in sixty days. World including India has come to realize that this is an indigenous movement; entire Kashmiri population has revolted against India, and is asking for Right to Self Determination. This is not a territorial dispute between two countries. People of Kashmir might have some emotional attachment with people of Pakistan, but they are not agents of state of Pakistan. State of Pakistan does not wield a remote control, some body in Rawalpindi will press on and we start protesting hysterically and press off, and we sit back home calmly. Kashmiri struggle is not instrument of diplomacy for any state; it is our movement representing our aspirations.

But why blame Pakistan. The statement is explicit enough. Pakistan on Monday rejected a statement made by Indian Home Minister P Chidambaram in which he had accused Pakistan of stoking violence in Indian-held Kashmir, saying India’s “contention is too simplistic and indeed delusive”. Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit said that by accusing Pakistan, India was not only insulting the indigenous and legitimate struggle of the people of IHK, but also depicted its lack of seriousness towards resolving the Kashmir dispute.” Pakistan seems to respect the indigenous character of the freedom struggle, moreover is aware of the sensitivities involved; we appear to behave more loyal than the king. Clubbing Kashmir with Pakistan only serves India’s interests. It has been trying hard to malign the struggle as extension of Pakistan. The call to observe Pakistan’s Independence Day means fixing a wishful goal which can only contribute to the crisis. India could not prove the charge of ‘Pakistan inspired allegation’, by giving a call to celebrate August 14 we are only giving them a whip to beat us with.

Slogans of secular independence or accession to Pakistan have the potential to divide the public opinion, only cry for Azadi meaning Right of Self Determination unites Kashmir. Celebrating Pakistan day also embarrasses the friends of Kashmiri freedom struggle. It will be naïve to regard India as a monolithic entity. There exist many shades of opinion. A good number of people consider Kashmir as a just cause, provided it is able to maintain its indigenous character. Creating unnecessary controversies at this critical hour is nothing but a disservice to the cause.

Throughout the world Kashmiris have responded to the on-going crisis unprecedentedly, as one people. Unity of purpose and unity of action itself is a remarkable feat; it also projects to the outside world the image of one Nation struggling for its legitimate rights. Kashmiris are not protesting within Kashmir only. Every Kashmiri based anywhere is trying to contribute in his own way. From time to time we get to hear about protests and get-togethers being organized in London, Brussels, and New York to highlight Kashmir problem. Protests at Jantar Mantar Delhi, Chennai and Bangalore by Kashmiri community so far were unheard of. The way Kashmiri professionals, traders and young students have come together responded to the call of Nation is heartening. The manner in which young Kashmiri girls and boys are articulating their views on TV and other places highlights their passion and commitment with the cause. Besides this also brings to the fore how talented our new generation is. They are truly proving to be real spokespersons of the suppressed Kashmiri Nation. What gave confidence to all those working or learning in very hostile environment outside Kashmir to assemble at designated places and project Kashmiri aspirations passionately? The confidence that they are speaking for themselves and would not be accused to be working at the behest of another state precisely Pakistan, is the single most important factor. Pakistan or no Pakistan, Kashmiri has always been passionate about Azadi. However the true indigenous, non-violent and inclusive character of present struggle galvanizes every Kashmiri into an action. This makes the real difference. Every Kashmiri confidently projecting his case, has posed many challenges to India, no more it’s able to project Kashmiri struggle as a separatist movement inspired or abetted by Pakistan. Branding present struggle as a holy war and suffixing it with Pakistan will certainly dampen the spirits of so many, a suicidal act is bound to divide entire nation.

Intelligent people multiply friends and create divisions within enemy ranks. Leadership lacking an imagination is doing quite the opposite here. We are proud to be Muslims. Islam as religion of peace not only inspires us, it defines us. Despite our deep and defining commitment to our way of life, our struggle is not an ideological clash. Irrespective of religious inclinations and political ideologies, present struggle reflects the Kashmir’s deep desire for Azadi. We are not in a struggle against Hindus, Jews or Christianity, nor are we fighting against America and Europe. It is not clash of civilization. It is struggle for Right of Self Determination. It is struggle for justice. We have been consistently denied our fundamental rights. We are not here to impose our way of life on others or for that matter reject theirs. Azadi is our birth right; it is fight for justice not ideology. Syed Ali Geelani is known by his ideology, he has a right to hold his opinion. But nobody howsoever small or powerful should be allowed to thrust his personal ideology on the rest. That makes the very movement absolutist in character.

By rejecting America, Europe for that matter Western way of life are we wining friends or scaring people? Whosoever claims to be representing the aspirations must ponder? We must not be pushed to a tyranny of different nature. The movement is best served by keeping it well within the international systems. This movement cannot afford to be recognized internationally as an extremist reactionary anti West struggle. What defines us today is not our antagonism against the West, but our desire for Azadi.


What the author has written is quite profound. Pakistanis have been so embroiled in our own natural and political problems that we have not been able to, as we have always done in the past, raise our voice with Kashmiris in this latest uprising. This has, inadvertently, taken away India's best card when trying to keep the Kashmiri struggle under blankets, and has rendered them unable to convince anybody that this latest string of violent killings is in result to "Pakistan sponsored terrorist". The people that have been killed by Indian forces recently are average, everyday Kashmiris, particularly the youth. They've been killed while exercising their right to protest and expression. They've been killed by trigger happy troopers juiced with hate.

On this, the 14th of August, 2010, I wish all Kashmiris all the best from your Pakistani brethren. I hope tomorrow, the 15th of August and the annual Yaum-e-Siah in the Kashmir Valley, goes without violence.
That will be determined in a plebiscite - we are willing to let the Kashmiris decide, are you?

Sure thing, just let us know by when the troop withdrawl will be over. As this is precondition of plibicite to be fulfilled by PK. Agreed ;-)
:bounce::bounce::bounce:Oh...from where u got the idea this is india's internal affair.....
According to UN resolution in 1948 Kashmir is disputed area and Kashmiris will decide that wheather they want to Live Pakistan or Free. :pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

The UNSC resolutions are NON-BINDING-RESOLUTIONS..now which part of the 3 words u dont understand.?:rolleyes:
the source you posted is biased propaganda; no other news agencies ran the story for me to cross-check

waste of time to talk about it

Whatever sails ur boat..Sir

today, Kashmiris live in conditions that would warrant similar migrations; however they are holding their ground because their loyalties are to KASHMIR

Pakistan nation will always provide moral and diplomatic support to them as needed, despite the difficult period our country is undergoing.

OK fine...let the Kashmiris also do a "economic" migration...why should they be treated specially than the Pandits.??
Sure thing, just let us know by when the troop withdrawl will be over. As this is precondition of plibicite to be fulfilled by PK. Agreed ;-)

Sure, as soon as you pick one of the proposed demilitarization plans recommended by the various UN commissions (India rejected them all) appointed for that purpose, or have a new commission come up with one.
Yaar hum sab yahin hain...kuch nahin hona kashmir ka...jaisa hain waise hi rahega....

moreover for both countries its just a matter of pride that's it...no one actually cares about people of kashmir

Also the only solution i see is....with rapid development of india..we should also include kashmiris in this ....by giving them quotas in Good UNivesties of india and in PSU companies...I MEAN THEY SHOULD ALSO BE PART OF DEVELOPMENT... i hope sooner or later Some KAshimirs who dont accept india will also accept it when there children will be earning good money in indiA..why they will ask for a independent state of for matter will to with Pakistan..
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